Lesson 3

~Lesson on Love~

Luhan: Of Course~~~ :D Why ? You can't make it? :(  I'll wait for you until your other plans are finished.

Me: No, no. I can make it....

Luhan: Then how about we go to library down the block.

Me: Sure, just be there by 4:30PM.

It'll end at 7:30PM so bring the $45 dollars with you.

I except to see you with: 5 pens/pencils, eraser/white-out, at least 2 working highlighters, a notebook or more

than 2 pieces of loose leaf, something to eat so you won't be hungry, AND NO DISTRACTIONS.

-stares at the girls- Understood?

Luhan: Yes, Ma'am! -salutes-

I ignored him trying to be funny and pushed through the crowd of jealous girls and retrieved my belongings

from my locker.

I could feel the cold stares I was getting from the girls.

I ignored it and walked home.

After taking a quick nap, I showered, redid my pigtails into a ponytail and changed into something more

comfortable, but professional-ish at the same time (well I  thought it was).

Since I still had some time to spare I did my homework while eating a snack.

At 3:55, I started my walk of dread and regret.

I went to a nearby Starbucks, got a latte and continued the dreadful and regretful path.

I stopped at the front door of the library, took a deep breath and walked in.

I found him already sitting near a table.

I was surprised to see him early.

After taking a seat and checking the time, I got out the materials necessary.

I noticed that he was wearing glasses and his hair was also messy.

Wow, who though Mr.I-think-I-am-so-cool wore glasses and had messy hair.

My Thoughts: He doesn't look bad, not bad at all...Kinda....cute?

But what really suprised you was that he was playing with a rubix/rubic/rubick /rubik cube.

Author's Comments:

Hoped you enjoyed this chapter! I added pictres to make it more.... "entertaining"?

And sorry for not giving credits to pictures.

-Bows- Sorry!

Credits to: Google And Owners Of Pictures!

Thanks for reading :D

I'll make it short this time~

xD See you in the next chapter!

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Chapter 9: Awwww this is so cute . I want more. ...