Lixuann - 33Days. Of Heaven or Hell?

- Milktea 2nd Poster Shop - *CLOSED*

poster . story


Summary of fiction: A story where Angel was brought to SHINee's dorm to help them clean up their house , cook for them , do whatever the SHINee wanted her to do . She has to endure for another 33 days . It was for the money at first .. but then later. Things began to change . They had feelings for each other... And then loves starts . And when loves starts , hate began to start too . 


Note: I changed key and the oc's picture because the one you gave me for key was abit too small and for the oc, she had the "angel wings" and one "drop of water" on her head which i cannot work with. For minho, I couldnt access to it so i found my own. Sorry. hope you like it though.

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Hello! Your posters are AWESOME! Can you make for my storys? There is already pictures but i hope you could make for me. I'll give credits in the description box (: Go and see my stories for details!
yoonhee7 #2
Thanks Thanks Thanks!!<br />
the poster you've made on chapter 41 was really truly awesome!<br />
I love it~<br />
And this is the story link: <br /><;br />
milktea #3
@chocolateloverxD thanks so much! ;D
Thanks so much I really like the postr you made<br />
You never fail to amaze me with your talents ^-^
Aww.. <333 Thanks for advertising :D
Thank you so much for the poster <3 It looks better than what I had imagined :D <3
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