When Jackson asks a mutual friend to set the two of you up on a date

Oneshot: When Jackson asks a mutual friend to set the two of you up on a date

It was a Tuesday and instead of the normal classes in school, you had a field trip to the National Museum. And because you have never been to a museum, you've felt exceptionally excited for school that day. Other than that, your class was scheduled to go to the museum with your eyecandy's class and just the thought of it made you more excited. 

That morning, you went to school humming happily along to the song that's playing on your ipod. When you spotted your friends, your grin grew bigger as you pulled your earpieces out of your eyes and skipped towards them. 

"Hey, you guys!" You cheerfully greeted your friends. You went around the group giving hugs and started catching up with them. 

A good fifteen minutes later, your teacher arrived and told you that you would be boarding the bus soon and everyone had to be there punctually or else the bus would leave without you. Suddenly feeling the need to go to the toilet, you asked your friend to quickly accompany you while you two make a trip to the washroom. 

On the way back to where everyone was waiting, you saw your classmates starting to go up the bus and you picked up your pace. However, you accidentally bumped into someone. 

"Oops, Sorry," says the person whom you have bumped into. It took a second for you to realize that the voice sounded familiar and when you turned around to apologize as well, you felt yourself get stuck to the ground and your cheeks flush. It was Jackson, your eyecandy of all time. You've always seen him in the hallways in school but you've never actually talked to him before. Thus the reason why you were blushing so madly right now. 

"S-sorry," you managed to say as your friend pulled your hand so that the two of you could get on the bus before it departed. 




It probably took the whole bus ride to calm yourself down after having that small interaction with Jackson but when bus reached its destination and you got off it, the first thing you saw was him. And that definitely got you into fangirl mode all over again. 

You literally couldn't contain it that you had to keep nudging your friend who was right beside you tell her how cute he looked today. All your friend could do was just smile and shake her head. 

After listening to the short briefing that your teacher and given, you were just looking around the whole place and coincidentally locked your eyes onto Jackson; who was speaking to JB, a close friend of yours. You spazzed internally as you saw him laughed. 

When the two of them were done talking, you quickly turned away, hoping that none of them caught you staring. But unfortunately, JB did. He walked up to you and smirked, "Someone's face is so pink right now, I wonder why." 

At that statement, your face only had gotten pinker and you slapped JB's arm. "Oh shut up, you." 

JB knew about your little crush on Jackson and he definitely did not leave you alone after finding your little secret out. 




Throughout the whole trip, you only saw Jackson twice and that didn't really satisfy you. To be honest, you wanted to just go around the museum with him but of course, that didn't happen. Reasons being that you weren't in the same class as him and you weren't on talking terms with him. 

When the trip ended, you and your friends reported to the place where you were at in the beggining. Your teacher was going to dismiss the class from there and the students could choose whether they would want to take the bus back to school or just go home from there. 

Since the opportunity was there, you and your friends had decided to go grab some dinner together afterwards. 

Right after you and your friends had planned where to have dinner, JB came up to you and asked whether you were free right then. 

"I just made plans with the others to go have dinner," You replied, a little guilty. "Why?" 

"I was just wondering whether you wanted to go home together since we could take the same bus back home." JB said. 

"Oh. I'm sorry. Do you want to join us for dinner instead?" 

"Nah. I gotta get back home," JB said and smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye Sohee." JB gave you a fist bump and left. 




A few days passed and it was Saturday. Around the afternoon, you received a call from JB asking you if you wanted to go get dinner later. He said that there's an Italian restaraunt that's newly opened downtown and thought you would like it. 

Having nothing to do, you agreed to it. And since you thought that it was just you and JB, you didn't bother dressing up and just wore a simple pair of jeans and a shirt. 

It was already 5pm and you showed up at the bus stop you and JB had agreed to meet at. And of course, when you had reached, JB was still no where to be seen. 

It took another 15 minutes of waiting until JB showed up and he walked up to you with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry I'm late." JB said. 

"It's alright. I've gotten used to it by now," You laughed. 

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" JB pretended to be angry and lightly pushed your shoulder. You continued to laugh and just stuck your tongue out in response. 

After a while, the two of you had reached your destination and you found out that JB had actually reserved a table for the two of you already. Which was a good thing because of how crowded the place was. Must be a good place, I guess. You thought. 

The two of you sat down at your seats and looked through the menu. 

"Wow all these food look so good, I don't know what to get." You said as your eyes scanned the menu for the umpteenth time. 

JB chuckled. "Take your time and pick, we're not rushing to anywhere anyways." 

A few minutes later, JB's phone vibrated and he checked the message that he had received. He grinned slyly and quickly replied to the message before looking up back at you. 

"Sohee-ah," JB called your name and you looked up from the menu. 


"I have something to tell you." 

At that statement, you got anxious. "Go for it." 

"Actually, I'm not the one you're having the dinner with," JB said and your eyes widened. 

"What the hell are you talking about? Are you just gonna leave me here to eat by myself then?" 

JB chuckled and you didn't understand what was so funny at this point. "Of course not," he said and pointed to something behind you. "He's eating with you." 

You turned around to see who it was he was talking about and your eyes widened even more. "Jackson?!" 

"That's me," Jackson awkwardly smiled and pointed to himself. 

"Are you kidding me, JB? This is a joke right now, isn't it? You're playing a prank on me!" You harshly whispered to JB and all he did was laugh. "This is not funny, Im Jae Bum. I swear I am going to kill you right now!" 

"I'm being serious, Sohee. Jackson's the one eating dinner with you, not me. My job was to just bring you here." JB said. 

"You set me up?!" 

"Yes, I did. Now stop acting like you don't like it. I know deep down you do," JB smirked. 

"I do like the idea but what the hell, JB, you could've at least told me to dress up a bit!" You freaked out. "Do you even see what am I wearing? I don't even have any make up on! I look hideous!" 

"On the contrary, I think you look great." You heard the voice from behind and realized that you had actually forgotten that Jackson was standing right behind you

"Yeah, Sohee. I think you still look pretty cute still so don't worry too much about that." JB said and stood up from his seat. "Enjoy your dinner, guys." JB grinned and left the place. 

When you turned to look back in front of you, Jackson was already seated infront of you and you just smiled awkwardly. "Please don't get mad at JB. I was the one who asked him to set us up for a date." 

What you just heard made things even worse (or better, actually but that just made the whole thing more awkward). "Oh, what? No, I'm not mad." I'm super happy right now, actually. 

"You seem to have some questions for me," Jackson chuckled and you just nodded. "Let's just order our food first and then we can talk about it." 

"Great idea." 




It took around 10 minutes for your food to arrive your table and you were happy that you didn't have to wait long for it. 

"So, ask away." Jackson said as he started to dig into his food. 

"Okay, uhm well, you said that this was your idea?" 

"Yeah, it is." 

"When did you ask JB to do all this?" 

"It started from the museum trip actually. The reason why JB asked you whether you had plans after the trip was because I asked him to ask you. I wanted to maybe have dinner with you or send you home or something like that but you had plans with your friends and I didn't want to interupt that." 

You felt your heart beat faster, "Well JB was great with coming up with a back-up story when I said I couldn't." You chuckled. "Which you were a literally a second too late. I had just finished making plans with my friends when JB came up and asked me about it." 

"Yeah, I know. But I'm glad you agreed to this one though, even if you didn't exactly know what was going to really happen." 

There was silence for a while before you asked your second question. "Okay, my second question is... Why did you want to go out with me?" You asked, and you hoping that you would get the answer that you wanted. 

You saw Jackson's cheek redden up a little and you held back your grin. 

"Isn't it obvious yet?" Jackson said. "I've liked you for a while now. I've always seen you in the hallways in school and I've always that you were a cool girl and I wanted to get to know you better." 

"Really?" Although you were hoping for this answer, you still couldn't believe it when he actually said it. 

"Yeah. I've always wanted to talk to you but you were always with your friends and I was too shy. It was only recently when JB kept hinting me that you felt the same way too. Is that true?" 

"If I feel the same way about you?" 

"Yeah. Is that true?" 

"Uhm, yeah, it is. I guess." You blushed. "I've always thought you were cool too but to be honest, you kind of looked a little intimidating so I was too scared to talk to you." 

Jackson chuckled. "You thought I was intimidating?" 

"Yeah. You have piercings and everything and you just look intimidating." You said. 

"Do you not like guys with piercings?" Jackson asked, a little sad. 

"It depends on the guy himself, really. But for you, I think you really look good with them." You smiled and you could see Jackson calm down a bit.




And just like that, the dinner came to an end. Which Jackson had insisted on paying. You felt bad for making him pay the whole bill and he noticed it. So when you had offered to get ice cream for the both of you, he had agreed. 

It was already past 8 by the time you had left the restauraunt and the two of you ate your ice creams while walking towards your place.

"Can I ask you a question?" Jackson spoke after a moment of silence. 

"Go for it." 

"Have you ever had any boyfriends before?" 

"Nah. Never." 

"Really? Why not?" 

"I don't know. I guess I'm like a princess in a fairytale waiting for my prince charming," you giggled. "I'm just kidding. I have two brothers and they're very very protective of me." 

"I didn't know you had two brothers." Jackson said. "How old are they?" 

"This year, they turn 19 and 21," you said. "Do you have any siblings?" 

"Yeah, I have a little sister. So I'd understand why your brothers get protective over you. I'd be protective over my little sister too." 

"How old is she?" 

"She's 16; two years younger than me." 

"Wait, what? If she's two years younger than you shouldn't she be 15?" 

Jackson sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "I turn 18 this year." 

"Oh, really? Oh my god, I didn't know. I'm sorry. I forgot that we're not in secondary school anymore and not everyone in the same level is the same age anymore." You awkardly laughed. 

"It's alright. It's not like I got held back a year in secondary school or anything like that anyway." Jackson smiled. 

"I realise that we really know nothing about each other." 

"We really don't, huh?" Jackson chuckled. "But I'd like to continue getting to know you better." 

"I do too." You smiled up at him. 

A short while later, the two of you reach your place and the two of you stopped walking. "Well, this is it." You said. "Thank you for tonight. Although it was really reaaaaaally unexpected, I really enjoyed myself." 

"You're welcome. I'm really glad I got the courage to finally ask you out. Well, it was indirectly, but I guess it's similar." Jackson chuckled. 

"I thought it was the idea was great." You smiled. 

"Before you go, can I get your phone number first? So that, you know, I won't have to ask JB to help me ask you out on another date." 

"Another date?" You questioningly raised your eyebrow. 

"Y-yeah, I thought you said..." Jackson's voice faltered. 

"I'm just kidding," you giggled and he sighed in relief. "Give me your phone." 

He handed you his phone and you typed in your number and then gave it back to him. "There you go." 

"Thank you." Jackson said. "Well, you should go in now before your brothers see you outside with me and they come interrogating me. I know I said I understand them but I'm not sure I'm ready for the interrogation part." 

You laughed. "Relax, I doubt they're even home yet. But I should go in." You smiled. "Thank you again for the dinner. Go home safely, alright?" 

"Yes ma'am," he said and made you laugh again. "And you're welcome." Jackson said and wished you good night as he watched you walk into your house. 


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breesang #1
Chapter 2: You should do a sequel from this, maybe another date, or when Jackson meets the brother's... I really enjoy it! :)
Chapter 2: What a cutie Jackson, asking JB to set up a date ouo then why i feel like im the one who have a date with jackson lol

Hey! I would love to request one, but its Jackson with Jimin (15&) or maybe Yugyeom with Yerin (15&) will be great too, can i?

Name: Park Jimin, Baek Yerin

Partner: Jackson or Yugyeom /cough/

Scenario: jealous Jackson/Yugyeom because Jimin/Yerin fangirling over Gary/Mark infront of them a little bit too much and then when Jimin/Yerin realize it, they want to make Jackson/Yugyeom feel better by saying that they're good too. (did you get what I mean? ._.)
gotbam #3
Chapter 2: Name: Han Hyerim
Partner: GOT7's Jackson
Scenario: Hyerim has a crush on Jackson but he keeps sending her confused signals because according to her, she thought he has a girlfriend but he's actually not. What will be the truth?
Chapter 2: Name: Im Hyena
Partner: Got7's Mark
Scenario: Wherein Mark likes Hyena but he understands that she's not yet ready to commit in a relationship so he opts to just keep her away from boys who might play her (with reference to Mark's 'A' teaser)

thank you :)
chocolala18 #5
Chapter 2: Han byuliee
Kim myungsoo
Hi!!! Can you make a scenerio were I'm learning how to use a camera by myself and myungsoo sees me struggle and helps me out. Oh and we're total strangers too!!!! Thank you!!! >ㅅ<
Chapter 1: Awwww this is so cute! I love the idea of a set up date! Hehehe