Its Hurt Me Part 2

Love~,Love!!,Love???.(Updating for the last)

The next morning,

Junhyung slowly open his eyes.

Where am I?.

He roam his eyes throughout the place and he can guess its their dorm.

"Ughh...w-what just happen?".Junhyung muttered under his breath.

He then feel his hand being grip by something.

His eyes widen when he know..

Doojoon??..W-Why are you here?..

Junhyung yank his hand harshly,hating the fact Doojoon touched it making the leader wake up.

"Junnie.You awake!..Thank god..I was worry about you..".Doojoon said,a bit excited seeing his bestfriend regain his consious back.

"Why would you?".Junhyung asked coldly.

Doojoon taken aback a bit but he still want to fix the things out.


"Want to say sorry after what you did,isnt it?".

Doojoon suddenly quiet.His mouth didnt tolerate with him today.

"After you slapping me,isnt it?!".Junhyung screamed a bit.

Doojoon still unrespond.

"You said you love me and yet you slap me-".

"You avoiding me!".Doojoon suddenly defended himself.

"Its your fault!..Its your fault...I-Its your fa-ault".Junhyung's eyes form tears.

"Jun...".Doojoon slowly make his way to Junhyung's hand,to comfort him.

Its hurt Doojoon seeing Junhyung like this.

"Let go off me!'.Junhyung screamed when Doojoon hand on his.

"YAH!..YONG JUNHYUNG!!..Why are you doing this to me!".Doojoon screamed his lung out.

Junhyung suprise and froze,seeing an angry Doojoon really scare him after what had happened.

"You avoiding me out of sudden!..Why,Junhyung,Why!?..".Doojoon became uncontrolled.His angry overtook him again.

The scream of Doojoon making make all the members went to Junkwang's room.

Junhyung eyes didnt close,felt shocked with Doojoon's act.

Junhyung felt scare and his eyes became glassy.His body tremble hard.

"Please..please dont h-hurt me...".Junhyung pleaded and hiccuped.

Doojoon come back to his sense.He widen his eyes in horror when he know he is now grabbing Junhyung shoulder tightly.He can see hurt in Junhyung's eyes.

He take back his already tremble hand and distance himself from Junhyung.

He really cant believe what he did till..

"Doojoon,why you!".Kikwang rushed to Doojoon,grab his shoulder to make Doojoon look at him and punch him hard.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING RIGHT NOW!!".Kikwang screamed out loud.Really felt angry with Doojoon's act.

"He sick!..and why you still harsh to him!".Kikwang added.

"Plus I trust you to take care of him and now!..what did you do,Doojoon!...You want to slap him once again!".Hyunseung cant take it anymore and just let it out.

"Ani..a-aniya...".Doojoon slowly walk backwards.The pain that he received from Kikwang isnt hurt more than the fact he hurt his love one,Junhyung.

Doojoon really shock right now.Seeing Kikwang and Hyunseung actually angry at him.Its rare to see then two outburst like this and now its get on him.

"Im sorry..".Doojoon said.He dont know what should he do.

Kikwang glare at him.Hyunseung already facepalm himself.

"I think you better out now..".Hyunseung ordered Doojoon.

"But..".Doojoon want to protest but seeing Junhyung condition now who is now tremble nonstop,he give up.

He let put a deep sigh and slowly went out.

"Damn Doojoon!.He still cant control his angry yet!".Kikwang said,clenhed his teeth.

"Kwangie..just let him be for now.I'll talk to him latter".Hyunseung said,trying to cool Kikwang down.

Kikwang and Hyunseung then went to Junhyung.

"How's he,Seobie?".Hyunseung asked in concern as he saw Junhyung already closed his eyes.

"He's okay now,hyung..".Yoseob said.Dont know what to say.

Dongwoon who sit next to Junhyung,wiped the tears left on Junhyung's face with his hand.

Hyunseung in his deep thought.

What really happen between you two?.


I hope you like this one..^^..Its really make me happy when readers like my story and one of the reader named aimiaf really cant wait for it.Sorry for making you wait soo long..^^..I hope you like this one and so do other readers~

And thanks you once again for readers who reading my fic till now~..Feel free to drop your comments~!!..^_^

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YongImily #1
Chapter 16: I love u all 2jun fic of you auther nim~~ it so cute thank you for your support our 2jun ^^
YongImily #2
Chapter 5: Awww cute chapter ~~
k0j3t4 #3
Chapter 16: Awwww. Finally. They live happily ever after. Hohoho~
Chapter 16: aww they're so sweet... I'm so glad that they're finally got together but I'm also sad because this story finally end ><
Thank you so much for the stories author-nim *bows*
I'll be waiting for ur next 2jun stories ^^ love yaa..... <3
k0j3t4 #5
Chapter 15: Oh doojoon... You must have explanation for that, right? You had to fix things.
Chapter 14: Yoon Doo please fix everything quickly.... it's really hurt to see Jun like that ughh....hope everything's gonna be alright
k0j3t4 #7
Chapter 14: Yeah, doo appa! Fix it and be happy together!
ILBYJH712 #8
Chapter 14: What did junnie saw??when are you gonna update again??
Chapter 14: Ooh so nice >-<
aimiaf #10
When you want to update this??i'm waiting.