met a boy, cute as can be

summer loving

6 months. She couldn't believe it. They'd gone by so fast.

Jade was at the stove, cooking Hyuntae's favorite food, pancakes. She chuckled to herself as she remembered the first time she'd cooked them for him; he'd never tried Western-type pancakes before and had ravenously finished at least 10. This wasn't an extremely extravagant gift for their anniversary, but Jade knew Hyuntae would appreciate it very much.

She yelped when she felt something poking her ribs. An arm emerged from behind her, grabbed the spatula out of her hand and placed it on the counter. Someone spun her around and crashed his lips into hers.

Hyuntae's smile was warm and loving, his eyes shining. "Is this for me?" he asked, pinching her cheeks.

"Of course, babe," Jade pinched his cheeks back. "I know how much you love these. Happy 6 months," she kissed the tip of his nose.

"Aigooooooooooooooooooooo!" Hyuntae squealed in a high-pitched voice. "You are so sweet," he cupped her face in his hands like it was the most delicate, fragile, precious treasure on earth. "The past 6 months have been the best 6 months of my life."

Jade almost melted and let herself disappear into the cracks in the floor. 6 months, and Hyuntae still gave her butterflies. Sure, he'd been super cute and funny that day at the drink shop, but as the days passed he proved himself to be capable of being absolutely sincere, loving, caring and honest.

All those years growing up and dreaming about her future boyfriend, Jade would never have thought that she'd end up with loud-mouthed, shameless rapper with a fear of hamsters and a cocky smirk. But it was the most pleasant surprise of her life, and she couldn't be happier.

They ate, all the while talking and laughing. Hyuntae couldn't stop praising Jade's cooking, making exaggerated statements about how he wanted to bathe in a bathtub full of her food.

"Baaaabe," he cooed to her after helping with the dishes. "Guess what we're doing today..."

Jade tilted her head to one side. "I have no idea, Hyuntae."

"We're going to...." he started drumming the table repeatedly. He made trumpet sounds and pretended to read from a scroll, like a royal message from the king. Jade covered her face, laughing. "It has been announced that King Im Hyuntae of this apartment in Seoul will take his beautiful Queen to the beach," Hyuntae declared.

The Queen squealed and threw her arms around Hyuntae, who kissed her cheek. She loved going to the beach. But she didn't know what exactly he had planned...

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