Speechless - Because Love doesn't need words

Speechless - Because Love doesn't need words

Speechless – Because Love doesn't need words

Dark blue is Minho
Aquamarine is Taemin


This was the third time in this week that the beautiful boy entered the convenience store at the late evening. He never said 'Hello' or 'Goodbye', he only flashed his gorgeous smile when he came and when he left. Minho was fascinated. He never saw a boy with such beautiful features. Minho really wasn't the type of guy you would see as gay. He himself always told himself: It's not the gender, it's the person and his charm you fall for. And he was right. He fell in love with both boys and girls.

He laid his eyes on the blonde boy. He had a cute baby face and Minho wondered how old the boy was. 'Maybe 16? Or 17? I don't want to ask him, I don't know him...' The blonde boy had a mushroom cut which bounced when he walked. 'He always walks like he is very happy. And he always smiled.' Yeah, Minho was right. The boy always smiled and always seemed happy when he strolled through the shelves in the small convenience store in which Minho was working part-time. He was a student at the Seoul Sports University and studied... yeah, sports as you maybe already knew. But he had to make a little bit money to pay for his apartment rent. Fortunately he didn't have to pay his tuition fees because Minho and his parents had a very nice relationship so they supported him a little bit with money.

His gaze went to the boy again. He had this banana milk in his hands again, a few snacks and fresh fruits. In the meantime he flashed shy smiles to Minho again. After about fifteen minutes the boy went to the cash desk and he smiled to Minho again. The (obviously) older one scanned all the products.

“That's 18855 won (approx. 12 Eur, 16 USD), please.”
The boy didn't look at him, he only watched the display which showed the amount he had to pay. He got his wallet and paid Minho the amount of money and then smiled again before leaving the store.
“Bye.”, the student only said, a little bit confused that the blonde boy never said anything. 'But nevertheless he's cute. Maybe I should ask where he lives. No, that's too...stalker-ish. Maybe I should invite him to ice cream... ah... I don't know...' He ruffled through his hair and sighed deeply. Usually he wasn't the shy type but this time it was different. This boy seemed so inapproachable... 'So maybe I had to wait until he says a word?', Minho thought while he unpacked new packages of snacks.

But Minho didn't know that this beautiful boy would never say a word to him.

The next day Minho waited at the bus station near his apartment to went to his university. Today he had an important exam in one of his subjects so he had to learn almost the whole night and only got about four hours sleep which was terrible for the jock. He loved to sleep and he was a late riser in any case!
He yawned and sat down on one bench which was placed at the bus station and waited for the bus. He was a little too early but better too early than to late. The tall guy heard footsteps and glanced to his right. And there he was in all his glory: the blonde boy. He seemed a bit tired and he walked slowly but he looked very pretty to Minho. First the young boy didn't spot the part-time worker but then he glanced at him for the shortest second but then there was it again: his smile.

“H-hey.”, Minho only stuttered and waved. 'I'm so stupid...' He really wanted to start a conversation but it seemed that he failed because the boy next to him didn't say anything, he only waved back and sat down on the bench as well.
“So... I know you, right? You often come to the convenience store where I work.”, Minho said and looked at him. The boy in front of him only looked at him quizzical. Then he sighed almost audible and he rummaged a bit in his bag. A classical pale yellow post-it appeared, together with a dark blue pen.

'I'm sorry... but I don't understand you...'

“O-oh...”, the older one only could say and he wanted to take the pen but then he saw the bus coming. The younger boy packed the things back into his bag ans smiled again. Both of them stepped into the bus and sat on two seats. The whole drive Minho glanced at the boy vis-à-vis who only smiled. Soon the boy stood up and waved to the student and then left the bus. Minho waved as well but he was sad at the same time. 'When will I see him again?'

The exam was hard but not impossible to manage for Minho. He was one of the best at the university and he always managed to get good grade at his exams. Despite that his thoughts went to this unreachable boy again. 'Maybe he isn't that unreachable, right? He wrote something to me...'

But Minho didn't know why he wrote instead of talked to him.

The sports student was on his way back home. He walked away fast from his university campus because he knew his bus would come soon. He didn't want to wait fifteen minutes for the next bus only because he was too slow. He was a sports student – he never was too slow!
Soon he reached the bus station and the tall boy saw that it was kind of crowded – which meant that the bus didn't come already. 'Phew! Lucky!', he thought and smirked.
After about two minutes the bus came and he searched for a seat. Soon he found one in the past corner of the bus. This was his favorite because he had the feeling that no one could annoy him here... strange, right? He really was an open person but after an exam he wanted to have some peace and quiet.

His gaze was on the streets outside. Seoul always was so full of energy, it seemed the day needed at least 30 hours so that the big city could calm down sometimes...
The bus stopped and a few high school students made his way into the bus. 'Yeah, it's Seoul Arts High School... oh no, annoying brats, please don't bug me...', he only thought and and let his eyes sweep around to see the faces. And then he gasped - there was this beautiful blonde again! He looked a little bit shy around all these students who talked so enthusiastically. It seemed that he more was a loner...? The boy looked a little bit helpless for a seat and then Minho's eyes looked right into the blonde's eyes. Minho smiled and made him a sign to sit next to him. The younger one seemed a little bit indecisive but made his way to the empty seat next to the jock.

“Hey.”, Minho said when the younger sat down who had his eyes on the elder's face. He only smiled his gorgeous smile and Minho's heart seemed to melt away. “How are you?”, Minho asked but the younger one remained speechless. The university student noticed the post-it's that the high school student got out of his bag.

'Sorry. I cannot hear you.', the younger one only wrote. He made a smiley after that. ':)'

The older boy was perplex. Was it that loud in the bus? Or maybe he only didn't speak Korean? Maybe he was an transfer student from Japan or China? But actually he looked Korean to Minho. Except his dyed blonde hair (which was very cute, he loved blonde hair...). And he wrote Korean! Minho decided to take the pen and wrote back.

'Really? So...then let's write. :) I know you from the store I work in part-time.'

The 'conversation' began.

'Yeah. I always buy things there. I love this banana milk.'

'I noticed that. So is it your favorite drink?'

'Yeah, it is. Are you going to work now?'

'No, I'm going home. I was in university today, had an exam...'

'Oh, how was it? Had one today as well, in Art. But I liked it. I like Art.'

'Gosh, how cute is he?', Minho couldn't believe it. The younger one liked an exam because it was Art. 'Maybe I should be motivated like him, haha.'

'It was okay, I think. I don't have many problems with exams. So you like Art, yeah? Is that the reason you go to this Art school?'

'Of course. I moved here to Seoul to go to this high school. I'm happy I did although it's often hard for me... :('

Minho noticed the sad smiley.

'Why? You seem like a smart boy. :D'

'Yeah, but it's hard when you cannot hear what they say... you always have to make conclusions. But I love Art so I will manage with it. We have to get off the bus the next station. :)'

Minho looked around and he saw that the younger boy was right. He only nodded but wrote fast on a last post-it. 'Now or never.'

'Do you have a mobile phone? Can I get your number? We can hang around sometimes if you like to. :)'

The younger one looked at him and blushed a little bit. Minho didn't know about him but he really wanted to hang out? He cannot imagine the last time he had a friend so maybe it would be nice to hang out with a boy like him. Although he was older. But there was no time to think about that.

'Yeah, but... I only can write with it. So here it is xxx-xxx-xxx. By the way, my name is Taemin and yours?'

'Oh, I completely forgot to introduce me, I'm so sorry. I'm Minho. :D'

Taemin took all the post-it's and tucked them away in a small note book of him. It was a light blue note book with clouds on it. It looked very cute. 'Suits him.', Minho thought and smiled. Both of them made their way out of the bus when it came to a halt.
The blonde beauty immediately sat down on the bench at the bus stop and got out new post it's.

'So can I get your number as well? ^__^~'

Minho smiled. 'Of course! It's xxx-xxx-xxx. Write me if you want to. I'm going home now, have to do homework and so on. q_q'

'Me too! See you!'

They both waved and made their ways in the opposite directions. 'Taemin, Taemin, Taemin... what a nice name... so he isn't that unapproachable, right? Oh my gosh, I got his number!! That's kind of... great! I'm like a high school girl who got the number of a hot guy, hahaha...' His mind was full of the blonde boy and when he came home he plopped himself on his bed and grabbed his mobile phone.

'To: Taemin
From: Minho

Are you already home? ;)
- Minho'

He thought it was kind of stupid to write him so fast but he wanted to. He only hoped Taemin didn't thought he was a stalker or something like this. Or a freak.
After a short while he heard his message ring tone. It was a message from Taemin.

'To: Minho
From: Taemin

Yes, I am! :D You have to do homewoooork! Do it, do it, do it! In what subject do you have homework?
- Taemin'


'To: Taemin
From: Minho

In Anatomy. But it's easy. I will do it within 20 minutes.
- Minho'


'To: Minho
From: Taemin

Genius! ;)
- Taemin'


'Hahaha, he's tough... nice boy.' Minho sighed. He wanted to meet with the boy but he was scared that the younger one would think he was crazy... So he decided to make his homework first, then did a little bit household like washing the dishes and make the laundry and so on. 'Ah, I'm hungry. Maybe I should order some pizza? Nah, that's too expensive...' After a short time of thinking he took his keys and his wallet, put on shoes an jacket and made his way to his workplace. Fortunately he didn't have to work today but he needed something to eat. He only had to do a short walk and then entered the convenience store.

“Hey Minho! Free day today, eh?”, his boss said and smiled and Minho smiled as well.
“Yeah. But I need something to eat. I take a look.”

The tall boy strolled through the shelves and then...


But the younger one didn't hear him...

'O-oh...I forgot...' Minho was confused so he approached Taemin and tapped on the thin shoulders. The younger one shrieked almost inaudible but the his expression softened when he saw the older one. He waved and flashed his adorable smile. The student smiled as well. Minho looked around a little bit helpless. No post-it's.
But Taemin wouldn't be Taemin if he hadn't post-it's and a pen in his pocket. He hold them high as if it would be a holy grail and smiled. Minho laughed hard, whispered a 'You are so cute' and then took the pen and a post-it to write something on it. It was more an impulse. He didn't thought about his question...

'Wanna eat with me? :)'

The younger one looked at him and after a short while of thinking he took the pen and a new post-it.

'I would love to. What should we eat? ♥'

Minho stared at the heart Taemin drew. It was really cute.

'What do you like?' He placed the post-it on Taemin's belly. Immediately the younger one blushed and smiled.

'I would like some pizza.'

'Then pizza you will get! :D ☺ Let's make some self-made pizza, yeah?'

The younger one nodded when he read Minho's note and they walked through the store to get all the ingredients they needed. Tomatoes, white mushrooms, cheese, sweet pepper, ham, some spices and of course tomato sauce and the dough for the pizza. Taemin went to the fish area and got a dose of tuna as well and smiled. Minho thought he had the most adorable smile he ever saw.
Then both boys went to the cash desk and Minho's boss scanned the articles.

“Pizza tonight, boys?”, he asked with his always bright appearance and the tall boy answered for both of them.
“Yeah, self-made of course.”
“Seems nice! That's 28280 won (approx. 18 Eur, 24 USD), please.”

Minho handed him the cash although his blonde friend also wanted to get his wallet. But Taemin made a sigh like 'Stop' and the younger one blushed and smiled. The sports student was glad to make this boy happy with something like this.
The cute boy took the bag and Minho said goodbye to his boss and the other employees and both left the store. They walked in a slow pace and suddenly the older one stopped. The blonde looked at him with an interrogative face and took his pen again while smiling and then gave it to Minho, together with a pale yellow post-it.

'I wonder... if we should go to my place or to yours? :)'

'Oh... I thought we would go to yours. But if you like we can go to mine.'

'Wouldn't your parents be annoyed?'

'I live alone, so there's no one but me who could be annoyed. :D'

'Ah, I understand. So let's go to your place, mine's a mess, hehehe! :P'

Taemin laughed soundless and Minho found it first strange but then cute.

'My place is always a mess because of my painting. I hope it doesn't bother you. Let's go!', the younger one wrote and walked a little bit faster as if he wanted Minho to catch him.

“Wait!”, Minho said although he knew that Taemin couldn't hear it.

Soon they reached the building complex in which Taemin's apartment was. They both lived in the same residential area but this area was big and they lived in the opposite direction. Nevertheless it wasn't far away from Minho's home, the convenience store and the bus stop.
The boys took the elevator to the 7th floor and the blonde boy opened his door. When Minho entered he smelled the scent of painting colors. But it wasn't a disgusting scent. The older one looked around. The apartment seemed to be very tidy and organized except all the canvas which was spread on the floor, along with brushes in different sizes, papers, sketches, sponges and more painting colors. The sportsman was impressed. This really had to be a big hobby.
He looked at wall. On this wall where a big painting. He pointed on it and looked in Taemin's direction. The latter nodded while smiling and went to the kitchen to prepare everything to make the self-made pizza. 'So this is a picture he painted... wow. It's awesome.' It was kind of abstract but nevertheless it was very beautiful. All warm colors like yellow, orange and soft green were used and also red.

He looked at it again and then went to the kitchen to help Taemin. His gaze intensively laid on the younger boy and soon the high school student noticed it and blinked at him. Minho took a post-it again. Taemin always had post-it's in every single corner...

'Why can't you talk?'  It was quite a dumb question of Minho... but he wanted to ask it.

'Because I'm like this -> :x'

Minho first looked at the smiley, then at Taemin. Then he wrote.

'I think you look way cuter than this smiley. :)'

Taemin smiled again.

'Thanks. I'm deaf-mute so I cannot hear you and I cannot talk to you... :( I'm sorry.'

Minho's eyes widened.

'First I thought you were a transfer student...maybe from Japan or China. But you never talked a single word, neither in Japanese nor in Chinese nor in any language, so... it was stupid of me to ask you. It had to be clear to me. You don't have to apologize! I have to.'

Taemin pinched in Minho's cheek and smirked.

'That wasn't stupid. You still want to be a friend?'

'Silly! Of course I want! ☺☺☺ :) :) :)'

Taemin had tears in his eyes when he read Minho's note, especially the cute smileys he drew. These weren't tears of sadness, it were tears of happiness. The taller boy was a little bit frightened when he saw that the younger one started to cry almost soundless.

“P-please, don't cry.”, he said and embraced him. “It makes me sad to see you cry...”, he whispered. He knew Taemin couldn't hear him but sometimes it was better. Because he was embarrassed to say something like that...
The younger one grabbed Minho's shirt and cried harder. Then suddenly he took a post-it and wrote something on it.

'Thank you. I didn't have any friends for years. You are the first one. ^__^'

'You are adorable, you deserve to have many friends. It doesn't matter if you cannot hear me or cannot talk to me, I like you how you are. So let's make the most delicious pizza ever, yeah? :)'

Taemin smiled while he read the note. Minho always was so friendly and nice to him, from the beginning when he went to the convenience store almost everyday to now when they became friends. He nodded and both of them began to cut the vegetables and kneaded the dough for the pizza. Sometimes they shared random notes like
':)' or ':D' and Minho's heart flattered when he read cute notes of Taemin.
'Ah~ he's perfect. He's so adorable. He doesn't need any spoken words to explain himself, he only need his smile and his almost soundless laugh.', Minho thought and blushed after that. He never was so cheesy like that but with this blonde darling it was different... 'Maybe I should ask him to go out...? But that's our first meeting...' He sighed and Taemin noticed it. He looked worried to his older friend.

'Everything's okay? Are you bored?'

'I'm never bored with you! :) But I'm very hungry... and I thought about us. We saw each other often in the store and today's our first meeting but I think I really like you.'

'Oh, Minho... that's cute. 'Like' like... ♥?

'Yeah, 'like' like ♥ ! Ah, it's so embarrassing to say that. I never said something like this. Or rather... wrote.'

'I think it's cute of you. I like you, too. Maybe... we could see each other more often...? Like today...making pizza and so on. :)'

'Taemin! That would be great! Really!'

Taemin couldn't read the note easily because Minho wrapped his arms around him and kissed his right cheek. The blonde boy only blushed and smiled. Then he kissed Minho's cheek as well to show him how much he liked him.

They spent a nice evening together. The pizza was incredibly delicious and they cuddled on one of Taemin's sofas – it was the only free space in the midst of those canvas, painting colors, brushes and other art materials. Minho Taemin's belly. He had a small bump, because the younger one ate so much pizza! Minho couldn't believe how much food could fit in this small and thin body but enjoyed looking at the blonde's happy face when they opened the oven and ate slice after slice of the delicious meal.
Taemin's eyes were closed and he cuddled more into Minho's arms. The older one looked into the face of the high school student and his hair. The sports student loved to look at Taemin, at his features, his milky skin, his brown hazelnut eyes and his golden hair.

'I can't do that... but I want to...', Minho thought and gave up his doubts. He caressed Taemin's cheek and then laid his lips onto the younger one's. First the thin body under him stiffened a little bit but then he relaxed and returned the kiss softly. It wasn't a passionate kiss, it was more shy and romantic and both of them enjoyed the kiss. They broke the kiss before they went breathless and looked at each other and blushed.


Then Taemin took his precious pen and one post-it again.

'Do you want to go out with me? >///<', he wrote on that small paper and blushed – like the smiley he drew.

Minho was speechless. And this was the time where he really understood that you don't need any words. That love doesn't need any words. That you only need a pen and pale yellow post-it's to say what you think.
He nodded and kissed Taemin again.

'Yes. I think I love you.', he wrote it fast and hid it behind his hand so that Taemin couldn't see it. He placed it on the blonde's forehead and kissed it after that. The high school student took the note, read it and laughed. He took a new post-it as well, a brush with red painting color, wrote something that he hid and placed it on top of Minho's lips. Then he kissed it - and indirectly the elder's lips. Minho laughed, took the note and read it:



I hope, you liked it! (:

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Chapter 1: sooooo fluffyyy~~~
Chapter 1: Awwwwww so freaking fluffy!!!
great story sequel
Omo~ so cute <3 I Love this Oneshot^^
Adorable, I luv this! <3 reading it just makes me happy ;)
AWWWW, so cute!!! ^_^
I loved it!! xD
Cilover #7
So cute <3
Aww that was so cute. ;_;
awww, this was the cutest >_< I really loved this, i was smiling like an idiot while reading it :3 great fic ^^