
That's How Easy Love Can Be

Taemin is an angel. Sweet, sweet angel. Fleeing into Jongin’s house and waking him up by kicking his feet onto the younger’s a couple times. Very kind and considerate indeed.

Jongin let out an angry groan and threw his pillow at Taemin. "How did you even get inside? My parents are on their business trip."

"Your mom gave me the keys last week." The keys on Taemin’s hand clinked together as he dangled it to prove his point. Jongin mentally rolled his eyes, what had he done to his mother to deserve this treatment. "She said something about feeling concerned that you won’t have anything to eat and ended up buying junk food or stuffing yourself with instant noodles, so she wants me to check you up sometimes.” Taemin rambled. “Why do you have to worry my mom-in-law?”

“Shut up. Why are you here?" Jongin asked, pushing his blankets away and sitting up.

"Do you not want your boyfriend to be here?" Taemin replied with his well-acted, Oscar-winning sulky voice so Jongin could regret treating him in such an annoyed manner. But Jongin knew better that Taemin is just a devil disguised as an angel, so he didn’t sense a bit of guilt.

"You know that's not what I meant," Jongin deadpanned.

Taemin predicted that his acting wouldn’t work on Jongin, at least he tried anyway. "Okay well."

"Yes?" Jongin raised his brow at the sudden pause.

"Jonghyun has a date with Kibum this afternoon." Jongin stayed silent for him to continue. "And Jonghyun's aunt's babysitter went on a vacation so she asks Jonghyun last minute to watch over her kids."

Jongin knew where this is going, and he disliked it. "Please tell me it's not what I think it is."

"Jongin," Taemin pleaded in a desperate manner.

"No Taemin, you know how I am with kids.” Jongin stood up abruptly and began dragging Taemin out his room before he says anything else.

Jongin grabbed the keys out of Taemin’s grasp, the elder spoke softly, “What are you doing?”

“Kicking you out of my house so I can sleep,” came as Jongin’s curt reply.

“It’s two in the afternoon.” Taemin stated with a pointed look. He had forgotten how much Jongin loves sleeping. Once, Jongin had overslept on their date so Taemin had to refund the tickets to the movie theater. He was neither sad nor disappointed about it though. Jongin’s mom allowed him in so then he could express his anger by throwing a punch at the younger’s face and roughly twenty minutes later, they made up over yogurt date. Jongin didn’t mind the ugly bruise on his cheek, one, because he hadearned it and two, because Taemin felt bad afterward and kissed the spot repeatedly for a week, even when the purple on his skin faded back to his flesh color.

“What’s your point?” Jongin opened the door and the hand that was holding Taemin’s wrist pulled the elder out of his house.

“W - Wait!” Taemin hastily hugged Jongin’s still shirtless self, both flinched at the skin contact.

“What?” His flustered state caused his voice to be small.

Taemin’s mumbled into Jongin’s chest yet the younger could actually comprehend his words. “Jonghyun has hookups to a five star restaurant for us and that’s the only reason I accepted it, okay? I know you’re not good with kids, I’ll watch over them and you can keep me company so... Don’t be mad.” Jongin was nowhere near mad, slightly annoyed at first but that was gone instantly when Taemin started speaking.

Jongin chuckled at how Taemin talked carefully, as if he didn’t want to add fuel to Jongin’s nonexistent anger. “Okay.”

Taemin lifted his face up to meet Jongin’s gaze. “Really?”

Jongin smiled. “Really.” Jongin’s arms tightened around Taemin’s waist as the shorter reaches up to plant a kiss near Jongin’s jawline. A voice put a stop to their intimacy.

“Hey rascals!” Jonghyun appeared out of his car, holding a baby and a big duffle bag with a kid holding his hand. “Did you guys inherit PDA from me and Kibum? Come and help me!” They blushed.

Taemin rushed up to Jonghyun, holding the baby boy in his hand while grinning. Jongin went inside and search for a shirt to put on before going back to everyone.

“This is two year old Jaesun.” Jonghyun cocked his head at the child Taemin was currently holding. “And my niece, Jaehwa, turning seven this year.” Jonghyun pointed at the girl whose pink dress glittered under the sun. Taemin crouched down to greet her and she beamed prettily. “Yeah, she’s shy now but she’ll be talking nonstop once she’s comfortable. Oh, if the Jaesun cries, just pats his back to soothe him and there’s milk in the bag for him to drink. Everything they need are in there.”

Taemin nodded, mentally jotting down the information whereas Jongin stood motionless by the door. “Got it.”

“Yeah, okay, I’ll pick them up around eight.” Jonghyun passed his bag for Jongin to carry, which was unknowingly heavy, and kissed Jaehwa’s forehead. “Be good, okay?” The little girl nodded. Jonghyun waved to the children, “Bye kids!” Then waved to Taemin and Jongin, talking in a playfully bitter tone, “Bye kids whose legs are taller than mines!”

Taemin and Jongin laughed at that and bid him goodbye. Jongin sat down and settled the bag next to his couch, then watched Taemin interact with the kids. He admired how easily the elder talked to them and acting as if he’s comparable to their age.

“What do you want to do Jaehwa? Have you eaten lunch?” Taemin’s voice was so enthusiastic like Jongin’s previous kindergarten teacher and it was enjoyable to observe this side of him.

“I eated lunch, can we watch Tangled?” Jaehwa responded in awkward grammar which both of them didn’t correct because it was sort of cute.

Taemin frowned, “Tangled? I don’t have the movie.”

“Uncle Jonghyun put it in the bag, I told him.”

Taemin walked over to the bag with the baby still in his arms, but Jongin beat him to it. He ped the bag, overwhelmed by diapers, extra clothes, toys, DVDs, milk bottles, some food, and a tiara. The elder shuffled through the DVDs full of animation and Disney princesses’ films, and finally found the movie they were looking for.

“Oh! Uncle Taemin found it!” exclaims Taemin. Jongin grabbed the DVD out of Taemin’s hand and walked over to his DVD player to insert the disc, considering Taemin’s difficulty to walk when Jaesun is always in his hold. “Thanks babe,” said Taemin when the living room resonated of trailers playing.

“No problems.”

Jaehwa seated herself on the couch with Taemin being in the middle and the toddler on his lap.

“You can go take a nap, I’ll watch them,” Taemin offered.

“Are you sure?”

“Positive, don’t you lack sleep?”

Jongin slept at 4 a.m. yesterday, catching up with his TV show, and the reason Taemin knew this is because Jongin might have texted him around 3:40 a.m. to convey his frustration at the latest episode’s cliffhanger. So to answer Taemin’s question: Yup, he was real tired but leaving Taemin alone with two children was a lot of work. Although he did agree to only keeping Taemin accompany and had him do everything, Jongin wasn’t that heartless to let the elder to.

“But –”

“It’s okay. These kids aren’t problematic, they’re easy to handle. Go!” Taemin pushed Jongin off the couch with his hand.

“Alright, love you.” Jongin patted his head affectionately and the shorter brushed the hand away to fix his hair.

“Love you too, but don’t touch the hair.”

Jongin went inside his room, which is behind his parents’ room. So a huge gap where the kids are at but the side comments, of Jaesun’s jealousy over Rapunzel’s long hair and Taemin’s mention of how handsome Flynn Fletch was, seeped through the walls. Jongin thinks himself that he’s way more handsome but he’s better than being jealous over a fictional guy.




Jongin woke up three hours later, quite surprised how the whole house was filled with silence. He would've thought Jonghyun's date with Kibum ended early and had pick the kids up already if he didn't walk out the living room to see Taemin and Jaesun sleeping on the blanket on the floor, and Jaehwa on the couch mumbling the words from her bedtime story book.

She must had heard his loud footsteps because the moment he had reached the living room, she shushed him and said, "Uncle Taemin and my brother is sleep." He noticed her subtle lisps, which had reminded him of Sehun's.

"How long have they been napping?" Jongin wondered quietly. It was his first time holding a conversation with a child and he was quite awkward about it.

"When the short needle was on number four." The little girl gestures at the clock. So one hour ago, Jongin mentally calculated.

"What have you been doing?"

"I watch Tangled and Finding Nemo. It both end. So now I'm reading some books."

"Oh," Jongin replied, sitting himself next to Jaehwa.

"How do you say this word?" She lifted her face out of the book and looked at Jongin with curious eyes. Jongin squinted his eyes at the tiny word she had her finger under.


"Baboon," she repeated. Jongin stifled a laugh.

"No, balloon. Bal-loon," he emphasized on the L consonant.

She tried again, "Balloon?"

"There you go." Jongin gave her a high five and she beamed as a result.

"What is balloon?"

"It's that thing you blew air into and it gets bigger," he explained.

"Isn't that a bubble?"

"No, it doesn't pop easily as a bubble."

"Oh! I know what you're talking about!" she exclaimed in a quiet tone. Jongin thinks she's cute.

He spent a few minutes helping her with the words she couldn't pronounce, keeping their volume as low as they can of course.

"Thanks uncle Jongin."

His eyes widened momentarily because he had not introduced himself yet. "How do you know my name?"

"Uncle Taemin talks about you when we was watching Tangled. I think he likes-likes you. Are you like uncle Kibum and uncle Jonghyun? Are you the prince to uncle Taemin as the princess?" Jonghyun was spot on when he informed she was talkative after she became comfortable.

"Yeah we're like uncle Kibum and your uncle. And you can say that, although we're just normal people," he replied. "Uncle Taemin is pretty as a princess, huh?"

"Yup! Really pretty!" She giggled and Jongin smiled also.

"I believe you are the true princess though," Jongin added. Her eyes rounded in a way that Jongin thought was adorable. He searched for the tiara in the bag from earlier and placed neatly at the crown of her head.

"I don't want to be a princess when I'm big."

"Oh? Then what do you want to be?"

"A mermaid." The serious look on the girl's face proved to Jongin how innocent kids can be. And he was like that at one moment of his life, wanting to be a power ranger.

Jongin didn't say anything to ruin her childhood dream and went along. "You can be both. You see Ariel? Oh wait." Ariel turned into a human, he completely forgot. "You can marry a mermaid prince." He chuckled at how rounded her eyes became, as if he had come up the most genius idea ever.

They talked for a few more minutes till Jaehwa suggested to watch Frozen. Halfway through the movie, Jaehwa told him she was hungry.

"I don't know how to make food. That's uncle Taemin's job. Should we wake him up?"

"I think he maybe gets angry if we wake him up," she answered, then she bit on her lower lip to contemplate. "You should wake him up with true love's kiss. Then he will be happy and not angry!"

Kids nowadays watch too many movies, Jongin thinks. "You think so?"


There was no way out so Jongin went for it, leaning down and plopping a kiss of Taemin's cheek. Taemin woke up, perplexed, but understood as soon as his eyes landed on Jaehwa, who was covering her big grin with her little, delicate hand.

Taemin decided to humor her. "Oh sweet lord! Are you my prince?"

Jongin bit his lips to suppress his laughter, then nodded.

"Thanks for waking me up, I shall reward you with another precious kiss!" Taemin voice was still laced with sleep. He reached out for Jongin's neck and pulled him down so their lips press on top of each other.

Jaehwa is definitely enjoying the show, her eyes peeking through her fingers along with a girly squeak.

"She's hungry." whispers Jongin, his breath fanning over Taemin soft pair of lips.

"Yeah, I figured."


Taemin went to the kitchen to fix something up for all three to eat. He was positive they were all starving. Jongin and Jaehwa continued with Frozen while exchanging a few sentences here and there about the movie. Taemin wondered when Jongin had been so good with kid.

On second thought, He took it back. Jaesun had awaken with a shrilling cry that caused them to flinch. Taemin shouted over the kitchen for Jongin to change his diaper and Jongin shouted back, scaring the baby and he cried even louder.

"CHANGE THE DIAPER? HOW THE FU—" His sentence was cut off with a sudden peck on the cheek from the elder. Insincere, but it sure shut him up before he could shout any profanities in front of a seven year old.

"Watch your language," Taemin warns. "Lower the heat of the stove or else the food is going to burn. Stir the soup for me. Thanks Jongin." They switched role for a short time; Jongin in the kitchen, doing exactly what he was told and Taemin changing Jaesun's diaper. They exhaled a sigh of relived when his crying appeared to stop.

They ate dinner peacefully, Jaehwa feeding herself while Taemin took care of Jaesun.

“You should eat, the food is getting cold,” Jongin told, watching his boyfriend giving the little boy spoonful of smushy baby food.

“After I’m done with Jaesun.”  

Jongin frowned, directing a kimchi to Taemin’s lips. “Ahh.” The elder opened his mouth, multitasking between eating from Jongin’s chopsticks and feeding Jaesun.

Taemin choked on the kimchi the younger fed him after Jaehwa started speaking, “Are you guys married?” Jongin snorted.

Stunned, Taemin widened his eyes at the little girl who returned an innocence stare. He swallowed his food then found the composure to talk again. “No, we’re not. Why?”

“Because Mommy and Daddy have sparkles in their eyes when they talk to each other. Uncles have the same sparkles too,” she replied her frankness. “You guys should marry!”

“Yeah we should,” Jongin jeered at Taemin, playfully feeding him more food. Taemin kicked him under the table. The younger snickered in response.



Eight in the afternoon rolled around soon after Taemin had finished cleaning up, Jonghyun came, banging his hand on the door. “Kids! Open!” Jonghyun opened his arms wide for a hug from his niece but nothing came. “You’re not happy to see uncle Jonghyun?” He pouted. Taemin passed Jaesun for him to carry.

Jaehwa shook her head. “I’m happy.” Her lips began quivering, tears b her eyes. “But I don’t want to leave uncle Taemin and uncle Jongin.”

Jonghyun glared at the two. “No this is not happening. She can’t like you two better than she likes me. It’s only been one afternoon, I’ve been spoiling her ever since she came out of her mom’s stomach!”

Taemin scoffed, “ for you. It’s not our fault we’re likeable.” He level his height to Jonghyun’s niece and comforted her, “Uncle Taemin and uncle Jongin will play with you next time, okay? Be good. You have to go back to your mommy and daddy.”

The girl gave a weak nod as she hide her tears. Taemin and Jongin took turn hugging her tightly, bidding the little girl goodbye and see-you-next-time’s.


Jongin closed the door after they left, going inside to see Taemin sprawling his limps on the floor with a whimper, “I’m so exhausted.”

“You can sleep here,” suggested Jongin along with a laugh.

“I will. Can I borrow your boxer shorts?”

“Go ahead.”


One hour later, Taemin and Jongin lied upon the younger’s bed, talking about trivial things although it was too tiring to open their mouths.

“It’s so hard taking care of munchkins.”

“Jongin, they’re kids. Not munchkins, K-I-D-S,” Taemin spelt out.

Jongin only hummed in reply, feeling difficult to argue back.

“I was surprised that Jaehwa really liked you. I thought you wouldnt be able to communicate with them,” Taemin pointed out. A silence made him turn to the younger. “Are you listening?”

A lengthy snore escaped from Jongin, implying that he was already in deep sleep. “You’re no cute,” said Taemin with a huff, then dozed off a few minutes later.



"Taemin..." Jongin called.

Taemin turned around to face the latter, sleepily retorted, "Why did you wake me up?"

"Taemin..." he repeated.

"What do you want?"

"You're not close enough..." he whined.

Taemin met up with his complaint, scooting his body nearer until he can drape his arms over Jongin's shoulders. "Is that all? Seriously, I can’t believe you wake me up at 3 a.m. for this. Better?"

"Betterjansdfskaj,” Jongin mumbled into Taemin’s skin, hitting his hot breath on the elder’s collarbones.

“You’re so dumb.”


He was absolutely convinced that this was a childish revenge from Jongin, because he disturbed the younger’s sleep this morning. “What?” Taemin groaned.

“We should adopt a munchkin in the future.”








i'm sure i just grabbed a bucket full of taekai fluff and splashed you guys with it 5x now you guys are drenched in fluff but you know what? i'm not sorry -evil snickering- 
add me if you are obsessed with taekai too bcus i love making friends!! 

i'm always on guard bcus i'm so terrified that taemin's solo teaser will pop up suddenLY OUT OF NOWHERE and i wouldn't handle the feels. alright thank you for reading i love you lots xoxo ♥♥♥♥


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Chapter 1: Officially the cutest thing I ever read.
Chapter 1: I swear I'm in love with your fanfics, all of them *-* (I sound like a stalker lol)
lodphine #3
Chapter 1: I love this. I love this so much. it was so ing cute, fluffy, witty awesome and it didn't even become mushy once during the whole one-shot. seriously, this is my second fic of yours that I read, and I can definitely say that I like your style A LOT. definitely gonna check your other Taekai fics!
Chapter 1: Munchkins~♥♥♥♥♥ thats exactly like me with munchkins~ i can relate!
mayajay #5
Chapter 1: Awwwwww I'm lying in a pile of mush...don't wanna get up no no no
kk1401 #6
Chapter 1: Awwwwwnn This is sooo cute! and.... beautiful and...❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 1: AAAAAAAAAAAhhhh love it!
Chapter 1: this is too cute!!!
Chapter 1: IT was sooo cute ! **
jambydsy #10
Chapter 1: This is soooo graaaahhhh my poor heart loves this