chapter 14- Questions questions

The 3 Magic Doors


Chapter 14:

Shiyoung's POV:


I wake up the next morning to see that it's 7:00, I have one hour left until I have to go to training.


I sigh heavily and try to stand up. My foot still hurts, but it's bearable.


I preapare for the day that is awaiting me. First, strategy class with the commandant, I hope he doesn't kill me before the other classes. Then, I have class with Daehyun-ssi, who I don't know yet. Then Jongup-ssi and Youngjae-ssi, I'm looking forward to that class, Youngjae-ssi seems to be a good person even though I still haven't met that other cadet. And finally Junhong-ssi, I hope it won't be awkward between us. He's a nice person and everything, but... I still haven't forgotten that morning when I woke up and his face was very close to mine.


I shower fast and brush my teeth. Then I turn around and see a drawer chest. I walk slowly and open each drawer. There's a comb, a spray, some towels, soaps, shampoo, toothpaste, and boxes full of paper.


I grab the comb and the spray to brush my hair which is very messy. I guess it's because I could finally sleep without any problems. No more nightmares!! I could get used to that. Since I arrived everything's been peaceful during my sleep, that's good.


When I finally finish brushing my hair, which was a real battle, I realize that I don't have anything to hold my hair with. Well I'll just leave it like that, maybe later I can ask for a rubber band or something like that. I hope to have it soon, I don't like to have my hair all over my face specially when I'm going to train.


I sigh and climb upstairs to the wardrobe. I put on some comfortable baggy pants, with a white t-shirt, and a black jacket with red stripes.


There's a watch on the bedside table, I'll need it, so I take it and put it on. It's nice, color light blue, and modern.


My eyes land on the time and see that I still have 30 minutes left, but since I'm ready I guess I'll just walk to the station and wait for commandant Kim. I won't be late again, if not sir Kim (aka Mr. Cave Killer) will do something else to kill me.


I walk slowly and spot general Bang, who is sitting on top of a rock reading some papers on his lap.


He is the general but looks a lot nicer than the commandant, I would like to train with him instead of Mr. Kim, but he seems to be very busy.


I walk near him with no intentions of disturbing him, but when he notices I'm there, he turns to look at me and greets me with a handsome gummy smile. "Good morning Shiyoung".


I stop in front of him and bow before saying "Good morning sir" with a smile. Just when I'm about to go back to walk, the general keeps his papers inside of a black bag, puts it behind his back and starts to walk with me, toward the station.


He is the first one to break the silence. "Great news, for now I'm going to train you instead of Himchan".


I froze in my place knowing that what I wished became true. I was surprised, but somehow I wasn't happy with these news. Most of all, I felt nervous. The images of the time we first met appeared in my mind. He was yelling at me, the general was obviously stern, maybe he was worse. All the thoughts of him being nicer than the commandant dissapeared.


"Hey! Are you okay?" General Bang asked with his oh so deep voice that made me flinch just by hearing it.


"Uh?? Oh- yeah... yeah". I answered embarased.




When we arrived to the station, I saw a lot of soldiers, some of them were injured, and others were running around or shouting orders. "What happened to them?" I whispered, my eyes not leaving a man who was screaming his heart out while other four were trying to keep him calm and another one introducing an object in his shoulder.


Whithin a second, the man with the weird object (which was a pair of forceps) took it out of thr man's shoulder, the forceps were holding a balla, a big balla, and the desperate man on the floor was bleeding to death, until the other four men grabbed him and took him away, out of my sight.


I was so immerse in the situation that I didn't notice that the general was trying to get my attention. "Hey! Come on! We only have two hours of class!!!" He exclaimed with an irritated expression, but I jist got too traumatized by the images in front of me, that I couldn't move my feet.


"What happened to them?" I asked once again. My eyes still didn't leave where the men used to be, even though, they weren't there anymore.


"They went to the war. King Zico 'the inmortal', sent his men to attack us. We're a threat for him, and since you're here, he wants to make sure you don't make it until the last door. Every time you pass through a door, your power will only increase... but don't worry, you're safe here". General Bang explained grabbing my arm to drag me inside of a room.


I nodded in undrestanding. "So... Why didn't his soldiers take me to him?" I asked.


He made an expression that told me thag he was trying to concentrate. "I'm not so sure. Even after so many years of war between Mato and the king, we still can't figure out his plans. He's unpredictable." He said eyeing me.


"And what about my powers and my nightmares?" Since I arrived, I've always wanted to ask him about my nightmares and my power to clear my doubts.


He sighed. "There's a prophecy. It talks about a girl with infinite power. She would be born during The Black Era. It doesn't tell about when it is exactly. It should be right now. It says that The Black Era is a period when wars break out and the universe's life is on the edge. But returning to the main topic, you have a power that can get him out of the thone. You are the biggest threat. I don't know exactly what your power is, but your mission is to find it... about your nightmares... it guides you, it prepares you for what you are going to do in the future". He sighs once more. "I know it's terrifying, but I believe you can do it, we all believe you can do it".


I nodded, the thought of my worst nightmares becoming true scared the out of me. For a moment, what the commandant did felt like nothing. Everything... the monsters, the war, the pain, the loss... everything I had to go though.


"Oh, and I wanted to apologize for what Himchan did, he never acted like that before". He said rubbing the back of his neck with an apologizing look. "Ummm... well... lets start the training now". And with that he switched the lights on revealing a small table with a chess over it.

Hii!!!! It's been a looooonngggg time guys!! I'm so so so so sorry to make you wait!! I know this chapter is a little bit boring but I'll try to make it better next time. I'm just so busy  :(  but I promise to do my best. Sorry if the english is not the best!! I really love this story so much! And love you guys too!! I'll try to update as soon as possible!

Love U! Bye~~

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Chapter 20: I already am in love with this story. I can't wait for the future chapter.
innocent-bystander #2
Chapter 19: Exoplanet?! Ooh, does that mean they fail their mission and cant come back? Why did you write it as if it's bad to go back? Is something gonna happen?
innocent-bystander #3
Chapter 18: oh mah gahd update quick nooooooo~~~~~
innocent-bystander #4
Chapter 15: Why?! Update!!!!
Chapter 14: Ah, yes, an update :D I love it haha :))) keep updating, I need inspiration XD
Chapter 13: Love this story <3 <3 <3
Chapter 12: Updaaaate juseyoooo~ this story is so Daebak~
mamapumpkin #8
Chapter 11: Authornim..just read ur story,interesting..keep up!
sounds interesting~ i will read it during the holidays. meanwhile, update yeah~