
Beautiful Thing

There in the middle of a dark room, sat a crying figure, mouth covered by a piece of ducktape, eyes covered by a thick piece of cloth, hands tied together behind a chair, legs chained to the chair. All she could do was trash around, though it was still a complete waste of energy. Well, it's not like he'll be needing it anymore anyways.

As the sound of a door creaking open was heard, the man's cry got louder as he trashed even fiercer, in hopes of getting away miraculously. 

Hyeri flashed the man a smile. It amuses her really, seeing the fear painted clearly on the poor man's face. She took slow steps closer to the figure, the sound of her heels filled the room. When she was standing just in front of him. She took the cloth covering the man's eyes off, just so that he could see what was going to happen. Hyeri tilted her head to the side, lips forming into a slight pout. "Awww... don't need to be afraid mister~" she spoke in a rather cheerful manner, grinning at him. She took a note, which was supposed to be the man's suicide letter, swinging it right in front of his face. "I'll make this simple for you, don't worry, I can guarantee that your death will be fast and not so painful" she spoke softly, stroaking the poor man's cheeks that were now wet from his tears. She took her time, walking to the back of the chair where her 'equipments' are. Picking up an exceptionally big hand knife. "Well then... shall we get started?"



"Breaking News! Last night, Park Siwan, owner of ---- bar, has been found dead. It has been discovered that he had commited suicide, from the suicide note that he had left. Special authority still investigati-" the sound of the TV had now been cut off as the TV had been switched off. The office chair turned around, revealing Jung Yunho sitting on it, his expression as bright as the sun that was shinning.

"Once again, you never seem to fail my expectations Hyeri" he complimented, his heads nodding a few times in agreement to what he had just said, his mouth curving into a smile. "And here's your payment" with that being said, a pack of money had been placed neatly on the male's desk. "You really surprise me Hyeri.  I never thought a person as pretty as you could kill like that" he complimented, shaking his head a few times in astonishment.

"Of course. How could I let my boss down?" Hyeri replied with a bright smile, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. She bowed slightly, taking the money from the desk afterwards. A laugh left her lips at her boss's words, "Eii boss, don't say things like that~"

Well, now you know what she is. Yes, she is an assassin, the best assasin there is in Korea. She had the face and body every woman in Korea would ever dream of having. It was somewhat a mask for her, something she uses to hide her identity with. This is all that she has done in her life, killing for a living. Her life behind her work was normal, just how a normal girl in her mid - twenties would live. She loved to way she lived a lot.

"Oh by the way Hyeri, there's this new assignment for you. I bet you'll love this one" Yunho spoke, handing a piece of letter to her. Opening the letter, she smirked slightly and nodded her head. "I'll take it"




First chapter~ how was it? Lol I know it's sorta short.. I promise I'll make a longer update in the 2nd chapter =^^=

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Chapter 2: Kill yoochun? *die first>.<
niceee~~~update soon~~^0^
it's yoochun's story
I've been searching for it
cassielf20 #3
Oooo I've been looking for an interesting Yoochun fanfic :3 Can't wait to read more!