Sick Hae

Sick Hae

    After getting home from a long schedule, Eunhyuk falls asleep as soon as he hits the mattress. It is a rare night where he can claim a good night's sleep, Donghae not keeping him up or waking him at godly hours. However, when he wakes up he finds Donghae cuddling into his back with an arm draped over his waist.
    Eunhyuk carefully rolls onto his back and Donghae immediately shuffles closer, settling his head on his chest. Eunhyuk smiles at him and runs his fingers through his hair. Then he looks at the time and his stomach drops. His alarm didn't go off. He roughly shakes Donghae to wake him up. Donghae makes grumbling noises and snuggles closer.
    "Come on, Hae, we need to get up." Eunhyuk urges. "We're gonna be late!"
    "Mngh, for what?" Donghae asks.
    "For--Are you okay?" Eunhyuk asks, noticing he sounds off.
    "Don't feel good." Donghae mumbles.
    "Are you sick? Wait here!" Eunhyuk says.
    Before Donghae can protest, Eunhyuk has slipped out of his arms and runs out of the room. He can hear his hyungs rushing around. He curls up with a groan and cracks his eyes open to look around. He only sees Eunhyuk's familiar room. Closing his eyes again, he buries his nose into his pillow. He furrows his brows and hopes Eunhyuk comes back quickly.
    When he does, he sits on the edge of the bed. Donghae looks up at him at Eunhyuk's gentle urging and closes his mouth over the thermometer that he places there. Eunhyuk runs his fingers through Donghae's hair with a worried expression. He bites his lip, quietly muttering about how sweaty Donghae is.
    Eunhyuk takes the thermometer from Donghae when it goes off. It brings it to eye level and frowns worriedly at the numbers displayed there. Donghae has a high fever. Eunhyuk sets the thermometer aside and says he'll be right back. He rises to his feet but Donghae snatches his wrist. Eunhyuk looks down at him in surprise. Donghae's eyes are begging him to stay and it breaks his heart.
    "I'll be right back." Eunhyuk repeats.
    "No." Donghae says stubbornly.
    Eunhyuk sighs and crouches down in front of the bed. He caresses Donghae's cheek and Donghae loosens his grip to a light one on Eunhyuk's wrist. Eunhyuk smiles softly at him and takes his hand in both of his and brings it to his face. He kisses his fingers and caresses the back of his hand.
    "You need medicine, Hae." Eunhyuk says.
    "No." Donghae persists.
    "Haa..." Eunhyuk makes an exasperated expression.
    "Hyuk, aren't you--what are you two doing?" Kyuhyun says slowly.
    "Donghae is sick. I'm gonna stay here and take care of him." Eunhyuk says. "Tell the others for me, okay? Oh, and can you grab me some medicine? Hae isn't letting me leave."
    "Donghae's sick? Er... yeah. I'll be right back." Kyuhyun says.
    "Thanks Kyu." Eunhyuk says but he's already left.
    A few minutes, he returns and Leeteuk is with him. Kyuhyun hands the medicine and some water to Eunhyuk. While Eunhyuk opens the bottle and makes Donghae sit up, Leeteuk asks how he is. Donghae tries to say that he's just not feeling well and can still go but Eunhyuk quickly denies it and throws Donghae a hard look.
    Like a reprimanded child, Donghae looks down into his lap. Eunhyuk hands a couple of pills to him and the water while telling them about his fever. Some of the other members come in while their talking with worried faces. When Donghae hands the water back, Eunhyuk turns soft eyes on him and gently pushes his hair back.
    Instead of lying back on the bed, he wraps his arms around Eunhyuk and drops his head on his shoulder. Eunhyuk slips an arm around him and sets the water on the table. The members start to crowd around them and fuss over Donghae. However, he only snuggles into Eunhyuk even more. Eunhyuk combs his fingers through his hair and kisses his head.
    Leeteuk gathers all the members, leaving Eunhyuk to take care of Donghae, and they leave for today's schedule. Eunhyuk watches Donghae silently. He wants to get a wet washcloth for him but knows he isn't about to let him leave. Eunhyuk tilts his head thoughtfully and eventually comes up with a solution.
    He guides Donghae's arms around his neck and then stands up with him gathered in his arms. Donghae instantly tightens his arms around his neck and hides his face there. Eunhyuk carries him into the washroom and places him on the counter. He stands in between Donghae's legs with him still holding onto him.
    Eunhyuk stares at him for a moment, watching the sweat glistening on the exposed skin. He grabs the hem of it and starts lifting it up. Donghae blinks in surprise and then lets go of Eunhyuk so he can pull it off. He immediately wraps his arms back around his back. Then Eunhyuk turns on the tap and covers a washcloth in cold water.
    He squeezes the water out so it is only damp and then brings it to his face, gently washing off the sweat covering it. Donghae closes his eyes and quietly sighs in relief. Eunhyuk smiles a little and continues to clean the sweat off him. He washes his neck, his shoulders, and then his chest. He gently removes the sweat from his chest and stomach. After that he washes his arms.
    Then he steps closer so that their bodies are lightly brushing and slips his arm around to his back. He glides the washcloth over his skin and Donghae holds him close. Eunhyuk smiles at him and Donghae leans so his head is resting on his shoulder. Eunhyuk gently runs his fingers through the other's hair and continues washing his back.
    Afterwards, he pours water over the cloth again and squeezes the sweat out of it. He bring the wet cloth over Donghae's head and then twists it so that the water can rinse out the sweat from his hair. He does it a couple more times and then runs his fingers through his hair to spread the water around.
    He grabs a dry towel and rubs his wet hair with it, dampening it. Then he dries the rest of him with it before picking him up again and carrying him back to bed. He curls up on his side with him and cuddles him to his chest. Donghae buries his nose in his chest and tucks his arms between their bodies. He easily falls asleep with Eunhyuk's fingers running through his hair and the strong arm around his waist.
    A couple of hours later, he wakes up. Donghae nuzzles his chest and sighs softly. Eunhyuk looks down at him and caresses his shoulder. Donghae smiles.
    "Are you feeling any better?" Eunhyuk asks.
    "A bit." Donghae says.
    "That's good. Do you want anything?"
    "Ahhh, so quickly."
    "That's because all I want is for Hyukkie to stay with me."
    "It's not like I would be gone for long."
    "I don't care."
    Eunhyuk chuckles lightly and kisses his head. He rolls onto his back and Donghae cuddles into his side. He worms his arm under him and wraps both of them around his waist. Eunhyuk smiles at him and lightly caresses his side with his fingers. Donghae hums happily and closes his eyes.
    Feeling restless from all his sleeping, he pulls away and crawls on top of him. He lies down on him, propped up on his elbows. Eunhyuk gives him a curious look and caresses his neck. He trails his hand up and cups his cheek. Donghae closes his eyes and leans into the touch. Then he drops his head and buries it into his neck.
    Blinking in surprise, Eunhyuk entangles his fingers in his brunette tresses.  He caresses his back with his other hand. Donghae sighs contently into his neck and rests his hands by their heads. One hand slips into Eunhyuk's hair and plays with it. Eunhyuk presses his cheek against his head and smiles a little.
    "Hyukkie, I'm bored." Donghae says.
    "...Um... What exactly do you expect me to do here?" Eunhyuk asks slowly.
    "Entertain me!" Donghae demands.
    "How am I supposed to do that?"
    "I don't know. Think of something!"
    "...Thi--haa... you..."
    Eunhyuk starts sputtering in disbelief and shakes his head. What the hell is he supposed to do? He pushes Donghae off of him and sits up. He scratches the back of his head thoughtfully and then turns to Donghae. He nearly has a panic attack when he sees his sad, hurt eyes watching him.
    "W-What?" Eunhyuk stutters.
    "Are you mad?" Donghae asks.
    "Mad? What are you talking about?"
    "But you pushed me away..."
    "I just wanted to sit up, Hae! What would I be mad about?"
    "Really? Yay! Wait, no! Lay back down, I want to cuddle!"
    Eunhyuk sighs and shakes his head at him. Ignoring his whining, he reaches a hand out and caresses his stomach. Donghae quiets down temporarily as his attention is drawn to the pale fingers wandering his torso. Then he wraps an arm around Eunhyuk and tries to pull him down forcefully as he starts up his whining again.
    However, Eunhyuk stays put. Frowning, Donghae tugs on his clothes and does everything he can think of to pull him down. He  even gets up and wraps his arms around him and tries to fall back on the bed with him. Eunhyuk smiles amusedly and only braces himself with a hand so he doesn't fall and traces the contours of his body with a finger.
    Donghae whines and complains but when Eunhyuk continues to ignore him, he gives up. He rolls onto his side, his back to Eunhyuk, with a pout. Eunhyuk stares at him and rubs his back. Then he caresses his side and leans over him. He brings his hand down to his stomach and caresses it as he brings his lips to his ear. He allows his breath to ghost over it and his lips to brush it with every word.
    "I can make you feel good." Eunhyuk says seductively.
    "H-Hyukkie!" Donghae squeaks in protest with a dark blush.
    He rolls onto his back and stares up at him with wide, innocent eyes. His face is inches from Eunhyuk's own. His heart skips a beat and starts hammering in his ears. His breathing becomes heavy. He gently places his hands on Eunhyuk's chest. On the other hand, Eunhyuk smirks at him and his hand slowly caresses up his chest before he pulls away.
    "Hae has such a dirty mind." Eunhyuk says teasingly. "I was only offering to give you a massage."
    Donghae stares at him in shock and disbelief. He opens and closes his mouth like a fish, not knowing how to respond to this. He knows Eunhyuk intentionally gave him the wrong impression so he could . It doesn't make him any less embarrassed. He whines softly and starts hitting and kicking Eunhyuk.
    The blonde laughs and pretends to cower under Donghae's assault. He grabs Donghae's legs and pushes them aside and leans over him again. Then he traps his arms above his head so he can't hit him anymore. Donghae is still blushing and panting. Eunhyuk smirks at him and presses his forehead against Donghae's.
    Donghae closes his eyes in a nervous way. Eunhyuk smiles and nuzzles his nose. Donghae twitches and shuffles nervously. Then Eunhyuk closes his eyes and kisses him. Donghae opens his eyes in surprise before closing them again and kissing back. He gently kisses him and glides his hands up to interlace them with Donghae's.
    Then he runs his tongue along Donghae's lips. He slips his tongue inside when those soft lips part for him. Eunhyuk crawls on top of him. He lets go of a hand and slips his into Donghae's hair. Donghae reaches up and wraps it around his neck. He runs his fingers through his hair and caresses his neck and shoulder.
    When Eunhyuk pulls away, sitting down in his lap, Donghae opens his eyes and meets his with an even deeper blush. Eunhyuk smiles at him and Donghae fiddles with his shirt. Eunhyuk gets off him and lies down beside him. He props his head in a hand and caresses his chest. He leans in and kisses Donghae on the cheek.
    Donghae rolls onto his side and hides his face in his chest. He drapes an arm over his waist and lightly fists his shirt. Eunhyuk's eyes soften and he kisses his head. He rubs his back and drops his head onto his arm. Donghae shuffles up so he can bury his nose in his neck. He throws a leg over him and slips his other one between Eunhyuk's own.
    "I'm sick." Donghae says, as though to tell him he shouldn't be kissing him.
    "I know." Eunhyuk says amusedly.
    "...I'm still bored."
    "Haa... Let's go watch TV then."
    "Uh, Hae? That means you have to get up."
    "Carry me."
    Eunhyuk chuckles and nods. He sits up with Donghae in his lap. Donghae locks his legs around him and wraps his arms around his neck. Eunhyuk wraps his arms around him and get up. With Donghae holding onto him like a koala bear, he walks to the living room. He sits on the couch and grabs the remote.
    Instead of lying down, Donghae just turns in his lap so he's facing the TV. Eunhyuk passes the remote to him and wraps his arms around his waist and drops his chin onto his shoulder. Donghae presses back into him and turns on the TV. He flicks through the channels, looking for something interesting and eventually settles on something he likes.
    The two watch the show but then Donghae's stomach growls. He jumps in surprise and blushes in embarrassment. Eunhyuk smiles at him says he'll make them something. Donghae makes a face. One that says Eunhyuk isn't allowed to leave his side. Eunhyuk shakes his head and makes an exasperated sound.
    "Oh come on, Hae! Do you want to starve?" Eunhyuk says.
    "If it means keeping you with me then yes!" Donghae says.
    "...Aren't you being a little extreme here?"
    "I don't care."
    "You haven't eaten yet today. Actually, I haven't either. We should really eat something."
    "I want to stay here though."
    "You can, but you have to let me cook."
    "No! I want to stay in Hyukkie's lap!"
    Donghae curls into him and nuzzles his neck. Eunhyuk can only make a sound of disbelief. He stares down at him and then sighs again. Deciding there isn't any reasoning with him, Eunhyuk simply carries him bridal style into the kitchen. Donghae yelps and wraps tightly around his neck.
    Eunhyuk sets him down on the counter and looks around for something to make. He figures he should just make soup for Donghae since he's sick. While he's considering what kind of soup to make, Donghae hops down from the counter and walks over to him. Eunhyuk turns to him in surprise and tries to get him to sit down; not wanting him to push himself while sick.
    However, Donghae protests that Eunhyuk's over here before wrapping his arms around him and burying his nose in his chest. Eunhyuk looks down at him and sighs, also wrapping his arms around him. He caresses Donghae's hair soothingly. Donghae nuzzles his chest in response and inhales his scent.
    They stand here like this for a couple of minutes. Then Eunhyuk asks Donghae what he wants to eat. Donghae tells him to make him the same as what he's having. Eunhyuk wants to protest that he doesn't even know what that is but decides against it. He tilts his head and decides that ramen should be okay.
    He grabs two instant ramen cups and boils some water for them. He pours it into the two cups and then grabs two pairs of chop sticks. With Donghae still latched onto him, he takes them to the table and places the ramen cups on it. Then he pulls out a chair and sits in it. Donghae immediately settles into his lap.
    Eunhyuk shakes his head and sighs a little. In any other situation, he would be more than happy with this but having Donghae in his lap makes eating a little difficult. Despite this, Eunhyuk doesn't comment on it. At the very least, Donghae will eat something. Although Eunhyuk is hungry, he is more concerned with Donghae getting something to eat than him.
    It turns out that his concerns are uncalled for. Instead of cuddling into his chest like usual, Donghae leans forward. This gives Eunhyuk enjoy room to hold his ramen cup between them and eat it. Smiling in relief, he grabs his ramen and starts to eat it. Then Donghae does right after him.
    Once they have finished, Donghae wraps his arms back around his neck and orders Eunhyuk to take him back to the living room. Eunhyuk smiles at him and obliges him. This time, the two lie down together. Not long after, Donghae starts shuffling around and . Eunhyuk looks at him in concern.
    "What's wrong, Hae?" Eunhyuk asks.
    "Ugh, I feel like I'm gonna--" Donghae's eyes widen and he covers his mouth.
    Donghae quickly rises to his feet and runs into the bathroom. Eunhyuk hurries after him. He sees Donghae leaning over the toilet vomiting. Eunhyuk hurries to his side and kneels down next to him. He combs his hair and rubs his back.
    When Donghae's vomiting subsides, Eunhyuk pulls him against him. He cleans his face and helps him to his feet. He guides him to the sink and turns on the tap. Donghae leans over it and gargles water to clean the puke from his mouth. Then he leans against Eunhyuk again. Eunhyuk slowly lowers them to the floor and holds him in his lap.
    "It's been long enough. You should take some more Tylenol." Eunhyuk says.
    "Okay." Donghae nods.
    "Alright. Here we go." Eunhyuk says and carefully picks Donghae up.
    He carries him back into his room and places him on the bed. He grabs the Tylenol bottle from his nightstand and opens it. He taps two pills into his palm and then grabs the glass of water from earlier. He hands the pills to Donghae. He gives him the glass of water once the pills are in his mouth.
    Donghae passes the water back to him after he's swallowed the pills. After setting it aside, Eunhyuk lies down with him. He pulls Donghae into his arms and holds him tightly. Donghae closes his eyes and hides his face in his neck. He groans every now and then. Eunhyuk tells him to get some rest and rubs his back. Donghae nods against him and does his best to do what Eunhyuk says.
    Donghae slips his legs between his and snuggles closer. Eunhyuk tightens his hold on him and kisses the top of his head. He combs his fingers through his hair a couple of times before going back to rubbing his back. Eventually, after the medicine kicks in, Donghae manages to fall asleep again. Eunhyuk sighs in relief when he realizes Donghae has fallen asleep again.
    Just then, he gets a text. He opens it and finds out that it is from Leeteuk asking how Donghae is. He responds by telling him he is sleeping right now. An immediate response of "okay" and "make sure he gets lots of rest and takes his medicine" come in. Eunhyuk assures him he will. Leeteuk doesn't say anything else.
    Donghae sleeps for four hours and a bit before waking up again. He moans groggily and nuzzles Eunhyuk's neck. Eunhyuk smiles at him and combs his hair, asking how he's feeling. Donghae shrugs and yawns before slowly sitting up. Eunhyuk watches him worriedly and sits up too. He shuffles close to him and pulls him against him. Donghae easily leans on him and drops his head onto his shoulder.
    "Let's play cards, Hyukkie." Donghae says.
    "Eh? Are you sure?" Eunhyuk asks.
    "Yeah." Donghae says.
    "Okay, wait here while I go get them." Eunhyuk says and Donghae nods.
    Eunhyuk also grabs the glass of water to refill it with cold water. Donghae shuffles back so he can lean against the wall. Eunhyuk returns shortly after with a deck of cards in one hand and the glass of water in the other. Donghae drinks some of the water while Eunhyuk shuffles the cards. He says he wants to play Go Fish and Eunhyuk smiles a little, nodding his head as an "okay". Then he deals out the cards.
    They smile and giggle as they play and Eunhyuk passes Donghae a couple of pills when he says he's feeling a little queasy. Eunhyuk asks if he wants to rest some more but Donghae shakes his head. Eunhyuk sighs in defeat and nods. They play a couple more games and then Eunhyuk coaxes Donghae into getting some more rest.
    Eunhyuk lies on his back and Donghae curls up against his side with his head resting on his chest. He closes his eyes and concentrates on the feeling of Eunhyuk's fingers running through his hair. He ends up falling asleep again and doesn't wake up before Super Junior arrives home from their schedule for the day.
    Leeteuk pops his head in to check on them. He sees Donghae sleeping and shares a look wordlessly with Eunhyuk. The latter nods his head to tell him Donghae is okay so Leeteuk smiles and nods back. He mouths "good night" to him and silently closes the door. The quiet sounds of Super Junior returning to their rooms for the night can be heard and it is enough to wake up Donghae.
    "Nugh, Hyukkie, what time is it?" Donghae asks, still half-asleep.
    "Late. The others just got back." Eunhyuk says. "Go back to sleep."
    "Mmn, 'kay." Donghae says and closes his eyes again.
    He's instantly asleep again. Eunhyuk smiles at him and runs his fingers through his hair. He kisses his head and then closes his eyes to get some rest too. He hopes Donghae is feeling better in the morning. Although, he admittedly hopes not early enough to wake him up and drag him out to eat at some restaurant.

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1489 streak #1
Chapter 1: Hae is really such a big, clingy babieee and of course his Hyukkie always indulges him.
Chapter 1: this was such a nice little story about hyukjae pampering sick!donghae... man, sick!hae is so demanding xD

thank you so much for writing this! ♡
Chapter 1: Hae is so cute.......
966 streak #4
Chapter 1: A sick Hae is so demanding and Hyuk has to hive in. Such a clingy, sick baby! But it is so sweetly told. Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 1: OMG Hae is a child, glad he have Hyuk beside him all the time kkk. Was Hae preggy?? Lol
Thanks for sharing this cute eunhae^^
Julymoe #6
I love this story so much
Chapter 1: that's so sweet :3
hyukkie is so caring and hae's such a baby... cute!!!
Chapter 1: Awwwww so cuteeeee <3 hyuk is such a good hubby lol ^^
Peach_Kiss #9
Chapter 1: That was shoooooo sweet and fluffy cute!!!!! (◕‿◕✿)
Is hae preggy? *_*
It was a wonderful cute story (◡‿◡✿)
Chapter 1: D'aaaaawwwww Tem!!! That was super cute. ^.^ It gave me this warm and fuzzy feeling inside~~ Eee, I love it when Hyuk and SUJU are fussy towards Hae, and he was just so sweet and caring!! This gives me such a heartwarming, almost domestic kind of vibe. ;3 It's a good one. Hehehe, although Hyuk is a little mischievous. Poor Hae~ omo Though he is so cuddly and I was like cooing at him (and Hyukkie) over here. The best medicine for Donghae is Eunhyuk! :D But Hyuk might end up with a cold after that tongue action, heh. They could stay in bed together and snuggle~~
So yes! This was really nice to read before bed. Fluff fluff fluff >3>