Yoseob has a brother?!

Yong Junhyung Must Die

Narrator's POV

It was a fine and Sunny day in America. You woke up with a smile in your face and looked outside the window. The weather is great today and you feel like going to shopping. Well, you always do that especially now that you are not fat anymore. Back then, you have so many clothes that you like but doesn’t fit on you but now, any clothes would do fit on you. After almost a year of working out, you achieved that slender body you’ve been dreaming of since then. Well, thanks to your best friend in America too, namely Yang Yoseob.

Yoseob is a Korean too but his family decided to let him study in America. His family is close with your family that’s why you two met each other. You always consider yourself very lucky for finding someone like Yoseob, who’s always there for you whenever trials and fears come your way. He’s like your strength in everything you do. He always makes you cheer up when you don’t even want to smile and here’s the most important thing, You can’t resist his oh-so-wonderful Aegyo. He’s the aegyo king! Haha!

You stood up and got off from your bed. You were about to go to the bathroom but you suddenly passed by the mirror. You faced the mirror and saw yourself. You are so different now, unlike before. Your goal succeeded, finally. You smiled widely on your achievement and said, “Yong Junhyung, you think I have forgotten about you? Well, you’re mistaken. I still remember all those words you have said to me. Get prepared.” You laughed foolishly to yourself. You really wanted to do revenge on Junhyung. Well, it’s not a dark revenge, huh. You just call it a bittersweet revenge and you’ve got all your plans prepared already.

“Hey there pretty! What are you doing there?” Suddenly, Yoseob entered your room with a smile plastered on his face. You immediately smiled back and said, “I just can’t believe I look this slender now. Thank you, Seobie!” You said, cheerfully. He laughed at you and said, “No worries. Hey, tomorrow is our flight, are you ready?”

“I am more than ready! Hey, what about our house? Our house in Korea was being rented to other people already so I don’t have a house now over there since my family is staying in here. I was just too lucky they allowed me to stay and study there again for one year.” I said. Yeah, you were just allowed to study your Senior Year in High School there then you’ll go back to America for your College. You just really wanted to get revenge on Junhyung and you’re happy. Well, you wish?

“Oh, I have a brother living in Korea!” Yoseob said. You looked shocked. You didn’t even know he has one. You always thought he’s an only child because his family is living here in America with him and then he has a brother in Korea? “You have a brother? How come you didn’t tell me?” You said with pouty lips. You pretended to be mad at Yoseob. Well, you’re always like that when he doesn’t tell you some things.

“Oh, I just forgot to tell you. Min Seul, I’m sorry.” Yoseob used some aegyo on you. You said, “Yah! Don’t ever use that one me again, please! You know I can’t resist that aegyo of yours.” You stomped your feet on the floor like a child and placed your arms in front of your chest. That’s right, Yoseob and you are very childish but it looks cute, I tell you. Haha!

“Okay. Apology accepted.” You laughed. “By the way, what’s his name?”

“You’ll know when we get there.” Yoseob said. You pouted and hit his head playfully and said, “Why don’t you want to tell me?! Just the name!” You said. Yoseob laughed at you and stuck his tongue out, “Well, you are not even telling me the name of the guy you wanted to take revenge with! It’s just fair!”

You shot a furious look on him and started catching him. You ran and ran around the second floor and you still not able to catch him. He ran on the first floor and so did you. You stopped running when you saw your mom preparing breakfast on the dining room. “Good morning mom!” “Good morning Auntie!”

“Yah! What are you two doing running around like little kids around the house?” Your mom said while placing a basket of muffins on your table. Muffins are your favorite food especially when your Mom is the one who cooked it. “Uhm, don’t mind it mom! I’ll eat now! It’s my favorite food!”

“Hey! You’ll get fat again!” Yoseob said. He’s teasing you again. When he’s in the mood to tease, he keeps on calling you Fatty but when he’s not, he keeps on calling you Pretty. He’s pretty weird, right? Well, that’s your best friend, Yang Yoseob!

“Shut up.” I kept on munching my food. “Promise me you’ll introduce me to your brother and I’ll introduce you to Him when we reached Korea.” You gave him a you-already-know-who-i-am-talking-about look. He immediately understood what you are saying and sat in front of you. He started eating too. By the way, he and his family is living next door that’s why he’s always at your house, just to eat. Haha!

“Oh! By the way, your flight schedule has been moved. Your flight is at 10pm tonight already.” You shouted. “YAY! Good thing it has been moved, I am really excited!” Your mom laughed at you and said, “I’ll miss you, honey. Take care of yourself there okay? Yoseob, take good care of her, huh?” Yoseob nodded his head like a child and went back on eating. “Oh, mom, we’ll live on the house of Yoseob’s brother.”

Mom looked shocked too. “You have a brother?” I laughed. “I also didn’t know about it! He doesn’t even want to tell me the name.” I pouted. He laughed and said, “We’ll meet him in a few hours so why still say the name to you, right?” I shot him a death glare and said, “BULLY!”

After a few hours, you decided packing your things now. Oh, you forgot about shopping. Well, you just decided to shop on Korea with your girl best friend, Goo Hara. “Oh, how I miss that girl already! Finally, we’ll be able to see each other again. She doesn’t even know I’m not fat already. I’ll just surprise her.” I laughed at my self’s foolishness and looked at the time, it’s already 4pm. You need to get to the airport by 7pm and you still have so many things to pack up.

“Honey, I already enrolled you and Yoseob in your old school, okay?” Your mom suddenly entered your room. You smiled from what you have heard. “I wish Junhyung’s in the same class with me..” You said to yourself silently and smirked.

End of POV

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_Angelique_ #1
Chapter 6: UGH! god plz update! i wanna read more!! XD
keep_cool #2
Chapter 6: lol...makes me wonder if the revenge will work out..hahaaha:)
Yoseob <3 XD
Yay!!! You updated!!!
Junhyung is funny but cruel.....still love him anyway ^_^
Update more!!!
I updated! :D HIHI. And for joanna_MAgic, yes I am a Pinoy. :D
Enjoy the update guys and remember that I love you all >:D<
dongwoon_heart #6
what?! brothers?! that is so interesting..... go min seul!!! make junhyung die just by looking at you!!!!
update soon!
the sunsun couple are here! I'll follow u on twitter!! Follow me back @joanna_MAgic ! Update soon!
woohoo!! Another Pinoy!(right?) I like the plot of your story!! I'll start reading!