ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ CLOSED

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cafe international roleplay
welcome to cafe international.

cafe international is a place where you can come as a stranger and meet someone who can become a friend. meet a friend who can become family, or with luck, become a love. come in, order a cup of your favorite coffee drink, and a slice of fei fei's infamous desserts. pull up a chair and relax. meet, greet, and as the saying goes... be merry. 

cafe international is a twitter-based roleplay. please read the rules and guidelines on how to apply below. fei, woo bin and sulli have many events, games and love to share with you all. please feel free to leave questions or comments below or to us on twitter. hope to see you soon!


how to apply
1 – read all the rules. subscribe. upvotes are optional but appreciated.

2 – select a character; see masterlist and wishlist to see who is available or wanted.

3 – leave a comment below with request along with password. password is your favorite coffee drink. reservations are for 48 hours from base’s initial ok. please do not delete your comments.

4 – make your account. username format: @name_intl or @nameintl. please include café intl somewhere in your bio.

5 – follow the base and admins. mention base and wait for verification before any interactions/following.

6 – once verified, follow everyone off the base following list. greet everyone and have fun!

1 – one character per person – character changes limited to twice. always inform base of change.

2 – be respectful and friendly. talk to everyone; no biased or selective replying.

3 – facechasing is stupid; don’t do it.

4 – /yuri permitted. no mpreg. relationships after 1 week or 400 tweets.

5 – tl is pg-15; goes directly to dm. try to limit cursing (but the admin curses like a sailor)

6 – closed rp. no following anyone outside of café int

7 – inform base of hiatus/semi-hiatus. hiatus: 2 month max, semi- no max time, but try to come on every few days - after 5 days inactive, good bye, so please be as active as you can be!


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cafe_int #1
updated 8/14 1223 (wb)
RenDaGo #2
Can I reserve Yongguk please.
-iced coffee
zeloandcielo #3
Can I reserve Jung Daehyun?

-- Cappuccino :D
cafe_int #4
updated 8/9 (wb)
Can I reserved Jessica Jung

Coffee Americano ;)
Chapter 1: Can I reserve apink's Chorong?
; white coffee
Chapter 1: Can I reserve Zelo?
cafe_int #8
updated 8/7 (wb)
markji #9
reserving t-ara qri
// caramel macchiato
Whats the base un?