Dealing with Antis




I kept my head low, sighing as I passed yet another poster.

Now, it wasn’t any ordinary poster. It was a Super Junior- M poster—except 2 faces had been slashed out.


“I think they’re going to be successful”

That was the first time someone had ever said that to me.

Not even my other band members have said words of encouragement.

“I met a fan today. . . She said that we’re going to be successful Hen. He exact words were, ‘I think they’re going to be successful’. Hen, I was so happy.”
"How are we supposed to deal with antis?" He asked in a small voice

People around the world know Zhou Mi and Henry/

But to what extent?

Did you know . . .

In October of 2007, SME announced the addition of two new Chinese members. They were to be placed in a sub unit. That sub unit happened to be Super Junior M.

When SME announced the news, fans weren't happy.

They felt 15 was too much in a band.

They didn't want Zhou Mi or Henry.

They already didn't like Henry since his appearance in Don't Don. After Don't Don, fans (ELFs) started an "Only 13" campaign.

Personally, I think the "Only 13" stuff is ridiculous.
Super Junior originally had 12 members.
Plus, ELF's didn't start a campaign.

So any ways,

From 2007 to now, 2011, Zhou Mi and Henry still have so many anti's.

It makes me wonder . . . 

What did they do wrong ?!


Dear all, 
I really don’t understand. Aren’t people supposed to care and to protect what is their own? We speak the same language, eat the same food, have the same customs and yet we are not welcome in our own country to perform. All we want to do is to express ourselves through performing and music but how can we do this when there is so much hate? Don’t you find it funny how we can perform in every other country without any problems except for our own home country? I I left my friends, family, and everything else back in Canada to pursue a dream all alone here in Asia. As a result, I have been hated ever since I first debuted in Korea in 2006 from fans. What more do you want from me? How do you think I or we both feel every time we go up on stage knowing people will be screaming for us to get off? I’ve tried to laugh it off for far too long now and can’t hold it in anymore. Just to let you know, we have feelings too. I will continue to work my hardest to bring the best performances for you all but today I’d just like to let you know a little about how I feel in the inside. I’m almost all out of breathe.



The other day, I came across a website.

It was dedicated to Henry Lau and Zhou Mi.

Sweet right ?

Yeah, I thought so too.

Until I read what they had posted.

"Get Lost!!"

"I hate you!"

"Zhou Mi !"

"Only 13!"

"Henry Lau should go back to Canada!"

My thoughts:


Ugh. People are so mean.

Henry and Zhou Mi have feelings too you know.



Special Thanks to Janie for letting me use parts of her story (Kyuhyun... It's been hard on you)

If you haven't read this totally GREAT (&&featured) story, then I HIGHLY recommend you too.

First story (x



Special Thanks to Music Chibi at Ahjussi & Chicken Graphic Shop for my poster. Isn't it gorgeous ?(:


Started: 9-20-11

Ended: n/a


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oh wow. o u o
i love this..
HanKeLaMaHan #3
Chapter 7: i wasn't an e.l.f from when they debuted but i admired how henry,zhou mi and kyuhyun handled the anti-fans that they made me believe that super junior is different from other groups(non-kpop bands)
they were also the one who turned me into an e.l.f and now i'm proud to call myself one.
Super Junior forever.E.l.f forever
if they can accept kyuhyun,i don't understand why they can't accept henry and zhou mi.
Chapter 7: Ahhh that's quite refreshing ... i don't really read Super Junior fanfics because uhh i'm not an elf BUT .. i really like this ... ALOT .. i mean the first succeeding chapters almost sent me to tears .. (Well they already did but still -insert manly pride here-) I like Kyuhyun in Suju and now Henry and Zhou mi. this fanfic is really ... wow .. breathtaking? Thanks for sharing, and hope that i can read more from this fanfic :)
PS. I still don't know the reason why most fans bash new added members in their favorite group .. OTL mean .. mean ... mean.
AnimeKitty #5
A Match?! They threw a match at Gentleman Mimi?! How violent! I really don't understand why people hate Zhou Mi and Henry, what did they do wrong? Henry and Zhou Mi aren't bad people and it's not as if adding them ruined Super Junior; I find that they made SJ even more interesting. What do these antis expect from them?! I hope that all the hate will stop one day.
mellyna #6
What's wrong with those antis?!
I just can't get it.Both Zhoumi and Henry are talented,and SME would never put them in SJ-M for nothing.Why don't they take a look at the positive side?.Placing Zhoumi and Henry for the subgroup made Super Junior even more perfect.
stormyskygrl #7
WTF. they threw a MATCH at Zhoumi?? /totally not cool.
I hate people that hate Henry and Zhoumi. Makes me cry :'(
THIS. asdfghjkl pisses me off.
How can we b the best fandom if there is
internal fighting within us?
Accept them & love them.
They're talented and beautiful, they deserve
their place in SJ ;-;
I love Super Junior as 15. How can people not love Henry and Zhou Mi? :(