Flower Girl

“I didn't order flowers...”


It was 10 in the morning as Myungsoo opened the door to see a tall, young man standing with a bouquet of flowers in front of his doorstep. Smiling at him, the man had the shop's work uniform on but still looked very handsome as he wore it like it was everyday wear.


“It's free” he said brightly, while smiling even wider than before. “A present for our regular customers!” he added.


“Oh...” Myungsoo said, hesitantly taking the flowers.


As Myungsoo was just about to close the door, the man suddenly calls his name.




“Uh...yes?” he replied, unsure why the man hasn't left his doorstep yet.


“Do you mind if you do a customer survey for us while you're here?”


Taken aback, Myungsoo would usually say no and slam the door in the person's face ended up nodding shyly while letting the man in.


“He gave me free flowers after all...” he thought as he quickly put the flowers in a vase before joining the young man.


“Brilliant” Sungyeol thought to himself as he stood in the black and white living room patiently. “This is probably the smartest thing you've ever come up with Sungyeol. Guess who's getting a cappuccino tonight.”


“Have a seat” Myungsoo requested as he walked back to the living room gesturing to the leather couch.


Sungyeol quickly sits down on the couch as he couldn't help but to scan his surroundings. While looking at all the expensive and fancy furniture, Sungyeol couldn't help but compare his house to his own run-down apartment. “He must make a lot of money...” he thought to himself.


Unaware that he sat there for five minutes scanning Myungsoo's living room, Myungsoo fakes a loud cough to regain Sungyeol's attention.


“O-Oh!” Sungyeol exclaimed, jumping from his seat. “I'm sorry! I was just so impressed by how nice your house is!”


Sungyeol looked over at Myungsoo who doesn't say anything as he glares at him with piercing eyes. Feeling a little guilty and embarrassed, Sungyeol quickly grabs sheets of papers and a pencil.


“I'll try my best not to take up your time” Sungyeol said politely. “My name is Sungyeol and I just have a couple of simple questions to ask you.”


Sungyeol looked up at Myungsoo again to see that he had the same scary expression was before.


“O-Okay” Sungyeol stuttered, starting to sweat. “First question...”

“Where's Sungyeol?” Jihyun asked looking around the shop to only see the other boys lounging around.


“I don't know” Woohyun replied, looking around the shop as he didn't even notice that Sungyeol was gone. “He must have gone off to buy something” he added before looking out the window to check out girls passsing by.


“This is so unlike him...” Jihyun thought as she walked to the counter to get the delivery papers and flowers.


“He didn't order flowers today...”

“What kind of questions are these?!” Myungsoo shouted at Sungyeol.


The two were now standing up as they glared back at one another with hateful looks on their faces.


Myungsoo couldn't handle it anymore as Sungyeol asked him absurd questions about his personal life for half an hour. At first he tried his best not to be mean but, after questions such as “Boxers or Briefs?”. But it wasn't until the question “On a scale to 1 to 10, how cute do you think our delivery girl (Jihyun) is?” was asked, that caused Myungsoo to flip.


“I'm sorry if I offended you!” Sungyeol shouted. “I just want to know a little more about our customers!”


“Get out!” Myungsoo shouted as he pointed at the door.

“Why am I upset?” Jihyun asked herself as she continued delivering flowers. “I should be happy that I won't have to see his stupid face anymore!”


“What a freak...” Myungsoo muttered to himself before locking the door behind him.


“Wait...” Myungsoo thought to himself.




Myungsoo quickly ran up to his room to go on his computer.


“No way...” he thought to himself as he typed quickly on his keyboard.


“No way...”

“Sunggyu looks a lot more grouchy than he usually does...” Sungjong whispered to Woohyun.


“WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT ME?!” Sunggyu shouted giving a deathly stare at poor innocent Sungjong.


“N-n-nothing!” Sungjong replied nervously as he quickly got back to work.


Woohyun who usually doesn't do much but greet the guests was watching Sunggyu as he worked while frowning and muttering to himself. “So obvious...” he thought to himself.

“No wonder Jihyun didn't want to go to that guy's house...”


Sungyeol was taking the subway as he sat with a serious face while having his arms and legged crossed. Girls who saw him couldn't help but secretly take pictures of him with their cellphones with captions such as “How cool is he?~” and “Is he a model? <3~ ^^”.


“Maybe I'll stop forcing her to go to his house...” he thought. “Even though he's an important customer, I wouldn't want Jihyun to be treated in that way by some rich snob.”

“Ah shoo!”


“Is someone talking about?” Myungsoo asked himself as he quickly got a tissue to wipe his nose. Myungsoo who was lounging around in his room once again had nothing to do now that Jihyun and Sungyeol weren't there to bother him.


“I wonder if she hates me now...” he thought as he remembered the way he had treated her the other day.


Even though it would hurt his pride to call the shop again (after what happened with Jihyun AND Sungyeol), Myungsoo felt as if it was worth it. Myungsoo couldn't stop but think about Jihyun's sweet smile and the way she had admired his photography.




“Myungsoo...Stop with your silly hobbies and focus! It's your senior year in high school and you expect to take over the family business with grades like this?!”


Myungsoo (18) sat quietly as he watched his mother throw the one thing he loved on the floor. Although his body jerked as he watched the camera lens shatter in front of him, he had to stop himself from wanting to pick it up.


His mother, tall, thin, and beautiful, was a strict business woman who worked along side his father. Although you'd expect the two to have a good relationship due to this, this was not the case as Myungsoo knew that both of his parents no longer loved each other. Angry and depressed, Myungsoo's mother knew that her husband has been cheating on her for years. With nowhere to vent, she would go to Myungsoo to scold and break things in his room ever since Myungsoo was little.


“If I ever see you holding a camera again!” his mother shouted. “I'll burn every photography book you have! Including your grandfathers!”


Slamming the door as hard as she could before she left, Myungsoo could hear the tapping of her high heels as she stormed off. He waited until he could no longer hear the noise before he quickly went and picked up his favourite camera.


“To: Myungsoo.

From: Grandpa” was engraved on the metal.




“Jihyun I'm glad you're here!” Sungyeol exclaimed as he walked in the store.


Surprised as she was just about to leave again, Jihyun is suddenly greeted by a hug from Sungyeol.


“Are you okay?” she asked, confused.


“I'm so sorry.”


Not letting her go, Jihyun couldn't even look up to see the expression Sungyeol had on his face.


“Why are you sorry?” she asked even more confused.


“I forced you to go to that 146 guy's house” he said apologetically. “I shouldn't of done that” he continued. “You never have to go to that guy's house ever again. I won't let you even if you try!”


“Ah shoo!”


Sneezing again, Myungsoo quickly gets a tissue to wipe his nose. “Maybe I'm catching a cold...” he thought to himself, a little worried.


“Whatever” he thought to himself.


Feeling lonely as he would usually have a girl with him during this time, Myungsoo lied on his bed by himself while looking up at his ceiling.


“I wonder what flowers I should order tomorrow...?”

“Wait...” Sungyeol said as he squinted at Jihyun questionably.


“What happened to [mocking her voice] NEVER GOING BACK THERE EVER AGAIN!?”


“Well...” Jihyun said while scratching her head. “You know...” she continued. “It's my job to deliver flowers afterall...I'm Seoul's Flower Girl!”


Hoping that her excused had worked, Jihyun gives a awkward/fake smile to convince Sungyeol.






“I'm not buying it” Sungyeol said as he locked the front door while Jihyun hopped onto her scooter.


The store had already closed as it was already getting dark in Seoul leaving the neighbourhood mostly empty.


“Well, I'm not trying to sell you anything” Jihyun said as she begin to start her engine. “See you tomorrow” Jihyun said giving a wave goodbye as she slowly rode off on her scooter.


“I have to ask her...” Sungyeol thought to himself as he watched her leave.

Shutting his eyes while tighten his fists, Sungyeol suddenly gains the courage to yell “Do you like him?!”



“Oh my god”

“Why is he watching me?”


Sunggyu was sitting by himself as he listened to his music while quietly humming along in the subway. During this time, the subway is usually empty expect for a couple of homeless people here and there that Sunggyu would try his best to avoid. Other then that, being in the subway was a peaceful for him since he could take naps or listen to his music. Until...


“Stop looking at me...” he muttered to himself as he turned the other direction so he wouldn't have to look at him.


Although he sat far away, Woohyun from the time he entered the subway to this very moment, couldn't take his eyes off of Sunggyu.


Uncomfortable and honestly pissed off, Sunggyu could only fidget in his seat as he tried to look as if he didn't care that his co-worker saw him outside of work.


“Now I think about it” Sunggyu thought to himself. “I've never seen him in anything but his uniform...”


Woohyun who was only wearing a plain white t-shirt and black jeans, shined brighter than usual in Sunggyu's eyes. While Sunggyu who was wearing all dark and gloomy colors looked as if he just came back from a funeral.


“Why is he just staring at me?”


Suddenly, Woohyun gets up from his seat while still staring at Sunggyu.


“Is he getting off?” Sunggyu wondered as he didn't know where Woohyun lived.


Instead of walking out the door when the subway train stopped, Woohyun smiles at Sunggyu and starts walking towards him.


“W-w-w-wait” Sunggyu thought to himself as his small eyes widen at the turn of events. “MY HOUSE IS AT THE LAST STOP! HE BETTER NOT COME AN-”




Woohyun plopped beside Sunggyu with a big grin on his face.


“You're such a klutz” Sungyeol said as he bandaged Jihyun's cut up leg.


After hitting a telephone pole with her scooter, Jihyun immediately fell down, scraping her legs and arms badly.


“Well you shouldn't yell at people randomly like that!” Jihyun argued while trying to withstand the pain of the alcohol that Sungyeol was dabbing on her wounds.


Jihyun looked over at Sungyeol who was now quite as he tried to clean her wounds as gentle as possible. “Thanks by the way...” she said, apologetically.

“What are you listening to?” Woohyun asked while smile at Sunggyu.


Sunggyu who was trying his best not to start any small-talk with him, put in his headphones and looked the other way even though Woohyun was right beside him.


“WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO?!” Woohyun shouted, scaring Sunggyu so badly he almost fell off of his seat.


“60 SECONDS!” Sunggyu yelled back irriated.

“By Sunggyu from Infinite right?”


“Y-yeah!” Sunggyu replied, surprised he knew the song.


“That's a bit narcissistic of you to listen to a song by a guy with the same name as you. He even looks a little like you too...”


“I'm going to kill him...” Sunggyu thought to himself.

As he continued to put multiple bandages on Jihyun's legs, Sungyeol couldn't stop himself from getting a little nervous from touching/looking at Jihyun's legs up close like this.


“Calm down, calm down, calm down, they're just legs” he told himself.


“...about the question you asked me before...” Jihyun suddenly states.


“What question?” Sungyeol asks, forgetting what had happened before the incident.


“About whether I liked the boy from house 146...”


Sungyeol quickly tilts his head up to look at Jihyun as he was know longer interested in her legs.


“Yes...” he said hesitantly.


“I think I might” she said shyly.


Sungyeol watched as Jihyun's face slowly turned bright pink as she covered her face with her hand.


“I don't know!” she shouted in frustration. “One minute I think he's super cute and nice and then the next minute he's a total asshol...Sungyeol?”


Sungyeol who was holding onto Jihyun's leg had now officially turned into stone.

“This song is pretty good” Woohyun said as he tries to hum along with the song.


“How did things become like this...?”


Woohyun and Sunggyu were listening to 60 Seconds together as they shared headphones like they were a high school couple.


“To think I would be doing this with a guy...” Sunggyu thought.


Suddenly the subway train stops abruptly, causing Woohyun to lean against Sunggyu. Turning red instantly, Sunggyu pushes Woohyun off of him almost pushing him off his seat.


“Hey!” Woohyun shouted trying to regain his balance.


Ignoring Woohyun, Sunggyu looks out the subway window to see that it was the last stop.


“Time flew by...” he thought to himself.


“Time sure flew by am I right?”


Woohyun puts his arms around Sunggyu's shoulder as he leads him out the subway entrance.


As the two walked side by side, Sunggyu couldn't but help say “I didn't know you lived in this part of town?”


“I don't!”


“Oh oka-what.”

“It's not that I've never liked anyone or gone out with anyone...” Jihyun said shyly. “It's just that...I've never felt this way about anyone...I just want to know everything about him.”


It was getting very late as Jihyun and Sungyeol sat alone at the shop while Jihyun poured her heart out in front of Sungyeol.


Sungyeol who was gripping on the side of his seat to prevent him from going on a mad rampage could only listen to Jihyun while giving her a fake smile.


“Why me...” he thought to himself. “Why him...”

“No” Sunggyu said with a cold voice before walking away from Woohyun.


“W-wait!” Woohyun shouted, chasing after him. “Please!” he said, clinging on to Sunggyu's arm as Sunggyu continued walking.


After walking out of the subway station, Woohyun looked like a clingy girlfriend who just got dumped by her boyfriend while still trying to get back with him.


“Please!” Woohyun begged pulling on Sunggyu's arm.


“I have nowhere else to go!” he continued. “My girlfriend threw me out of her apartment and my wallet's still at her place!”


“Then go to her apartment and get it!” Sunggyu shouted as he flings Woohyun off his arm.


“But...her boyfriend's going to be there...”


From the tone of his voice, Sunggyu could tell that Woohyun was obviously down over this breakup. Turning around made it even worse as Woohyun looked as if he was about to cry any minute now.






“...one night.”

“See ya!” Jihyun said while waving goodbye.


“Stop waving!” Sungyeol cried. “You're going to get in another accident!”


Sungyeol could hear Jihyun's laugh as she rides away on her scooter after giving him a lift home.


Sungyeol's smile quickly disappears after an image of Myungsoo smiling devilishly at him appears.


“I'm not back out without a fight.”

“Here” Sunggyu said as he throws a blanket at Woohyun who was lying on Sunggyu's couch.


Woohyun scanned around Sunggyu's small apartment as he started to look in every drawer and cabinet in his house.


“Hey!” Sunggyu shouted.


“I just want to know more about you” Woohyun said as he nonchalantly continues his investigation.


Tired, Sunggyu just sighs loudly before going to the bathroom to take a shower.


“He sure is clean...” Woohyun thought as there was not trace of dust to be found in the house. “Has he always lived alone?” he thought to himself, looking at the door to Sunggyu's bedroom.


“I shouldn't...” he thought.





“Just a peak.”

“Ah~” Sunggyu exhaled after inhaling the steam from his shower.


Quickly putting Pjs on (as he was worried that Woohyun would randomly burst into the bathroom), Sunggyu quickly prepared himself to go to bed.


After finishing, he walked outside the bathroom to see no one in the living room. “NO!” he shouted, before sprinting into his room to see Woohyun...passed out on his bed.




Sunggyu quietly walks up to Woohyun who was sleeping peacefully on top of his blankets. Letting out a big sigh, Sunggyu tries his best to lightly push Woohyun off to the side so he could cover him with the blankets.


“I guess I'll sleep on the couch tonight...”

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Chapter 5: I feel bad for Sungyeol's one-sided love but L is cool :P I'm loving the bromance between Woohyun and Sunggyu. Can't wait until the next chapter
Aw sweet. I love the theme of this story. :~)
Chapter 1: Aw sungyeol's one sided love~ u knw i have one story called "flower girl" and its also starring infinite and myungsoo XD Hahaha (Check it out maybe ?? ~~ )