Flower Girl

“No!” Jihyun shouted. 

It was eleven in the afternoon and Sungyeol and Jihyun have been arguing with one another since opening (9AM). 

“There is no way I'm delivering to that house again!” Jihyun shouted. 

“Why not?!” Sungyeol shouted back. “He's our most expensive customer and if we get him to be a regular, we'll make a fortune!” 

“He's an !” Jihyun shouted. “I'm not going to that damn guys house again!” 

Woohyun, Hoya, Sunggyu, Dongwoo, and Sungjong all stood on the sidelines as they watched the two argue non-stop. Customers that tried to go in the shop were also scared away by the two. 

“Why can't one of you guys go!” 

“None of us have a car! And none of us know how to drive a scooter!” 

“WELL I'M NOT GOING!” Jihyun shouted before storming outside the shop. 


They stood silently as they have never seen Jihyun so angry before. 

“Sungyeol...maybe we shouldn't make her go...” Woohyun commented. “She really seems to not want to go...” 

“Why doesn't she want to go so badly...” Sungyeol wondered to himself. “Shes never declined a delivery before.”

“Sungyeol you ...” Jihyun thought to herself as she stormed out the shop. Just thinking back to what happened that day at Myungsoo's house pissed Jihyun off. “I can't believe that would order flower again” she thought. 

“But I don't wanna!” 

“Now Jihyun, you're never going to move on in life if you don't face problems head on” Jihyun's father said while patting little Jihyun on the head. “He's only a puppy, he won't bite.” 

Jihyun and her father both stood at the park looking down at a small lost puppy. “Jihyun there's no need to cry, the puppy is probably more afraid of your then you're afraid of it.”

Young, four year old Jihyun looks down at the small puppy who made her cried frantically before. She slowly takes out her hand to pet the puppy and watches as the puppy sticks its head out to let her do so. 

“So” Jihyun's father said smiling. “I knew you could do it!”

“Yeah maybe you're right” Sungyeol said. “Maybe I shouldn't force her to go to that guy's house.” 

“I'll do it!” Jihyun shouted as she storms back into the shop ready to get the flowers. 

“Are you sure?” Sungyeol asked, looking a little concerned. 

“I really don't get you at all” Jihyun said looking over at Sungyeol. “One minute you want me to do something and the next you're hesitant about it?”

Hoya quickly passes the small (yet expensive) bouquet of flowers to Jihyun who quickly grabs it and leaves the shop. 

“I wonder what changed her mind” Sungyeol thought to himself. 

“Maybe I just caught him at a bad time” Jihyun thought to herself as she was riding on her scooter. Going faster than she usually does since she left a little late, Jihyun was excited to take on this adventure. “I'll never move on in life if I don't face my problems head on.” 
“She's late” Myungsoo thought to himself as he looked over at the clock that was hanging on his wall. 

“Honey? You okay?” 

A young, pale, fit girl was walking around Myungsoo's bedroom with only his shirt on. She kept on touching every little thing in Myungsoo's room in hopes of finding a little more about him. 

The two had met last night when Myungsoo was at a nightclub in Gangnam. Myungsoo usually doesn't like girls who had so much work done like her but, she was very persistent throughout the night. 

“She looks even more fake when I'm sober” Myungsoo thought to himself. 

Leaving the girl to investigate in his room, Myungsoo walks to the kitchen to get a glass of water in hopes of curing his hangover. “She's really late” he thought as he looked over at the kitchen clock. 

He had requested the flowers to be there at 12:00 in the afternoon and it was already 12:45. 
“Crap, crap, crap” Jihyun thought to herself as she quickly looked for the numbers 146 once again. 

“There it is!” she thought as she quickly got off her scooter while running with the flowers in her hands towards the door. 
Ding Dong

“She's here...” Myungsoo thought to himself as he quickly puts down his glass of water to open the door. 

“Who is it?!” the girl from last night asks. 

“No one!” Myungsoo shouted back (probably the only semi-real conversation the two actually had). 
“Hi, I-”

The introduction that Jihyun had practised in her head multiple times was all forgotten after seeing Myungsoo in person. To make it even worse, Myungsoo was shirtless as only had a pair of black sweats on. 

Before Jihyun could say anything else, Myungsoo grabs the flowers once again and neatly places the money on the floor. 



“Not again...” Jihyun thought to herself. 
“Myungsoo! Who was that?!”

Ignoring the girl's question Myungsoo quickly puts the flowers in the vase and puts it on his kitchen counter. 

Bang Bang Bang

Suddenly, a hard rapid knock from his door from the front door is heard. Hesitant, Myungsoo slowly walks over to the door to open it. 

It's the same girl as before but, this time, she's furious. 

“Uhm” Myungsoo murmurs. “Did I not give enoug-”

“Why do you hate me but, still order from our shop?” the girl asked. 


“I know there's not a lot of flower shops around here but there's still other ones! Ones that are closer to your house even!” 



“I didn't this ti-”


“Why is she like this...?” Myungsoo asked himself as he stood there without a word as the delivery girl nagged him to death. “Shouldn't most people just walks away or ignore something like this...”

He watched as the girls face was turning redder and redder as she nagged. What was only few minutes felts like years for Myungsoo as he had never been yelled at like this. Coming from a rich family, he rarely saw his parents and those around him would adore him due to his family history. 

“It's kind of refreshing” he thought to himself as he watched the girl go on and on. “I guess this is how it feels to be a regular kid.” 
“Are you okay now?” Myungsoo asked looking down at Jihyun who had ran out of breath from nagging so much. 

“Y...e....s...” Jihyun replied, trying to catch her breath. “Why am I so mad?” she thought to herself. “I'm so dead....I just yelled and nagged at a customer...”


Jihyun looks up to see that Myungsoo had a glass of water in his hand. “I think you need this” he said quietly. 

Surprised, Jihyun takes a sip of the water without any question. “Why is he being so nice to me even though I just yelled at him?” 

After taking another big sip of water, Jihyun passed the glass back to Myungsoo. “Thanks.”

“No problem” he said quietly. 

“He's kind of quite and timid...” she thought to himself as she watched him walk to the kitchen to put the glass in the sink. “I expected a loud ignorant rich boy...” 

“I'm start to regret yelling at him now...” she thought to herself. “No! Wait! What he did was unforgivable! No sho-”


Before Jihyun could finish her thought, Myungsoo handed her an ice cold water bottle. 

“Wow...” Jihyun said, feeling a little shy. “Thanks...”


“He's apologizing?” Jihyun thought while looking over at Myungsoo who wasn't even looking at her. “I can't tell if he's shy or if he just doesn't care.” 

“It's okay I guess”

Jihyun takes the cold water bottle from Myungsoo's hand and begins to walk over to her scooter. “I'll take this water bottle as an apology present.” 

Myungsoo watches as the girl goes on her scooter to leave but not before turning around to give him a small sweet smile. Leaving Myungsoo in a daze. 
“Do you think she's okay?” 
“You were the one who wanted her to go!” Sunggyu exclaimed. 

The boys were all sitting together as business had just started to slow down a bit. 

“Shes been gone for over an hour!” Sungyeol said in a panic. “What if she got an accident! What if that guy killed her! IT'LL BE ALL MY-”

“I'm back!”

The boys all watched silently as Jihyun cheerfully walked up to the counter to put her helmet down. 

“What?” she asked, turning towards them. 

They all turned the other way as if they weren't looking at her. 

“You guys...” she said smiling cheekily at them. Jihyun walks over to their little circle and puts her arms around Sunggyu and Sungyeol. 

Quickly turning red, Sungyeol looks up at Jihyun and said “Well aren't you happy.” While Sunggyu quickly moves her hand off of his shoulder. 

“What happened to never going there ever again?” Sunggyu asked, eyeing at Jihyun who was smiling by herself. 

“This is weird...” all of the boys thought. As Jihyun doesn't say a word and skips happily out of the shop. “This is total 180 turn from what she was like this afternoon.” 
“Myungsoo~ Why don't you talk to me~?” the girl whined as she nudged Myungsoo's shoulder. “You've been sitting here doing nothing for the whole day~ Why don't we got out clubbing now?”

Myungsoo sat lifelessly on his leather couch as his (current) girlfriend sat clinging beside him. 

“So annoying...” he thought to himself as he didn't respond to her request. “I should just get rid of her n-”

Before he could finish his thought, Myungsoo couldn't stop thinking about what the flower delivery girl said. “Maybe I am a little harsh to others...” he thought. 

He looked over at the girl beside him who looked like she wanted to leave anyways. 

Looking at this girl made Myungsoo think back to all of the other girls that acted just like her in the past. 

“Maybe this isn't right...”
“I did it!” Jihyun thought to herself as she took a evening stroll down the friendly neighbourhood. 

Due to the fact that the flower shop was placed in the middle of a safe, family friendly, neighbourhood, no one had to be scared while walking at night. 
“I did it dad!” Jihyun thought to herself as she looked up at the blue-ish grey sky. “I faced my problems head on! Just like you said!” 


Myungsoo who just watched the girl he had spent his whole day with, storm off in anger. 

“Maybe I should've given her a car before telling her to leave...” he thought. 

Letting out a big sigh, Myungsoo was happy that he now had his house all to himself. Although he did feel lonely at times, he enjoyed looking/reading famous books from famous photographers. It was times at this, that he felt truly content about his life. 
“You're going home now?” Sungyeol asked as he looks the front door of the shop. 

It was dark outside already and everyone had already left to go home.

“Yeah” Jihyun replied, putting on her helmet. “I kind of lost track of time when I went on my stroll” she addded, a little embarrassed. 

“She's so cute” Sungyeol thought as he chuckled at her. 

“Hey” Jihyun said before Sungyeol started to walk. “Do you want a ride home?”
Myungsoo who had just finished taking a shower looks over at his phone to see that he had five missed calls and 20 texts. These texts and voice mails mainly consisted of his “friends” asking where he is. 

“They only want me there so I can help them pick chicks while paying for their drink” he sighed as he threw his phone on the bed. 

Unsure what to do, Myungsoo walks aimlessly around his house. “I don't know why” Myungsoo thought. “But all I want to do is see her...” 
“DRIVE SLOWER!” Sungyeol shouted as he grabbed tightly around Jihyun's waist. 


“I'm really happy that I'm holding her like this but...I'M GOING TO DIE!” Sungyeol thought to himself as vehicles honk and cut in front them. 

“But you don't have a spare helmet” Sungyeol said, questioning Jihyun's offer to give him a ride. “You know how I feel about traffic safety.” 

Jihyun smiles while scoffing at Sungyeol's remark. “Fine” she said, handing him her helmet. “You can use mine.” 
“No!” Sungyeol shouted. “I can't risk you getting hurt!” he exclaimed, shoving the helmet back towards Jihyun. 

Touched by his sincere words, Jihyun smiles brightly at Sungyeol and hops onto her scooter. 

“Get on” she demanded. “I'll go slow.”


“So bored...” Myungsoo though to himself as he lied on his bed looking up at his ceiling. 

Myungsoo had tried doing everything to entertain himself. Playing videos games, reading, looking at porcupines*, watching T.V dramas etc. 

Without even realizing it, Myungsoo had quickly gone on his computer and searched the name of the flower shop.


*Note: he wasn't actually looking at porcupines ;)
“You live in a dump...”

Sungyeol and Jihyun were standing infront of Sungyeol's “apartment” as Jihyun looked up and down of the outside of the building. Dirty and old, the place looked as if it was going to fall apart any second now. 

“You wanna come in?” Sungyeol asked, walking towards the building.

“Is it safe?” Jihyun asked concerned. 

Sungyeol rolls his eyes at her comments and grabs her hand, leading her to his apartment. 
“She works with six other guys!” Myungsoo thought as he scrolled down the website. 

Myungsoo was looking at a fan-made website of the flower shop as they didn't have an official one. The fan-made website consisted of candid shots of all of the staff members from high-schoolers. 

As he scrolled down the endless amount of pictures of the guys, he suddenly stops to see one of Jihyun, finally. 

It was a picture of Jihyun and Sungyeol smiling at one another. 

Puzzled, Myungsoo quickly scrolled down to read the comments but was disappointed to only see hate comments on Jihyun. 

“Are they dating...?”
“You know for a guy who owns his own shop” Jihyun said. “You sure don't look like it...” 

Jihyun was sitting at a small wooden dining table that Sungyeol had obviously had for a very long time. The chair that Jihyun was sitting felt as if it was going to break any second now and the table looked as it went through World War I. 

“Well, we do have seven staff members” Sungyeol said while walking back with two cups of coffee. 

“Who drinks coffee at this time?” Jihyun asked puzzled but still taking a sip. 

“Hey” Sungyeol said while slowly sitting down across from Jihyun. “Why don't you stop judging my life for a second” he said jokingly. 

Jihyun knowing that he wasn't serious, smiles at him and takes another sip of coffee. “Okay I'm sorry” she said. “I must admit, you make one hell of a coffee.” 

Myungsoo has been on the flower shop fan website for hours now as it was almost 2 in the morning now. 

After spending so many hours on the same website, looking at the same faces, Myungsoo has started to be able to remember their names (and even know a little about their personality). 

“What's wrong with me” he sighed as he leaned back on his computer chair covering his face.
It was getting extremely late but thanks to the coffee, Jihyun and Sungyeol were able to talk on and on without getting even a little tired. 

If you didn't look at their surroundings, you'd think these two were on a coffee date together. 

“This is nice” he thought as he watched Jihyun laugh and joke with him. 

“Maybe this will be our life” he thought. As Jihyun continues talking, Sungyeol starts day dreaming about the blissful life of him and Jihyun together. Working at the flower shop and then going home to talk and drink coffee together. 


“W-w-what?” Sungyeol said, coming back to reality. “Sorry, I just dozed off a little.” 

“It's fine” Jihyun said smiling at him. “I think it's about time that I go anyways” she said, getting ready to leave. 

A little disappointed, Sungyeol nodded as he was about to walk her downstairs.

“Wait” Jihyun suddenly says while stopping in her tracks. "Before I leave..." she continued. “I have a question to ask you...” 

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Chapter 5: I feel bad for Sungyeol's one-sided love but L is cool :P I'm loving the bromance between Woohyun and Sunggyu. Can't wait until the next chapter
Aw sweet. I love the theme of this story. :~)
Chapter 1: Aw sungyeol's one sided love~ u knw i have one story called "flower girl" and its also starring infinite and myungsoo XD Hahaha (Check it out maybe ?? ~~ )