

"Reporter Yoon Hye Rin coming at you live from the Chapel of Christ," I began my news report.

"Earlier today, at around 3:00 pm, a bride and groom were readying themselves for their wedding," I continued. "The groom was in a room with his best man, putting the final touches on his suit. His best man left for a few minutes to check on wedding preparations. When he returned to the room, the groom was found dead."

"Recently, there has been another report very similar to this one. The groom is left alone on his wedding day and found dead in a blink of an eye. Each room in which the grooms were found dead were thoroughly examined. None appeared to have any evidence on how they were killed. And each person the groom was acquainted with was found innocent."

"Could the men have possibly committed suicide on their wedding days? Or is there another source that's behind all this? Stay tuned for more on KSN News."


"Ri Jung!" someone yelled. I turned around to see who was calling my name. Mark. I was so happy to see him. Lately I rarely get to see him, for he was always busy at work. Before I could stop myself, I ran to him full speed ahead. I threw myself onto him, the both of us falling to the ground.

It was a beautiful day. I remembered it so clearly as if it happened yesterday. Still fresh in my memory. It felt as if time stopped around us. My body on top of his. It didn't feel awkward at all. It felt as if our breathing was in sync and the both of us were one whole person. 

Mark tipped his chin forward and kissed me on the lips. His lips against mine felt good. And my lips moved perfectly with his. I missed him. I really did. I rarely got to see him. My eyes wouldn't leave his sight, for I felt that if I ever looked away, I would regret it forever. 

After a while, I rolled off him and laid down next to him. The both of us stared at the sky. The clouds making shapes in the air. Some fluffy and white as cotton. Some clumped together in one big, white sheet. I thought that the moment couldn't get any more perfect than this.

All of a sudden, Mark nudged my arm. He pointed up at the sky. He turned to look at me, a huge smile present on his face.

"Look up," he told me. 

I stared at the sky for a while, waiting for something to show up other than clouds. I was beginning to feel impatient when I didn't see anything after a while.

But then... it came. A plane went swooping through the air, leaving a trail of smoke wherever it went. I watched the plane's every movement. It's movements weren't consistent. But then I realized the reason why. It was trying to spell out words with the smoke. 

WILL. That was the first word present in the sky. I instantly thought that the plane was trying to write a question.

YOU. That was the next word. This question was directed towards a person. I wonder who this question was intended for.

MARRY. It dawned on me that this was a marriage proposal. What else would someone write in the sky? This was such a grand gesture after all. It was obvious that this was going to be a marriage proposal. The girl must feel very lucky. 

ME. I stared up at the sky and smiled. Marriage. It seems so distant but I know that it's rapidly approaching. I'm at the age where I can get married. I haven't really thought about marriage, as I am very focused on my career. 

But as I think about it, it would be nice to get married. The thought of spending the rest of your life with someone seems a little creepy to be honest, but if it's with the one you truly love, then I'm all for it.

I stared up at the sky, expecting a question mark after ME. But I noticed that the plane wasn't quite done yet. I watched the plane out of curiosity. RI. I instantly thought of my name. Could this marriage proposal be directed towards me?? I stared up at the sky, waiting for the last word. 


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sora-sun1 #1
Chapter 1: good ^____^
So far it sounds interestin
It sounds good so far!