Simply Complicated

Simply Complicated


“Babe, is the cake done,” you asked over the low music that came from the speakers. Yongguk came from the kitchen and sat beside you on the couch,” Almost babe,” You looked at him and pouted,” Well, if we don’t hurry were going to be late to Daehyun oppa’s Birthday party,” He looked at you and smiled,” I know what I’m doing,” You scooted over close to him and snuggling into him,” Yea, says the man that didn’t know eggs were necessary to be put into a cake,” He smiled,” I knew that. I just wanted to try something different.” You rolled your eyes and you guys both started to laugh.

Chance the rapper song called Cocoa butter kisses came on and Yongguk looked at you knowing you LOVE this song. He turned it up having the music bounce off the walls and grabbed your hand. You smiled and stood up. He pulled you close, hands placed on your curved waist and nose snugged into your neck. You giggled at the ticklish feeling and placed your arms around his neck.

You both swayed.

And for a moment you forgot how people looked when they saw you and your man together. You forgot what your parents, his parents, his fans, and his managers said about the ‘unusual’ pairing. You forgot about the hate you get from other Black or Korean people. You forgot about the hate mails. You forgot about the ignorant questions. You just thought of the good moments.

You thought about your first date and how he was so awkward and when he accidentally drunk your coffee instead of his, and then cutely blushed and scratch his nape and shyly smiled at you. In that exact moment you knew that this was how it must feel. The feeling of falling in love…

You thought about how you were scared of meeting s for the first time and he grabbed your hand pulled you close and whispered,” what are you nervous for, I mean, the guys are the ones who should be scared,” you looked up at him in confusion, he smiled and leaned in again,” because who would of known that they’d be able to witness a beauty goddess as yourself,” you smiled and pushed his and he laughed but came back to put his arm around you. That night, you had so much fun with Yongguk and s.

You thought about how you had your boyfriend do the couple tag on your YouTube channel and how you guys were having so much fun. Then afterwards you did the my boyfriend does my makeup tag, let’s just say that your glad your boyfriend doesn’t do his who stage makeup.

You thought about how you were feeling a little down since you didn’t get that job promotion – that you clearly deserved – and how he cheered you up with a big bowl of his famous caramel popcorn and your favorite movie.

You thought about how you sung in front of him for the first time in a karaoke room close by your apartment and he started at you with just a beautiful stare as you sung one of his songs and how you were embarrassed but he reassured you that your voice was perfect into his ears. Then, when he picked a song he chose a trot song and you guys jump around acting silly. The room was filled with loud instruments, laughter and dancing.

You thought about how you guys randomly decided to have a camp out in your backyard and he brought out his guitar and made funny rap freestyle about being famous and ramen noodles. Then you guys lay back in the grass together and talked about everything. You guys talked about food, parents, pickup lines, and even Korean and English slang.

You thought about how you guys were having a strength competition and you found yourself in his old basketball jersey, standing on the bed in a playful attack stance, while he stood on the floor in front of the bed with basketball shorts and his white sleeveless shirt. He bends his knees slightly ready to grab you. You smirked and cocked an eyebrow up and ran towards him but he catches you and throws you over his shoulder and spins around, making you screech in fright. He throws you on the bed and tickles your sides ignoring your cries to stop.

Then the music ended and you had to come back to the harsh reality that even though you have good moments bad ones are always there to remind you that the world is harsh on things they’re not uses to seeing.

And couples defiantly fall into that category – sadly.

People are so focus on living up to society’s preference and expectations that they completely forget that they can have their own preference, that there is no right or wrong when it comes to your opinion. What has society got to do with you? What society wants is not obligated. When they see something different they instantly think that it’s wrong. Why? Why do they think that something different is so bad? Maybe they are scared of change. Maybe they don’t want to be judged, but if everyone decided to be ‘normal’ then everyone is society made, and who wants to be society made when you can be original.

When Yongguk took your hand it proved that he is here with you. He is original, he has his own preference, and opinions, and when he said yes, he will love and cherish you with or without people’s stares, and comments. He’s saying that you’re so worth it being judge is not even something that affects him anymore. It doesn’t matter if your black, white, orange, or purple. Your love is too strong to be based off of complexion.

He slowly pulled away and gave you his gummy smile but it slowly disappeared. He noticed how you were out of it,” Hey, what’s wrong,” you snapped out of your trance, “Huh,” you absently asked. He gave you a concerned look and you gave him a slight smile and shook your head,” nothing, can you check on the cake for me please,” He slightly nodded his head but worry was still covering his face. He left the room and did as asked while you check the time and quickly changed into something fancier.

When you guys were driving towards Daehyun’s birthday party, the car was completely silent. Which you hated since you knew Yongguk was deep in thought. The windows were rolled down and the wind was blowing a little too hard for your liking,” Yongguk, can you please roll up the window,” You asked. Silence took over again. When you notice he was not going to do it you turn to him about to ask what the problem was but he beat you to it,” what’s your problem,” You were a bit surprised at the sudden question,” nothing,” he  rubbed his face with left hand the placed it on the window edge, right hand controlling the steering wheel.

“If something is wrong, say it. If you think something will be a burden. Then I’d rather we both try to figure it out together,” Yongguk abruptly said. You looked at him and nodded your head,” I know,” he glanced at you then back at the road. He grabbed your hand and softly squeezed it. The rest of the ride was filled with casual, small talk.

When you and Yongguk arrived at your destination, you grabbed the cake and wait for him to get Daehyun’s present from the back seat. Once in his hands you both walked towards the fancy looking restaurant. When you guys faced the host he asked for number of people for a table, but Yongguk told him he was under the name Jung Daehyun. The host apologized and showed us towards the already crowded table.

Everyone greeted you and Yongguk, some complaining how you guys could be the people in charge of the cake but come so late. You blushed and both of you apologized. When you spotted Daehyun you put down the cake and you walked over and gave him a hug and wished him a happy birthday. Yongguk came over and place the present with the rest of them and punched his dongseng in the arm wishing him a birthday happy birthday. Daehyun smiled at the both of you guys and thanked you.

You felt people staring at you which you were used to, but it’s still uncomfortable. You noticed when you walked towards the table that Yongguk’s members were not the only one here. You assume that the other people are Daehyun’s friends. Yongguk’s members are used to seeing you but other people are not. Especially since Korea is a homogeneous country. You glance around the room trying to make it seem causal as possible and you could see some people just plainly stare at you in disbelief, as if they didn’t know black people were real but this moment is proving that they are wrong. You didn’t see anyone sending you any negative looks…yet. Everyone took a seat and Daehyun’s friends stared at Yongguk and you in amazement. To the untrained eye, Yongguk looks as if he doesn’t notice it, but you know. You know he sees their stares, you know he feels their stares. You just don’t know what he is feeling or thinking. It drives you crazy.

“Sorry, but I was wondering how did you two meet,” One male sitting across from you asked. You looked at him and said,” It’s…simply complicated.” Yongguk smiled. You heard from your left side a feminine voice whisper,” she probably came to Korea to steal our men. You know how foreigners are now,” You scoffed quietly and turned to her,” actually, I came to study abroad; my intentions were to come here for my 2 years and go back to America, to start my career. I didn’t come all the way to Korea to get a Korean man, marry and leave. My focus was on my studies, but I did met a Korean man, unintentionally by the way, and the rest, like I said earlier, is simply complicated.” You smiled and turned back to the man.

You thought that would have been the end of the conversation but one of the girls continued,” How is it simply complicated,” You turned back to her,” It’s an relationship. Of course it’s going to be complicated.” She smiled,” maybe you should have just got a man from your own race then,” You looked at her and slowly sighed,” I said it was complicated, not impossible, and the only reason it’s complicated is because people like you tend to make something that should be small into to something big. Now if you could excuse me,” you stood up and walked to the bathroom. You could hear Yongguk faintly call for you but you ignored him.

You weren’t offended, I mean couples are very rare even in America, so what did you think being in Korea and being foreigner with a Korean boyfriend was going to be like. You laughed to yourself. It can get to you sometimes but you know you can get through it. You looked in the mirror and straighten yourself. You exit the bathroom and head towards the table. As soon as you sat down the women apologized and you forgave her. You can’t be mad because even as a black woman we feel that to. Every race does.

 Believe it or not.

The night was filled with questions that you and Yongguk were not scared to answer. Some were compliments and some were…unique. Like the one person that asked if all black girls have a like the one in in Rain’s M/V cause that is cool…and apparently big. The night was filled with soju and cake…not for you of course, you personally don’t think the two mix, but Yongguk on other hand was going to have a headache and an upset stomach.

When the night ended you wished Daehyun a happy birthday again and said goodnight to everyone, and you drove home with a boyfriend that was speaking in slur words. When arriving to your now shared apartment. You steered your boyfriend to the correct directions and safely arrived home. You told him to change which he half did. He stripped out his pants and face planted on the bed. You laughed and changed into your Pajamas. When you were done you told Yongguk to get other the cover, which he did and then you snuggled into the bed. He pulled you close making you laugh, “Brittany~” He sung. You smiled, “Yes~”    you copied him,” I love you. Thank you for being so strong and dealing with things that I wish we didn’t have to deal with. I am sorry,” his husky voice came on. I looked up at him, seeing his eyes were close,” we wouldn’t be us if we didn’t have to deal with this. Don’t be sorry, because I’m not sorry. I love you for you. No ifs, ands, or buts, about it.” You close your eyes and before you could fall asleep you felt a light kiss planted on your forehead.

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man1727 #1
Chapter 1: This was nice..I have a son that dates outside of our race and it doesn't bother me..he has dated black girls, Latino girls, Asian girls..some of them I like and some not so brother is married to Latino woman and they have 2 beautiful love who you love and as long as that person is good to you, that's what matters...
megstar18 #2
Chapter 1: that was really cute and i loved the message behind it :)