How Would It Feel?

How Would It Feel?

She dreamt of love, it was almost obsessive.


Everything she wrote about had romance in it.


Everything she read had romance in it.


She had felt the bittersweet feeling of loving someone, but not receiving it back. She wondered if love was as sweet and as painful as it was in dramas and songs. She knew it could be painful, as she had felt it first hand. That’s why she sympathised with the second lead of dramas so much. Even if the main leads proved to be better for each other, her heart always squeezed in pain for the character that was left out.


Her only wish was to have someone by her side that loved her as much as she did. She would clench her hands together and wish on the stars every night for someone.


All she could do was wait and search for him.


She wasn’t asking for anyone perfect, just for someone that would accept her faults and someone to accept her for who she was.


He didn’t have to be KPop-idol good-looking, but she would consider it a bonus if he was.


She knew that no relationship was easy, as nothing in life was; she had the idea that she wanted to tackle those bumps in the road, no matter the size, with him.


Thoughts like this swam in her mind quite often, especially when she was alone in her apartment, watching a movie or dramas. How good and content would she feel if her loved one was by her side, playing with her hair, holding hands, feeding each other chips and exchanging little kisses in between scenes? How would it feel?


She wanted to find love so bad.




On Saturdays, she had made it a habit if she wasn’t too busy with homework to visit the corner cafe and write another chapter of one of her stories and post it online.


She entered the cafe and ordered her favorite drink and dessert, and sat down in a booth next to a window. She opened her laptop and reread the last chapter she had posted to refresh her memory and opened a new document to continue the story.


“Stop being so stubborn!” Jia Li cried, putting her hands on his cheeks. He was hiding something about his curse from her, and it was becoming more apparent with the black marks that had started from his arms and were now wrapping themselves around his neck.


“There’s nothing to worry about, my blossom.” He smiled gently, kissing her cheek.


Jia Li’s frustration was growing, as well as her pain. “I love you, don’t you love me?”


His eyes widened at her tears and words. “Of course I do, why do you say so?”


“What are you hiding from me, then? Why won’t you tell me?” She let him go to try to hide her face from him.


Kuya was silent for a few moments. He wasn’t sure what he could tell her. That he was going to die soon? That it was her touch that his body was being slowly being poisoned by? What could he tell her that wouldn’t make her blame herself for his slow death?


He did what he thought was best: take her into his arms and whisper that he loved her in her ear.


This only hurt her more. She cried even harder, clutching his shirt. She loved with him with her whole being, even knowing about his other self and past. She loved him so much that she had even disobeyed the King of the Gods to be with him. She had given up her goddess life and she would be stuck as a human for the rest of time.


The rest of time as a human would be bearable if Kuya was at her side each time. If he wasn’t, she felt there was no point in her existence.


“Tell me, please?” Jia Li’s voice was hoarse from all the crying she had been doing.


“I love you.” Kuya said, saying nothing more.


“Everytime you say that, I get a chill, as if an ominous spirit is embracing me with unhappiness.” She closed her eyes, enjoying his scent, him.


“I love you,” was supposed to make her happy, to shove all of his feelings of love towards her in three words, maybe it was impossible.


“So, she was a Goddess? What is he? Why is their love so forbidden?”


She jumped in her seat, as a voice snapped her back to reality. Her eyes looked up to see a waiter, an incredibly handsome waiter, peering over her shoulder, carrying her order. His black hair swept to the left, above his dark eyes. Her eyes traced over his features, almost forgetting that he had talked to her


She blushed and looked back at her work. “...Well, he’s Death’s servant, and she is the Princess of Gods...”


“Ah, that makes sense.” He smiled so charmingly, she felt her heart squeeze with an indescribably pleasant feeling and felt goosebumps on her arms. He was definitely new, since she had never seen him before. “So, then what? What happens after this?”


She smiled and tapped her forehead. “It’s still up here. I haven’t written it yet.”


“You know, my shift is over in ten minutes, do you mind sharing your story with me then?” He set her drink and dessert down next to her laptop on the table.


This would be the first time showing her story to someone that wasn’t online and unknown. She nodded eagerly, a bit embarrassed, but she wanted to hear what he would think.


He winked at her before walking away. “I’ll see you in a bit.”


She nodded in response and stared back at her drink, and took a sip. Her eyes followed him around as he wiped tables down and picked up dishes. Her hands dug into her laptop bag and brought out her sketchbook and a pencil. She had the strangest urge to draw him, as if capturing his face on paper would implant his face on her mind.


Once she finished sketching him out, she quickly put away her sketchbook and took a bite of her desert and went back to her laptop.


“How much did you write?” He appeared across from her, cocking his head to the side in a way that reminded her of a puppy.


“...Not much...I can show you from the beginning though.” She pulled up a document with the previous chapters.


“I’ll read this, you finish up your drink.” The handsome waiter took the laptop and focused his dark eyes on the screen as he read it.


He would steal glances at her as he read, she looked nervous, waiting for his comments. When he finished reading, he turned the laptop back to her. “Where’s the rest of it?” He grinned. “I want to know what happens.


Her eyes grew wide. “Y-you liked it? Really?”


He nodded and rested his chin on his hands. “I want to see what the outcome is.”


“I don’t know quite yet.” She blinked and looked back at him.


“It’s not up here?” He reached over and poked her forehead.


Her cheeks reddened and she shook her head. “I don’t know how it’s going to end.”


“Let me see your phone for a bit.” He extended his hand as she handed her phone to him. The mysteriously kind waiter typed in his number into the contacts. “Let’s make this a habit each week.”


“You mean-” She took back her phone and looked at the contact. “Myungsoo?”


“That’s me, what should I call you?”


She shyly gave him her name and gently set her phone down. “I’ll look forward to it.”




It really became a habit for for the two of them each weekend to sit down and discuss her story. Eventually, that led the two of them on a quest for inspiration when she started running out of ideas.


Without fail, each Saturday, Myungsoo and she would visit different places, the mall, movies, the library, and they started to know each other.


One Saturday, she was sitting at her favorite table by the window, waiting or Myungsoo’s shift to be over. This also happened to be the last chapter of her story. She felt sad, knowing that her time with Myungsoo might be coming to an end.


“Today’s the last one?” Myungsoo asked, starling her, peering at the open document.


She nodded. “Are you sad it’s over?” Like I am?


Myungsoo gave her a smile and shook his head. “Not at all.”


“Oh...Is your shift almost over?” She finished typing the last sentence of her story.


“Actually...” She still got the same indescribably pleasant feeling when she first saw his smile even now. “I wanted to give you this.” He set a latte down in front of her. “Your story has a happy ending, right?”


She nodded eagerly. “Of course. They went through so much, it would be unfair and tragic if they didn’t end up together.” Her eyes glanced at the latte and she smiled when she saw a heart on it. “I didn’t order this.”


Myungsoo smiled mysteriously. “Well, I’m giving it to you anyways, if you’ll accept it. It’s my heart.”


She froze as her hands wrapped around the cup, and she looked up at him with disbelieving eyes. “...What?”


“I want to write our own story, together.” He smiled and leaned over to kiss her cheek.


She had finally found him. She found someone that would make her biggest wish and hope a reality with her.


Myungsoo’s smile faded into panic. “Wae? Wae? Why are you crying?” He wiped her tears away.


She shook her head and smiled through her tears, placing a hand on his. “I’m happy...I have a chance to be in love with you.”


He smiled and kissed her forehead. “Let’s write our own story, together.” Myungsoo took her hand in his and gave it a squeeze.




Comments, please~? I may have rushed the last bit, but what do you think? It's my first Myungsoo oneshot, by the way, I've fallen in love with L Oppa~ XD

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Chapter 1: CUTEEEEE ♡♡♡
Chapter 1: I just loved it ! unbelievable how I could relate to this girl ... good job ! :3
kpop_s #3
Chapter 1: Kyaaa~~~~it is so romantic and cute!!! >< ^^
anylee #4
Chapter 1: i like your nice...