It's a gay story #Final

It's a gay story

It's 6 pm. Kai and Kyungsoo are wtching TV in their room. They're studying and they share a room together. They know each other since they were 6 so they already knew each other before studying. Kyungsoo is waiting for his girlfriend to pick him up for dinner. Normally the boy picks the girl up but the restaurant was on her way so this is easier for both. They're dating for 1 year now but Kyungsoo is acting weird lately.... He doesn't spend much attention to his girlfriend anymore as before. Good for Kai, because he's secretly in love with Kyungsoo. A few months now since he discovered he's gay. But the thing is, he is in love with his best friend. He decided to say it to him. But when? Maybe now? They're alone now and Kai has time enough to tell him before Kyungsoo's girlfriend is picking him up. Yes, now.  It's better. Kai started talking to Kyungsoo. "Euhm.. Kyungsoo?" "Yeah?" He replied. "Can I tell you something? Something important?" "Yeah, ofcourse! What is it?" there was a moment of silence. "Well... I-I'm-" the doorbell ring. A dissapointed look appeared on Kai's face. "Ill tell it tomorrow then..."Kai thought. Kyungsoo walked to the door and opened it with a smile on his face. "Honey, you're so early!" he said. "Yeah, I'm sorry for that. I didn't want to be too late but now I'm too early." Kyungsoo laughed and kissed her. It broke Kai's heart seeing this. "I'll be back in a few hours, Kai. Bye!" "Okay, bye and have fun guys!" he replied to Kyungsoo. Kai looked out of his window. He saw them driving off. Kai let himself falll on the couch. He sighed. "Okay, I'll tell it tomorrow and ONLY tomorrow!"he said to himself.

It was early in the morning. Kai and Kyungsoo were eating breakfast together like usual. Kai decided to say it now since Kyungsoo would be with his girlfriend all day. He took a deep breathe. "Kyungsoo?" "Yeah?" "You know, yesterday I wanted to say you something?" Kai said. "Yeah, what was it?" "Well, I-I" He heard his heartbeat going faster and faster. "Yes, you? You what? What's wrong Kai?" Kyungsoo said with a questioning face. Kai couldn't take it no longer. He jumped up and runned away to their bedroom. He said on his bed and tears were running down his face. He covered his face with his hand and started crying really hard. Untitled"What now? What do I need to do now?" He thought. He heard knocking on the door. "Can I come in?" Kyungsoo said. Kai didn't say a word but keeps himself quiet. The door opened ad Kyungsoo was standing there in the doorway with a sad face. He walked to his bed and sat on it in front of Kai. "Kai... please tell me! Why are you like this? What's wrong? Please tell me! Maybe I can help you!" "No, you can't...Nobody can." "But tell me at least what's wrong. I'm your best friend and I'll always help you and be here for you, you know that?" "Yes, I know..." "Tell me what's wrong then." There was a moment of silence. Then Kai said "Okay... I'll tell.. Well, I'm in love with you. I'm gay. A few months now and I was too scared to tell you but now I did!" Kai said really fast. It was really quiet. Kyungsoo looked at him with a shocked face and open mouth. Kai started crying again. "I told you I shouldn't tell it! You probably think I'm crazy now..." "No, no! That isn't it. I-I-I just..." Kai looked at him with a questioning face. "You what?" "Well. I feel the same way as you... I love you too Kai." It was totallly quiet right now. They didn't said a word to each other. Just staring at each other with sparkles in their eyes. Then... they started kissing each other. Heavenly. With passion. With lust. Then they stopped and looked each other in the eyes. "I love you." Kai said. "I love you too." They hugged each other strongly. Kai had tears in his eyes again. Tears of pure happiness.

Okay, so this was a really short one and I'm sorry for that but I hope you like it. My laptop was doing really weird so sorry if there are some typo's. I'll try to fix it when my laptop is doing normal and I'll make the fanfiction better when it does. So leave a comment about the fanfiction! I would really appreciate it. Thank you for reading also if you did. Love you

-xxx- Noa

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