Cross dress [Sunggyu and You]

Hey Oppa! Saranghe! (Complete)

You laughed so hard. It was a weird yet adorable sight. He growled in frustration. You tried saying another word but nothing came out. You just squeaked and giggled like a maniac. "Oppa *wheez* please don't *giggle* ever do this again!" you laughed. 

Sunggyu glared. "Yah, I was forced to do this!" he pointed. 

You just laughed. You opened up your iPhone and pulled up the camera. "Selfie!" you said. You snapped one before he could do anything. You laughed even harder at the photo. 

His face was annoyed as he looked up at the camera and yours was all aegyo like. He sighed. Sungjong walked in, looking extremely happy. "Hyung~! Don't you look so adorable!" he teased. 

Sunggyu glanced into the mirror. He had a straight haired wig on with a blue bow on. His outfit was a grey skirt that touched his kees, and a sky blue button up. He sighed. "I am never cross dressing again."

You sighed. "C'mon, Hamster!!" you pleaded. You then had an idea, you went to one of the designers and asked for something. Sunggyu looked at you suspicously. You were putting on something and smiled at your reflection that he couldn't see. 

When you turne around, he started laughing. You wore a fake mustache and you took off your eyeliner and mascara. "Happy now?" you asked. 

He kissed your cheek. "Much happier."

"Oh~! Let's go see if the other's are done," you suggested. 

When you both entered the waiting room, you burted out into another round of laughter. All Infinite members were in girl costumes and trying to get ready for the show. You brought out your video camera and started video tapping as Sunggyu went to get his make up done. "Sungjong! Is that costume comfy?" you asked teasingly, filming. 

"Aha, --------~ah, actually, I wore this one last time," he pointed. "Wanna lemon pop?"

You took it and went to film Dongwoo who was adjusting do you put this...s. "Dongwoo~ah, do you need any help?" you asked. 

"No..not really. My chest feels awkward and I think they can see my s..." he said. 

Woohyun walked over and adjusted it. You started laughing so hard. Woohyun wore a blue fluffy dress with a black head band. His wig was similar to Hyuna's hair... "You didn't wear the strap you idiot," Woohyun pointed. 

"AHAHAHAHAHAH!" Dongwoo laughed. 

Everyone glared at him. He just continued laughing while adjusted into the straps. Meanwhile, You flimed Sunggyu getting his make up done. "Ohwah! My oppa looks so adorable! He could be my sister!" you joked. 

He glared. "Oops, hamster activated," you pointed. He sighed. You just giggled. 

"Infinite on stage in 1 hour," the backstage man said. 

As the members got their make up done and finishing touches, you asked for a group photo. "Oh c'mon, it' won't be bad," You said. 

Sunggyu sighed. "Okay okay. Everyone's in the group pic!" he declared. 

As Infinite got together and posed, you snapped the photo. "Perfect! Don't worry Myungsoo, I'm sending it to you," you assured. 

He smiled and gave you the thumbs up and headed out with everyone else. You made sure that everyone was finished and pushed them on stage, waiting for the cue. "Okay, 3, 2, 1, go," you said. 

As the poured out, their fans screamed in anticipation. You justed smiled and clapped along. Sunggyu turned back and ran a little. He gave you a quick peck. "BTW, your mustache is really cute," he whispered for leaving. 

You smiled. You were so wearing again tomorrow. 

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nice stories ~
xuananh #2
Chapter 9: Gah..... Perfect! This story seems to fit him. Some of the stories I read seem to make them a bit out of character. I am such a picky reader -_^