4 - Run Rabbit: Come And Get It

Not afraid of the dark.
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“Who is taking lead?”


“I’m taking lead sir.”


Black cold eyes stares at Jaewoo, he doesn’t dare move, he doesn’t dare blink, it was times like these that he gets the humbling chance of experiencing unnerving fear that the act of wetting one’s self can be explained as a rational reaction, it was a good thing he was made of stronger stuff, though not strong enough to not feel the overpowering black aura emanating from the Head Dragon.


“Go.” That’s all that the Head Dragon needs to say. Just one word and everything is understood, the underlying message is clearly received. He can’t this up.


“Yes Sir.”


Chang Jaewoo has been with the Wu’s for nearly two decades now, he has seen everything from kidnapping for leverage, torturing offenders, to murdering those who gets in their way, situations of these kind were a regular occurrence in their world but this was the first time, in his 19 years of service, that one of his charges was the one in danger. He was never a prideful egotistical person, but he is very much confident in saying that he has a tight leash on what is expected of him, and this situation is a deviation from what was expected of him. This was unacceptable. For a long time now, Jaewoo believes that the Wu’s has already considers him as family, but he also knows the Head Dragon loves and prioritizes his children above everyone and everything else. He cannot come back empty handed, he needs to find Wu Yifei.


“Let‘s go.”


Jaewoo and his men moves, quickening their pace but quietly marches towards the entrance, making sure that they do not rouse any suspicion, it was better that only a few selected individuals knew about the current situation. The missing heiress could be used as leverage if word got out, which is something that they would all like to avoid. A missing Dragon heiress was trouble like no other, but a missing Dragon heiress who will be more likely threatened or use for blackmail, that was trouble none of them would ever like to see or experience. They were walking towards the front side entrance at the right side of the church, they were halfway there already when suddenly a young boy stops them from going any further, and with that boy is another one.


“Young mas--”


“I‘m going with you.” Yifan looks up, black eyes as cold as his father’s was staring back at Jaewoo. The boy was just a child but there were times that one would wonder, how a boy this young could act like a man. Was it possible that the darkness in his father was passed on in such an early age, it seems unlikely if you logically think about it, but with the way the boy behaves sometimes, it makes you wonder and think that it just might be possible after all.


“Hyung, stop.” Chanyeol pulls Yifan’s dress shirt. He’s very uncomfortable with their position, blocking the way of the bodyguard hyungs, the child was stubborn and willful, but he also knows when the things they are doing are crossing the line. Between Yifan and him, he’s the one that usually listens, Yifan is too headstrong to listen when he gets something stuck in his head.


“Yifan, stop it.” A hand reaches out to pull Yifan back. The hand tightens its hold on the boy once he starts struggling, pulling away from the hand that’s holding him. The one holding Yifan was confident enough in her belief that the young boy would not fight back that much, knowing that it was her holding him back. The boy might be a bit of a stubborn brute if he doesn’t get his way, but she assumes he won’t do anything to physically harm his noona, though assuming things might not be the brightest idea right now.


“Young miss.” Jaewoo bowed down to the first born of the Wu’s. He knows that the heiress wants to help by restraining her younger brother, but if she didn’t let go of him she would definitely have a bruise or two the following day. Yifan has always been a good brother to both his siblings but if the boy had to choose between his nonna and dongsaeng, Jaewoo knew young master Yifan would definitely choose little Yifei over his Dara noona, he was very protective of his younger sibling, he was so used to being with her that it became second nature to him. Jaewoo kept his eyes on the young master, making sure he doesn’t make any moves to pounce on or attack his older sister.


“Dara noona.” Chanyeol acknowledged the older Wu sibling, slightly bowing and giving a shy smile, there was a time in which the little boy favors the older Wu more than his Yifan hyung, but of course, everything changes with time, with it the little boy’s affecting towards his hyung and noona.


“Hey Yeolie, can you help me bring Fan-Fan to Baba.” Dara didn’t let go of her brother but it was rather getting harder and harder in holding on to him, he hasn’t stop pulling since she got a hold of him. Yifan was determined to pull away.


“… Uuhh... Neh… noona.” Chanyeol hesitantly answers her. He was always a polite child when in front of Dara. Which was a very unusual behavior coming from him, he’s usually the kind of child that drives elder siblings crazy, just like his own sister, though it must be a different story since the one in consideration is Yifan’s noona and not anyone else. Though at the moment, the little boy is conflicted, but he can’t actually say no the older Wu. He quickly sneaks a peak at his hyung, dreading the glare he might be receiving the other boy for agreeing to help Dara noona.


But Yifan’s attention wasn’t on Chanyeol, it was directed on his older sister, Wu Dara. If you look closely, you could see in the younger Wu’s eyes how much he loathes his older sister at the moment but he still tries very hard on trying to not do anything that may hurt his sister, but because of his sister’s stubbornness on restraining him, that will change in a few moments. Yifan has already decided that he will accept any punishment his Baba gives out later on, because he knows he will do something that will show his defiance against his older sister, though right now he doesn’t really care, he wants, no, he needs to look for his baby sister.


“Let go of me.”


“Stop it Yifan. Quit being a brat.”


“Yifei needs--”


The siblings were having a pulling war with Yifan’s arm, Jaewoo and his men started moving around the two while Chanyeol kept looking back and forth between the bickering hyung and noona. The older bodyguard would have successfully left the three children in their little quarrel if he just didn’t notice the change in Yifan’s eyes.


“You‘re 8 Yifan, not 28. You can‘t help.” Dara said to Yifan, pulling particularly hard, making Yifan stumble, which led to the younger sibling finally losing it. With a loud growl, something you couldn’t believe would come out of a child’s mouth, Yifan forcefully pulled his arm away and pushed his sister down on the ground. Dara was too shocked to actually move. Chanyeol’s eyes were as round as a ball, he can’t believe his hyung actually did that. Hyung is gonna be in big trouble with uncle.


“Young master.” Jaewoo scolded Yifan, quickly moving towards Dara to help her up, poor girl, she was quite surprised with what her brother did. He placed his attention back on Yifan once Dara was in an upright position, though it’s clear with her teary eyes that she was humiliated with what has just happened, “Young master, apologize to your sister. Now.”


Yifan looked at him, it was clear that the young heir has no plans on apologizing for his actions. He looked at Jaewoo with so much anger, that it seems that his eyes were swallowed by darkness. It was like looking at the Head Dragon’s eyes. The younger Dragon is emanating the power of the old. He turns towards his sister, anger more evident, directing all his frustration and emotion at her.


“I hate you.” Yifan turns around and runs towards the front of the church. Chanyeol, not knowing what to say to Dara, bows down and runs after his hyung. “Hyung, wait for me.”


“Young miss--”


*sigh* “Just go Jaewoo.”


Jaewoo looks at the young miss, then he looks at the young masters running to the opposite direction, he was conflicted, he needs to move and look for the youngest Wu, but he was so used to being the one to help the Wu siblings patch misunderstandings together. But he knows which Wu was top priority right now. He takes a deep breath and with a twitch of his fingers, he signals his men to start moving.


“I want eyes on young master Wu at all times.” Jaewoo whispers on the mini microphone attached to his collar. Wu Yifan never runs away from something he wants to do, the young master was not giving up on looking for his little sister, Jaewoo was sure that the young master has something up his sleeve, he needs to make sure that the young master wouldn’t wander off to the forest, it was bad enough that they had one child in there with a possible kidnaper on the loose, adding another one in the mix is just plane insanity.


“Make sure he is accounted for at all times, he cannot leave the secured perimeter, understand?”


“Yes sir.”




- 0 -




“Doeneun mangseoriji ma jebal nae simjangeul geodueo ga. Geurae nalkaroulsurol joha dalbit jochado nuneul gameun bam. Na anin dareun namjayeotdamyeon huigeuk anui han gujeorieotdeoramyeon. Neoui geu sarong bakkun sangcheo modu taewobeoryeo.


Baby don’t cry tonight eodumi geochigo namyeon. Baby don’t cry tonight eobseotdeon iri doel geoya. Mulgeopumi doeneun geoseun nega aniya kkeutnae mollaya haetdeon. So baby don’t cry cry nae sarangi neol jikil teni .”


Yifei kept on humming until she felt little Jongdae relax against her. She hummed softly, so that only the little boy could hear her, she doesn’t want to risk the bad man hearing them. The little boy had stopped crying, nothing has really changed with their situation but at least now they were able to rest. She pulls little Jongdae closer to her, he was sitting on her lap, his little body was leaning on her chest and his head was tucked between the junction of her neck and shoulders. She tries her best to comfort the younger one while still being alert to their surroundings.


Everything was quiet, all Yifei can hear were the sounds of the insects. Then it started to rain. It started with a drizzle, which was fine for them, they were safe from getting wet with the small cave-like mound they were hiding in. After a few minutes, the drizzle became a full downpour, which still didn’t bother the two children, it became slightly colder but Yifei just pulled little Jongdae closer, the little boy turned around to wrap his smaller body around Yifei, tucking his head once again between the Yifei’s neck and shoulder.


Yifei hummed a bit louder, rubbing little Jongdae’s back. Everything was still fine but then the downpour became a thunderstorm. On the first crack of lighting, the booming sound of thunder cuts through the silence, little Jongdae couldn’t stop the tiny whimper that comes out. He was six years old and he was very much afraid of thunderstorms.


“Noona.” Jongdae whimpers, his grip on Yifei tightens, little Jongdae was always used to his Umma always being there whenever a thunderstorm scares him but right now, all he has is Yifei noona. Unknown to little Jongdae, Yifei was terrified of thuderstorms as well.


“We’ll be fine Dae-Dae don’t worry.”


Baba, Fan Fan ge, you said Yifei will always have Baba and Gege to protect her from the scary lights. Where are you?


Another thunder booms through the sky.


Baba, I’m scared.




- 0 -




“We are approaching the east side opening of the forest.”


“Sir, Kim Junmyeon has been retrieved, he’s coming in through the east side field.”


Jaewoo caught a glimpse of the Kim heir as his team walks pass the retrieval team of Kim Junmyeon. The young heir was carried by one of the bodyguards, it can easily be noticed that the young boy was covered in small cuts in all areas of the skin not covered by clothing, aside from that though it seems that the Kim heir did not suffer any long lasting trauma. The Kim heir caught sight of Jaewoo, giving a small wave as they passed each other.


“Send in the bloodhounds once the Kim heir is secured inside.”


“Yes sir.”


“Uh. Sir?” Minyoung, one of Jaewoo’s most trusted men was the one who call for his attention. He’s the type that does what he is told to do, asking questions later or most of the time, never. Though at times, he does put some of his observations, which Jaewoo usually listens to, most of the time the information given by Minyoung are very useful.




“I don’t think we’ll be able to use the bloodhounds.”


“Why is that?”


“It’s starting to rain.”






- 0 -




Junmyeon looks at Yifan.


Junmyeon looks at what Yifan was looking at.


Junmyeon looks at Chanyeol who was looking back and forth between Yifan and what Yifan was looking at.


Junmyeon repeats the cycle.


Junmyeon repeats the cycle until his neck was hurting from moving too much. He wanted to talk to Yifan hyung and Chanyeol but it was obvious that hyung was not in the mood and that making unnecessary sounds were not welcomed. He wanted to ask where Yifei noona was. He also wanted to ask why they were stuck inside the church, but then he remembered what happened a while ago.



- Flashback -

[30 minutes ago]


Kim Junmyeon ran towards the forest trees to hide from the hounds who were tasked to chase him, and beat him upon capture. He needs to run. Just as he was nearing the trees, a loud sound pierced the quiet night. He ducks, his body slamming in the hard ground. He knows that sound, he has heard it a million times coming from his father’s practice room. He slowly starts to stand from his position when another round of gunshots goes booming once again, his heart pumps like a racehorse going for the gold, he was sure the sound came from the field where his friends were at. He quickly goes back to his original position, covering the back of his head with both his hands. His Appa has told him more than a dozen times that when situations like these happens he needs to make sure that he is safe, so he needs to find somewhere to hide.


Appa said that I have to wait for him or the bodyguard hyungs to get me.


He looks up, then he spots a big bush nearby, he slowly crawls towards it, scraping his knees in the process. Upon reaching the bush, he does his best to , positioning his body in the center of the bush, getting small scrapes all over his body that wasn’t covered with clothing. He waits for five minutes when he hears someone approaching. He sees to men approaching the bush he was in, then he sees one man picking something up on the ground, then he sees his handkerchief, it must have fallen from his pocket.


“Sir, we seem to be on the right track but we still have no visual on the young master.” Junmyeon couldn’t really see who the man was talking to but he suddenly hears a reply that seems to be coming from a radio speaker.


“Look for him. He knows he needs to hide while waiting. Try the trees and bushes. Call him out with the name Rabbit.”


That was all Junmyeon needs to hear, he knows that these are bodyguard hyungs. He doesn’t wait for the hyung to call out to him. He quickly tries to escape his hiding spot but suddenly has a hard time getting out, he calls out to the hyungs looking for him.


“Hyung, help me.”


“Young Master?”


“Hyung, I’m stuck, help me.”


The bodyguard quickly moves towards the bush he sees shaking because of the little boy moving inside, trying to get free from the position he has placed himself in. The bodyguard felt a tremendous amount of relief once he saw the Kim heir slightly scratched up but was relatively in one piece. Once the little boy was safely in the bodyguard’s arms, they started walking back.


 “Thank you hyung.”


“You’re welcome young master.”


-End of Flashback-



Junmyeon was still thinking about the bodyguard hyung who rescued him when he felt someone sitting beside him on the steps. It was Chanyeol. He turns around and sees that Yifan hyung w

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pcyosh1004 #1
Chapter 7: I just this treasure! Ohmai it's so exciting
Chapter 7: What happened? :-o
Chapter 7: I just got a little confused about Yifan personality AND the friendship/relationship between him and Chanyeol.
For me is KrisYeol forever so I can't wait to see them together...
But the thing about your history being boring? NEVER!

Ayangyeng #4
Chapter 7: Instead of getting
boring it's getting interesting! ! I hope the kids will be found soon
ofpurpleskies #5
Chapter 5: So glad you updated!!!!

Yifei's a brave girl! I love how she protects and encourage little Dae. Stay safe babies!!
Chapter 5: I'm really enjoying Kris's personality. FOR REAL. It's so dense and... I don't have words to describe.
I'm just a little confused about KrisYeol relationship (they still are my opt <3) BUT I can't wait to see
them being a couple ^^

Thank you for writing ... I think is very promising and being able to find a KrisYeol story like this nowadays
is very rare!

Can't wait for the next and I'm always will be here :)
Chapter 4: You're amazing! For real o/
Look this teaser ^^ Can't wait for the chapter :)
Chapter 3: ING AMAZING! WOW!
Can't wait for the next updade ^^
Yifan so young and already jealous? KrisYeol rocks o/
Ayangyeng #9
Chapter 3: Wow.. Dis is really interesting!! Can't wait for ur next update '^^
ofpurpleskies #10
Chapter 3: Woah.
This is something to look forward to! Waiting for the day when all those kids lose their innocence and be bad mafia bosses