2 - That Night

Not afraid of the dark.
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Zitao was happy. He was very very happy indeed. The mass was almost over, Mama said he could already go out and play. When he got out on the field, he instantly started looking for his favorite gege. He tugged on his bodyguard’s pants, holding his arms up to show that he wants to be carried. He needs to be high up so that he could look for his favorite gege. He was starting to panic, why can’t he see his favorite gege. Baba said he was going to be here, tears were already forming when he spotted a cluster of four boys near the edge of the field. Three boys were on the ground while one was standing up, and then Zitao started to breath normally again. Found you gege!


“Gege!” Zitao happily shouted, instantly forgetting that he was high up form the ground, bouncing on his bodyguard’s shoulders, which resulted in his bodyguard quickly holding on to his thighs, making sure that the young master is secured on his perch. A bruise on the young master, even a small one, could mean a whole lot of pain for the said bodyguard, it was better to be careful than have a body feeling painful.


“Hyung, hyung, look, its my gege, I can see him, come on, let‘s go, move already, let’s go to my gege!” Zitao became very enthusiastic, bouncing and moving so much on his bodyguard’s shoulders, preventing the said bodyguard from actually moving, making sure that the little boy won’t tumble down. There unmoving state, though unknowingly was his fault, frustrated the young master.


“You’re so slow, just put me down, I’ll run over there myself. Hurry up, put me down already, you’re so slow.” Zitao half shouted as his bodyguard slowly got him down from his shoulders.


“If you weren‘t squirming so much, you could have gotten there sooner.” A boy with magenta hair said as he walks past Zitao and his bodyguard, he looks a few years older, and is clutching a book that looks like its too big for him to carry with a bodyguard if his own accompanying him. The boys also seems to be new, Zitao has two reasons for assuming such; one, was that he has never seen the said boy, he was pretty sure he knew all the kids on his circle, the tutor Baba assigned to him made sure he knows who he was allowed to be in contact with. And two, if the said boy wasn’t new, then he should have known to never start anything with the little diva, nobody likes it when he was in one of his tantrums. Therefore, he concludes that the said boy really is new. Though he does slightly remember his Baba telling him that he might be meeting a new friend very soon, though he doesn’t feel being much friendly right now. 


Zitao looks at him, frowning, only a handful of people are allowed to talk that way with him, two to be exact, his father and his favorite gege, even his own mother chooses her words carefully when talking to him. The little boy was a bit of a diva, and everyone knows it. He was very impatient. He tends to get whatever he wants, if not a tantrum is sure to come. A scowl has already formed on Zitao’s handsome face when he was finally placed on the ground. His excited demeanor a while ago did a 360 degree change into one of his uglier moods. It baffles almost everyone around him how the little boy’s mood could change so quickly. His family and close friends simply accepts it, but most of their staff are very much afraid of it.


”Ugh. You’re so slow. I don’t like you anymore. I want a new hyung.” If looks could kill, the bodyguard would have died right at that very moment. Zitao was know for his unnerving stare, even though the little boy was only six, when crossed, you can clearly see his father through his eyes,


“It‘s your fault, you move too much.” The boy with the magenta hair answered back, hearing Zitao’s loud voice since he wasn’t that far from them yet. ‘The magenta head had no self preservation’ that was what Zitao’s bodyguard was thinking, ‘or he doesn’t really know who he’s talking to‘. But honestly though, they’re kids, ‘self-preservation’ hasn’t been introduced to their vocabulary yet.


The scowl on Zitao deepened, and with little impulse control, the annoyed little boy ran after the magenta head. Zitao wants to launch himself on the child, though at this moment, the proper phrase would be ‘tried to’ run after the magenta head, his bodyguard was able to restrain him from making a scene, the said bodyguard was pretty sure that his boss wouldn’t like to see his son involved in a scuffle, even if its just a small one, appearances has always been a big part in the lives of the people he works for.


Zitao looks at the hand holding him back, he slowly follows the hand on to his arm, towards the face of the owner of the said hand. He hates it when his clothes are being crumpled, and right now, his clothes were definitely being crumpled. His eyes sharpens once again, glaring up at a man who was 20 years older than him, give or take a few. The magenta haired boy was, for now, forgotten. He steadied his glare for a few seconds, though for bodyguard it seems like hours have passed, then opening his mouth to whine like the bratty dive that he was.


“I‘m telling baba. You are soooo dead. You ruined my--” Zitao started, planning to say more but was then cut off mid-sentence.




“Ugh. --” Cut off once again, though upon recognition of the voices, his annoyance disappeared to be replaced with overzealous joy that only a child could manage in the short amount of time after being annoyed with someone else. One of the children calling him was his ‘favorite gege’.


“Tao-Tao, over here.”


“Tao, come over here already.”


“Taozi, hurry up, we‘re gonna play a game!”


Zitao looked at the boy with magenta hair, planning to run after him, this time successfully, but seeing that the boy was already far out, he turned and ran towards his favorite gege, his bodyguard silently follows him. They were near the edge of the field, upon arrival, he instantly launched himself towards his favorite gege. it was a good thing that his favorite gege has great balance, or else they would have been a pile of legs and arms after his unannounced self launch on the other boy.


“Fan ge!” Zitao shouted as he hugs Yifan, wrapping himself on the tall boy, Yifan laughs and pats his back. It was funny to watch how the bratty diva was trying his best to wrap himself on the taller boy, it was like looking at a leech trying to wrap itself on a blood source, like it doest have any plans on letting go.


“Hey Taozi.” Yifan says as he continuously pats Zitao’s back, giving him a one arm hug as well. He isn’t alarmed with the bratty boy’s action, everyone know how affection Zitao can be with Yifan and they just let him be, though there is one particular boy who has a problem with it.


“What took you so long?” Minseok asked Zitao as he slowly stood up from his spot on the ground. Junmyeon as well, also stood up from his spot on the ground, the only one who hasn’t moved yet was Chanyeol, who looks like he has no plans on moving from his spot on Yifan’s legs. 


“Uh. Chanyeol, shouldn‘t you be standing up already? We have to call the others so we could start the game.” Junmyeon asked Chanyeol, extending his arm towards the boy on the ground, though he expects Chanyeol to reject it.


“Make Zitao let go first.” Chanyeol petulantly answers, crossing his arms, then uncrossing them again to latch on to Yifan’s leg. It seems Yifan was very popular in their little group, a latching post of sorts. Hahaha.


“Not again.” Minseok said, exasperated with Zitao and Chanyeol, they always fight over Yifan. Its not that he was jealous of the attention but it was really annoying when it hinders them from doing stuff. What’s so great about Yifan anyway.


“No way, he‘s my gege.” Zitao answers back, tightening his arms around Yifan. It looks like this battle was going to end in tears, the last time they bickered like this, both boys ended up in tantrums, it’s a good thing that they’re out in the field or things might start breaking any moment now.


“Nu uh. He‘s mine. Tell him hyung! Tell Zitao you’re mine.” Chanyeol fires back, now both arms latching on both Yifan’s legs. Yifan can’t help the small smile, though he’s trying hard to hide. He’s so cute when he’s being like this.


Junmyeon frowns at them, he doesn‘t like it when his dongsaengs are fighting. He already knows what going to happen next. *sigh* I’m pretty sure they’ll both start crying. This is so tiring. And annoying, we could have started playing already. Poor frustrated little boy.


“Mine.” Zitao tried to wrap himself more around Yifan.


“Hyung is Mine.” Chanyeol’s grip tightened.


“Mine. Mine. Mine.” Zitao’s not backing down.


“Mine!. Hyung‘s gonna marry me when we grow up! So, YIFAN HYUNG IS MINE!” Chanyeol didn’t plan on losing his hyung to his dongsaeng. Yifan hyung is mine, Appa said so. Hyung even gave the dragon bracelet. Hyung is mine.


That certainly shut Zitao up. Yifan, Minseok and Junmyeon immediately looks at Zitao, the little boy was already near tears. Chanyeol was as well, not giving an inch when it comes to his Yifan hyung.


It was commonly known around the organization how much Zitao adores his Yifan gege. But it was also known that the Parks and the Wus have already made commitments with one another, they were to wed the next generation in order to secure the future of their clans and with that the organization as well. The organization, though old in origin and filled with archaic traditions, does not shy away from modernization, or in this case, homouality.


“Stop that, both of you, if you won‘t behave, then neither of you can play.” Yifan’s bodyguard reprimanded both Chanyeol and Zitao. Yifan’s bodyguard is one of the old ones in the organization, he started out as President Wu’s bodyguard during his teenage years, then became Dara’s, Yifan’s older sister, bodyguard when she was born, then finally Yifan’s once he was born. Yifan’s bodyguard was well respected by not only his colleagues but also by the children as well.


“But, but--” Zitao tries to reason.


“No buts. And you shouldn‘t talk about such matters, especially you young master.” He said, directing the last phrase to Chanyeol who was still stubbornly on the ground, not looking at anyone, trying his best not to let the tears fall down.


Zitao lets go of Yifan, and Yifan in return helps the little boy in wiping his face from tear tracks. Now, only the stubborn boy latching on Yifan’s legs is preventing them from starting their game.


Yifan took hold of Chanyeol’s hands, the said boy looks up at him, eyes still tearing up. With a charming smile, Yifan coaxes Chanyeol into drying up his tears and resuming whatever they planned on doing. As Chanyeol stands up they gather around him.


“Come on Yeolie, let‘s play.”


“So what are we gonna play?”


“We should start calling the other kids.”


“Yeah, what are we gonna play?”


“I know what we‘re gonna play.”


“Hey guys, come over here, lets play a game.”


The other children flocks around them, as they waited, they keep on asking what they were going to play. Most of the children were gathered together, the others weren’t interested, while some were taking a nap due to the extended mass a while ago.


“We‘ll play Run Rabbit.”


It was Chanyeol’s idea. Since everyone was familiar with the game, there won’t be any difficulty with the rules.


“But seonsaengnim said not play that outside classes.” Little Bomi said as she plays with her fingers, being around a lot of boys, she wasn’t very confident with voicing out her thoughts, but she does remember clearly that Yunho seonsaengnim said that little piece of information.


“It‘s okay Bomi, we‘ll just change the other rules.” Chnayeol answers back with a smile, he loves playing this game, he was one of the taller kids, giving him an advantage in the said game.


“Okay.” She shyly answers back, hiding her face by looking down at her feet.


All in all, there were ten kids gathered. Yifan, Chanyeol, Tao, Minseok, Junmyeon, Bomi, Taemin, Myungsoo, Hyorin, and Kyuhyun. All of them already knew how to play the game, it’s used by the organization as one of their training methods. They just need to change one rule and get one of the guards to time for them. Chanyeol went to his guard to ask a favor.


“Hyung, can you be the timer for our game?”


“Yes, young master.”


“Do you now what we‘re playing?”


“I am familiar. How long will time each game?”


“umhhh. Hyung, how long should we run after the rabbit?” Chanyeol asks Yifan as he pulls the latter towards himself.


“hmm. Maybe it should be longer than what we do in training,” Yifan answers him as he looks out the field, then directing a question to his bodyguard “what do you think hyung?”


“I think a full minute is long enough.”


Yifan looks at the open field once again, checking if the time would be enough with how big the field is, as he scans the field, he sees the boy with magenta hair. He saw the kid during the mass, but he’s sure that the kid was new. Until today, he has never seen him.


“Hyung.” Yifan calls his bodyguard over. His bodyguard moves swiftly towards him and faces the same direction the young master is looking at. He points at the magenta haired boy sitting on the tree’s roots.


“Who‘s he? I‘ve never seen him until today.”

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pcyosh1004 #1
Chapter 7: I just this treasure! Ohmai it's so exciting
Chapter 7: What happened? :-o
Chapter 7: I just got a little confused about Yifan personality AND the friendship/relationship between him and Chanyeol.
For me is KrisYeol forever so I can't wait to see them together...
But the thing about your history being boring? NEVER!

Ayangyeng #4
Chapter 7: Instead of getting
boring it's getting interesting! ! I hope the kids will be found soon
ofpurpleskies #5
Chapter 5: So glad you updated!!!!

Yifei's a brave girl! I love how she protects and encourage little Dae. Stay safe babies!!
Chapter 5: I'm really enjoying Kris's personality. FOR REAL. It's so dense and... I don't have words to describe.
I'm just a little confused about KrisYeol relationship (they still are my opt <3) BUT I can't wait to see
them being a couple ^^

Thank you for writing ... I think is very promising and being able to find a KrisYeol story like this nowadays
is very rare!

Can't wait for the next and I'm always will be here :)
Chapter 4: You're amazing! For real o/
Look this teaser ^^ Can't wait for the chapter :)
Chapter 3: ING AMAZING! WOW!
Can't wait for the next updade ^^
Yifan so young and already jealous? KrisYeol rocks o/
Ayangyeng #9
Chapter 3: Wow.. Dis is really interesting!! Can't wait for ur next update '^^
ofpurpleskies #10
Chapter 3: Woah.
This is something to look forward to! Waiting for the day when all those kids lose their innocence and be bad mafia bosses