
It's Complicated

Junhyung held back his tears as he was cornered, yet again, by Inho and his group of friends. His books were slapped to the floor as he was harshly slammed against a locker. 

"You're such a pathetic little . We don't need people like you at our school." Inho shoved Junhyung onto the polished white floors. "You don't belong here, ."

It was like this every day for the past three years. Junhyung doesn't understand why. He still doesn't. Maybe it's because of his quiet, introvertive, nature. Or maybe he just looks like the type of victim bullies go after. 

"Dujun, you want to say anything to it?" Inho's question re-gained Junhyung's attention. 

"Let's leave, he's not worth anybody's time." There was a tone of hesitation in the soccer captain's voice.

Inho and their friends laughed in agreement, continuing on down the corridor. Junhyung waited until he could hear them no longer before gathering his things one by one. He choked back a sob, trying to contain the hurt that was slowly consuming his heart. 

Junhyung remembers when they first got together two years ago. Dujun had told him that because of their difference in social status, their relationship would have to be hidden. And without a second thought, he agreed. Dujun treated him as his friends did, calling Junhyung derogatory names and tripping him in the hallways. For a while Junhyung didn't mind, never taking his boyfriend's actions to heart. But soon, it started to wear him down emotionally. At night, Junhyung would let all his built up tears run down his cheeks, staining the pillowcase as he silently cried. Dujun was ashamed of him. And that's all Junhyung could think about. 


The last bell rang throughout the school building, signaling the end of the day. It was a Friday afternoon. Everyone had places to go and friends to meet up with. Junhyung just stayed at home. There were the occasional dates with Dujun, if you could even call them that. The latter didn't want to take the chance of the two being spotted together, so it was mostly just takeout and a rented movie. 

Junhyung slung his backpack over his shoulders and trudged down the hall. He could hear the whispers, the laughter, all directed at him. He walked a bit faster. 

"Hey loser! Why are you in such a rush? You have nowhere to go anyways!" 

Why were they all so cruel? 

Junhyung lived ten minutes walking distance from school. He and Dujun moved in together after their first year anniversary. Their apartment was in a rather upscale building, their parents were among the high upper class. Dujun had his driver's license and a pretty, 2014 Corvette Stingray Coupe to go along with it. He drove to and from school, but never with Junhyung in the passenger's seat; Junhyung walked. It was hard on the says that it rained and snowed, but never impossible.

He unlocked the front door and stepped inside, greeted by the sight of Dujun sprawled out on the sofa. 

"Hey babe, what are you in the mood for tonight? I was thinking Chinese."

Junhyung kept his face blank and shrugged. "Whatever." 

"Cool, I'll place our usual order."  

While Dujun dialed the restuarant, Junhyung head into the bathroom and locked the door. He knew their relationship was unhealthy and if they continued like this, it wouldn't last much longer. He slid down on the marbled floor and leaned his head against the cold, tiled, wall behind him. 

Maybe I should end it now. It would be for the better. Dujun wouldn't have to worry about me tainting his image anymore. 

A few tears escaped Junhyung's eyes and began rolling down his cheeks. He had made up his mind. 


Dujun shifted closer towards Junhyung, wrapping an arm around the latter. 

"Jun, you've been distant the whole night. What's wrong?" 

They more than halfway through the movie, empty containers of  Chinese food were littered all over the coffee table. 

Junhyung bit his lower lip nervously. "I....I think we should break up." 

Dujun immediately turned the TV off. "What?"

"I don't want to be with someone whose ashamed of me." Junhyung willed himself to look directly at Dujun. 

"Babe, you have to understand that I have an image to maintain--" 

"And you have to understand that I won't be with someone who puts popularity before their own boyfriend!" 

"You know I don't like it either but what other choice do I have?!" 

"I don't know, maybe the choice of actually not caring what others think?" 

"Babe, c'mon, you're overreacting. It's only for one more year." 

Junhyung stared at the latter in disbelief. "We're over Yoon Dujun. I can't believe I fell in love with such a jerk." 

Turning on his heel, Junhyun quickly walked to their bedroom and locked the door. He pulled his knees to his chest and cried. He cried until his head hurt, until his eyes were ringed with red, and until he was too tired to shed anymore tears. 

Dragging himself up from the floor, he began packing a few sets of clothes into a duffel bag. Junhyung decided that he would stay at a hotel for a while to give him time to sort out his thoughts. 

There was a soft knock at the door. "Jun, baby, please let me in. I want to talk." 

Junhyung unlocked the door, and behind it stood a miserable Dujun. The elder glanced at the opened duffle bag and clothes strewn across the bed.

"Baby don't go, please. I'll change, I'll do whatever, just don't leave." Dujun murmured, embracing Junhyung in a tight hug. 

"Dujun-ah.....I always thought there would be a day when you would defend me, like a knight in shining armor. But you were one of them too. And it hurt knowing that my own boyfriend couldn't stand to be with me in the eyes of others." 

"Jun, I never meant anything that I said or did to you in school. I was a coward, I was so, so, stupid." Dujun placed a gentle kiss on Junhyung's cheek, a large hand caressing one side of his face. "And I'm sorry you cried because of me." 

The two basked in the silence a little while longer, Junhyung's head buried in the crook of Dujun's neck and the latter's arms wrapped around him. 

"I'll stay....but only if we make our relationship public. No more hiding." 

Dujun let out a wide smile. "Of course baby, I'd do anything for you." 


The next morning Dujun drove up to school with Junhyung riding in the passenger's seat. There were stares and gawks as they walked through the front doors with their hands intertwined. 

"Ay Dujun! Is he your little toy now?" Inho asked, snickering. 

"His name is Junhyung and he happens to be my boyfriend, you jackass." Dujun retorted, smirking at the shocked look on his face. 

"C'mon babe, I got an announcement to make." Dujun pulled Junhyung towards the main office. 

Junhyung watched as Dujun pressed the intercom button.

"Hey everyone, I'm Dujun. And for those of you who don't know me, I'm the captain of the school's soccer team. And I have a very important announcement so I want you all to listen closely. I, Yoon Dujun, am dating Yong Junhyung. He's MINE. So if I find out that he has been hurt physically, or mentally, by any one of you. I will kill you. Moral of the story, don't lay a hand on MY boyfriend. Thanks and have a wonderful day. Go falcons!" 

"Yah! What do you think you're doing?!" the vice principal scolded, glaring at the culprit. 

Dujun gulped. "Oh wow, would you look at the time. Let's go babe, don't want to be late for class!" 

But before he practically dragged Junhyung out the door, the latter managed to get in an apology.

"Sorry sir, have a nice day!" 

The two hurridly headed for first period; they had the same class. Junhyung blushed as Dujun pressed a kiss to his pink, pillowy lips. Students in the hallways were staring at them and whispering. 

"I love you, babe." Dujun murmured as he placed another kiss on Junhyung's forehead. 

"I love you too." 

The first bell rang, cueing the slam of lockers and the rush of students heading to class.

Dujun and Junhyung chose two seats next to each other in the very last row. 


A/N:  AWWW YEEE, MY FIRST 2JUN FIC SUCCESSFULLY (?) COMPLETED #TURNUP  My next update will be ToBae ;))) Comment and subscribe <33 See you all sometime soon (maybe) ^^;

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ILBYJH712 #1
Can you make more 2jun story pleaseeeee???
Chapter 1: Pabo Doojoon........he shouldn't have done that in the first place....but im happy that he changed for Junhyung ^^
AnnoNiji #3
Chapter 1: Poor JunHyung, but now DuJun is not a coward anymore and he's so cute when he says that Junnie is HIS boyfriend *O* It was really sweet ^w^
aeliya #4
Chapter 1: Both of them is cute..nice story authornim~~
KiwiPrincess #5
Chapter 1: Aawww.. Soooo sweet.. ><
k0j3t4 #6
Chapter 1: So good! >< sequel please!
ChoiKimNa #7
Chapter 1: sequel pls100x
Chapter 1: awwww cute kkkk
Chapter 1: Cute story kkkk~
I wanna know jun's life after the announcement xD must be beautiful xD
Chapter 1: Sequel? Please?