In Heaven 2

인 헤븐 //in heaven//

{In Heaven Remix Ver}

Enuff of my procrastination!

Here ya go!

You- Han Joo Hye.

His fists were tightly clenched by his sides. Anger rushed through his veins, he wanted to punch that bastard so effin' bad. His girlfriend was currently in the arms of another. Ex-girlfriend to be exact. They had broken up a month ago. Their separation was so unexpected, so sudden. What had he done wrong? Did he cling on to her too much? He swallowed hard when the man planted a kiss on her full, pouty lips he had pecked so many times. Perhaps, he thought, I was too possessive.

The two of them had met by chance, under the same sky, under the same tree. It was in a small clearing in his favourite place of solitude. He was not a loner, but he preferred to be left alone, as he could clear his mind and have a bit of peace and quiet. Coincidentally, she stumbled across his little place of heaven. The two lovers talked about everything, from food to movies, from the skies to the sea, from music to weather. It was probably love at first sight, he mused. But when he craved her light touches, longed to see her bright smiles and was constantly missing her, then he knew he had fallen in love, deeply.

He had suggested to go to the sea. He loved it and believed that in those deep waters lived mermaids and mermen, the wonderful creatures. So, they sat on a flat rock big enough for both of them and he started sketching the breath-taking sight that laid in front of them. She sat beside him without complaints, without words. She was a great listener, gentle, completed with words of wisdom. Her personality was alike his, yet seemed different. On the exterior, she looked like a jovious girl who was unafraid of anything, yet on the inside, she was afraid of ghosts, and practically every creepy crawly. Jaejoong, someone who looked unapproachable. was in fact, sociable and outgoing, contrasting his gently looks.

She had once told him, she had fallen in love with his cooking and she can never get past a day without his energizing food. He was like her battery; her source of energy. She had always wondered about life without him, and how she managed to survive 21 years without him in her life. Her love for him was as deep as the oceans, and wide as the galaxy/ sky. The couple was envied by everyone, they were known as the golden couple to those who knew them, and even to those who were not aware of their existence.

But there was one thing: Jaejoong had never told her how much he loved her, neither did he utter the 3 magical words and 8 letters; I love you. She was always the one who caressed his cheek gently and told him that he was the love of his life. But the same could not be said for Jaejoong. He tend to keep his emotions and thoughts to himself. He was friendly, but not he was not a man of words. He did not know how to express or carry himself well.

Maybe, it was this that drove her away. One day, they were happily snuggling on the couch, and the next day, she packed her stuff and stood in the living room with her luggage, asking for a break up. The house they had lived in for 2 years, was now empty without her presence. He made a mistake, he should had begged her not to go, but he just stood there motionless when she brushed past him, tears streaming down her sunken cheeks. He had made her cry.

He should have hugged her, kiss her and told her he was sorry, but he just watched her retreating back silently. Making her cry was the worst thing he did. A man should never let his love drop tears. It was said that a woman's tears were more precious than diamonds. Yet, he made her shed them.

She had waited for him to call her, to implore her to come back, that he could not live without her. But weeks passed, and she thought that he did not love her at all, that was why he did not plead for her to stay.

She was mad at him for many reasons, one: as stated, he did not proclaim his undying love for her. two, he forgot her birthdays, three, he told her anniversaries were not that important, it was only a date. fourth, he did not understand why she was angry.

Once, he had wanted to show her how skilled he was at wrestling, so he organised a match and called her to come. But he was beaten into a pulp and he grinned foolishly at her; he did not see her fury, her worries. She turned to go, and he walked in the opposite direction, thinking that she was being unreasonable.

He thought he was always right, he did not see his mistakes. That was why he lost her. And now, he regretted. He regretted not showing how much he loved her, how much she meant to him. And now, she was gone.


{I have a lover}

A few days later, he received a red envelope addressed to him. To his shock, he saw the words printed in a cursive font. You are hereby invited to the wedding of Ms Han Joohye and Mr Jung Yunho (or whoever you want. just put his name here cuz i'm lazy to think of another name :P). His hands shook violently and he dropped the paper in shock. Are you really gone? Have I really lost you..? Why did I not cherish you when I had the chance to..? His eyes glittered with tears and he tore the exquisite invitation card, shredding it to pieces as he let out a scream of agony.


He stood outside the church on the wedding day, hoping that this was a nightmare, a dream. He desperately wanted to wake up from this terrible dream, he wanted her back in his arms, but he was too late. He watched as she walked towards her groom, her partner for life in her glamorous wedding dress. He wished that he was that guy, the groom. She took baby steps down the aisle and he knew, in a few seconds, she would not be his anymore, she would belong to another man.

Willing himself to turn around, he forced himself to walk away from the depressing scene.

It was all his fault.

If he could live his life again, if he had no regrets..

If only he had told her she was beautiful in every way, and he loved her, perhaps they would be the ones getting married.

If only..

A/N: This short drabble (?)/ one shot is written to portray the regrets in the song, In Heaven. If you guys notice, in the song, Jaejoong had regretted his action of turning down Park YongHa's offer and the next day he committed suicide. I think he wanted to ask Jae out for a talk. Also, I added two scenes from the movie, 'You are the apple of my eye'. Edit: Also, I just realised that the wedding part was somewhat like 'Doue' MV. Hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did while writing it. Keep a lookout for my next chapter, 'Hello' MV by my teddy bear, Huh Gak! :D Please comment! <3

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Aww.... Good luck in school though! Hope to see your future updates! :D
oh you're ending this?<br />
i thought you want to write 1 more chapter? o.o<br />
well, i love these 2-1 shots, though!<br />
@maymeihua_: Yup! Thank you for reading! :D<br />
@gofanfic: Thanks Leen! <3 You are awesome too! ^^
waaah this is srly good!<br />
you are a great author, joyce <3<br />
welcome! it's not a biggie :]
You updated! <3
@gofanfic: Thank you unni! <3 Hehheh, just updated! ^^ Thank you for reading + supporting me! :3<br />
@maymeihua: Hope you enjoyed it, thank you for reading! :D
Awwww. The first chapter ~<3
oh my god.<br />
this is truly beautiful :')<br />
waiting for other chapters!<br />
and no probs, dongsaeng-ah ;D