Journey of Sunggyu and Sunhee. (oneshot^^)

The journey of Sunggyu and sunhee's love.

It was the high school graduating year when sunhee amd sunggyu were the best of friends. Sunhee had always been a quiet girl who seldom expresses herself,but ever since she met sunggyu, she had changed... And for the better.


That year,Sunhee realised that what she felt for sunggyu was not just the "love" shared by best friends. She realised she loved sunggyu deeply and just didnt know what to say or do to show her love for him. Sunggyu had noticed a change in sunhee's behaviour and asked her if everything was alright. She didn't say a word! But the thing the sunhee never knew was that sunggyu had always loved her and didnt want to spoil their special bond by confessing to her,so he kept it to himself.


Soon after, They graduated from high school. They went their seperate ways,and sunhee spent every night thinking to herself that when will she ever see her best friend again. Sunggyu went to audition to become an artiste, thinking that she could get a chance to see him and confess her love to him, sunhee also auditioned to become an artiste.


Unfortunately,they went to different companies. During the auditions,sunggyu met a girl named grace lee hye sun which was also sunhee's good friend. Soon they fell in love,and it was as if they would die for a second without each other. Sunhee soon found out about their relationship which was made known to almost everyone in Seoul. Sunhee was at a loss at what to do,she spent every night going out clubbing,and she even ditched her performances because she was so sad. The news about sunhee becoming haywire was all over the news.


That morning,sunggyu saw the news. He thought back on the times he had spent with sunhee and he realised he still loved her deeply and couldn't bear to see her in such a sad state. He broke up with grace and looked for sunhee. Then they met up. Sunggyu: Look, sunhee,i'm really sorry i left you after graduating and promised to keep in touch with you but i didn't. Sunhee: *staring at him blankly*


There's no need to be sorry,you did not do anything wrong. And besides,you've found a good partner who would be really nice to you everytime to need her. Sunggyu: you were my best friend,always have been and always will be. I know you don't feel happy that i'm with her. and i already broke up with her cause i know you love me. And i know that i can make you happy,cause i love you too much to see you like this; so sad and lost. Sunhee: *tears starts streaming down her face* truth is, ever since we parted,i've always missed you.


Every night i cried myself to sleep thinking when will i ever be able to see you again. I was very lost when i even found out about you and grace. But i told myself to be strong and now i'm almost over you.


So it's no point telling me all these. Sunggyu: *puts him thumb and wipes away her tears* I'm sorry i left you stranded,but at that time,i really wanted to be successful and earn alot of money and be famous. You know that i love you right?


And i broke up with grace already. Don't cry anymore. Sunhee: *pushes his hand away* it doesn't matter anymore. And grace is my friend i cannot do this to her. I cannot be so selfish. I'm sorry. Sunggyu: I love you always have and always will Those things you said to me whenever i was sad,i remembered it and i cherished it. *hugs sunhee tighly* *and then kisses her* I love you. Sunhee: *cries and hugs him* So in the end,sunhee and sunggyu made a happy reunion and they got married a few years later. :)

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