She's a fighter


"Never give up on your dreams. Always I mean always stand tall and chin up. Don't let people knock you down, never let them think your weak. Just let them say whatever they gotta say, since they'll say it anyways. Don't get angry at those haters, feel sorry for them. The only reason why they hate is because they're jealous of what greatness you can do. Never pretend to be someone your not."— From Kim Yun (Really I did) And pic doesn't belong to me


I got this from the top of my head. And yeah hehe i actually am um quiet nervous about this fanfic to tell ya the truth.


"I am always fighting for my dreams. 'Fighting!!!' Never give up on anything even if its, impossible take chances"—The infamous me, Yvette 

Most of the quotes on this fanfic, I made... It may seem corny but well it really isn't if you look at it from my point of view. 

Sorry if this seems boring but this will be the first time I actually used details and it isn't boring if you admit Hehe. Me putting in lots of efforts for making you guys like, comment, and reading. I know you guys see that name (Kim Yun/ Yun Kim) a lot but I like it and yeah. 

P.S. that quote in the description is mines FYI


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