New Crown Prince

Moon embracing the sun drabbles

                                   New Crown Prince


The day had come. He knew that one day it will happened and that he should be well prepared fpr that but still he couldn’t stay still when he heard the good news. Yes it was good and whole nation waited for it but he was scared. He knew very well what risk it is. He sighed and looked at the paper work he had in front of him.

He couldn’t concentrate at all since his eunuch told him the happy news. He should go and congratulate his queen. He should kiss her and tell her how thankful he is and that he will give her everything she wants. But….Instead of doing the things he was sitting in the throne room and was buried between the paperwork he should have done already. He sighed again and this time his royal guard Un looked at him.

‘’Is something bothering you Jeona?’’ He asked his king who was whole day frowning and looking at one spot.

‘’I am okay don’t worry Un-ah.’’ King sighed again and grabbed his head a bit and closed his eyes..His head started to hurt. Maybe because he was thinking too much. King stood up and opened the doors walking outside while holding his head. His guard Un was walking behind him and the maidens bowed to both of them.

‘’Jeona should I call royal doctor? You don’t look well.’’ Un said as they were walking in the garden towards the Kings and Queens. Yes King Hwon changed the law and it was a tough battle. Ministers even when they are good were against King to have same chamber with his Queen. But as Lee Hwon loved his queen too much and wanted to spend more time with her – intimately , he decided he will change the very old law. After few weeks the ministers agreed and finally the Sun and Moon could sleep beside each other every night. 

Right now Hwon was heading to the chambers and the maids opened the wooden doors for him with a smile. They surely knew the news as whole his kingdom. As he started to walk inside he felt his heart starting to beat quickly. His palms started to sweat and he gulped down the saliva…Was he actually nervous? No no….Why would he. It’s good news and he should take it like a man. He nod to himself as he was standing in front of the last doors. He raised his hand to open the doors himself.

He bit his lips and than closed his eyes for a moment. Come on be a man. Finally he opened the doors and walked inside their shared room. It was decorated with gold and red all thanks to his queen. There were also various flowers that made the room smell so nice. He smiled a bit as he saw his wife drawing some picture of a flower. She obviously didn’t saw him enter and he was glad. He always loved to look secretly at his queen. How her lips smile as she is happy with her art.

How she frown when she reads a book and don’t like it. He loved every little thing about her. And now he even loved her more because she gave him and his kingdom the biggest present. He was standing there looking at her for some minutes and than he smiled and sat down on the pink pillow in front of her.

‘’My queen.’’ He called her and he saw how his queen jumped a little on her seat. She smiled and bowed her head a little.

‘’Jeona..You came to visit me.’’ She said with her kind voice that could melt the thickest cold ice. How he was glad he had her.

‘’I missed you so I came.’’ He said and he saw his queen blush. Her fingers held the brush and she put it in the black ink and draw another line on the big paper. He watched her fascinated for a few seconds until he realised he came here for something…

He stood up and than walked to his queen sitting beside her. He gently hugged her waist and pushed her to his broad chest. His queen put the brush down on the table and now payed full attention on her king.

‘’Thank you.’’ Hwon said and carresed her hair that were as always perfectly styled. He carresed the golden hair pin that symbolized his undying love for her. She never wore any other pin because as she once said , his pin suited her the most and it was fate for her to wear it. His queen hugged him back caerefully and she rest her head on his chest. She let out a sighed and they both relaxed.

‘’Don’t thank me my king. I love to bear your children.’’ She whispered to him and he smiled slowly and kept caressing her.

‘’I am scared my queen.’’ He suddenly whispered and Youn Woo looked at him her eyes big and confused.

‘’Why jeona?’’ She asked him and her hand went up to his cheek touching his forehead which had a small wrinkles on from the frown.

‘’I don’t want to loose you.’’ He whispered and gently took her hand in his and he laughed a bit..He was stupid right.

‘’Jeona…Don’t be afraid. I am your woman. I won’t leave your side.’’ She said with her comforting smile and she hugged him tightly embracing him in her warmth. Hwon often though that he married a fairy from Heaven because the feeling he got when he was beside his queen, he was sure no one ever felt it.

The warmth the kidness and pureness. He was sometimes scared to touch her. Because the past kept hunting him and he didn’t know how to get rid of it. When such days came he locked himself in the throne room and didn’t let anyone to enter. He wanted to alone so the sadness would consume him and not his queen.

He wanted to suffer alone because his Youn Woo had to bear such cruel things. Her journey wasn’t easy and it was full of scars and pain. When they were making love he often stopped at their act as he wanted to look. Yes…he wanted to look at his queen that was under him. He touched her scars and kissed them wishing they would disappear under his kisses.

Sadly it never happened. But Youn Woo always hugged him and whispered in his ear how much she love him and how it doesn’t matter anymore. That she loved the scars as it proved her that their love is really worth it. That it will never die. The flames he had created will always burn in both of them.

‘’Youn Woo-ah.’’ He whispered and looked up at her. Their eyes met and they both leaned closer to each other and sealed their lips in a slow kiss full of true love. Hwon always believed in destiny and true soul mates.

He was glad that he found his at a very young age. He would never change his queen even when they had some small fights. As they kiss his hand went to her dress and he pressed his palm against her stomach. He felt the small bump and he smiled and closed his eyes hugging her and caressing her tummy.

‘’Why didn’t I saw it sooner.’’ He whispered to her gently not wanting to scare their children.

‘’I knew it that’s important.’’ She said with a laugh and he nod with a smile.

‘’Still.. I knew your body the best and I didn’t saw it.’’ He said with a chuckle and he kissed her pink cheeks gently. She smiled and shook her head.

‘’You see my body but woman just have the mother instinct you know.’’ She said softly and shyly kissed his lips. He smiled and hugger her to him and they both shared this sweet romantic moment.



Whole kingdom was prepared. They knew the day will soon come and they prepared big celebration. King Hwon was on the royal playground with his guards and they were sword fighting. He tried to think about something else than his queen that was right now in biggest pain of her life. He read many books educating himself about child birth.

If he could than he would exchange with his queen. Right now he started to feel really sad..If he didn’t touched her this wouldn’t had happened. If he would be a good King he would tame the burning fire in his veins that forced him to bed her without any herbal tea against soon pregnancy. He closed his eyes and clenched the sword in his hand.

His vein on his neck popped up a bit and he frowned. He want to be with her. He want to hold her hand and comfort her, kiss her and wipe the sweat away from her forehead. But he couldn’t. This law can never be broken and even he a King was powerless. He can’t risk the health of his child because he was selfish. He had to use his brain and not his heart this time. He sighed and opened his eyes attacking his best guard Un who easly defend himself. He kept attacking him not giving Un one chance to escape or rest.

He was panting and sweating while thinking about his beautiful queen. In how much pain she is because of him. He sighed and he stopped in the middle and he sat down on the ground and just looked at the far mountains. His eunuch looked at him sadly and Un came to his king and sat beside him.

‘’Jeona. Stay strong.’’ He whispered and knew his friend and king would take his words to heart. Through the years their relationship was more than king and his guard. It was a deep friendship that was connecting them.

‘’I am alright Un.’’ Hwon whispered and stood up with his sword and he started to walk around impatiently waiting for the news. The sun was slowly starting to set down and still no news. King was so nervous that he yelled at everyone who came closer to him.

‘’JEONA JEONA!’’ His loyal eunuch was running to him while holding his black hat. King frowned and walked to him fast his heart beating rapidly.

‘’What happened?!Tell me! TELL ME!’’ King shouted and grabbed the eunuchs shoulder shaking him.

‘’Queen mama..Queen mama.’’ Eunuch said in high pitched voice and he even sniffed. Hwon was now scared and panicking inside…What had happened to his lovely queen.

‘’WHAT HAPPENED!’’ King shouted with wide eyes.

‘’It’s a prince!’’ Eunuch said and started to cry. Hwon loosen his grasp on eunuchs shoulders and he nod.

‘’And what about queen?’’ He asked nervously.

‘’She is with the prince. They are both healthy!’’ His servant said now with a bright smile on his face and King smiled and than laughed loudly. His queen made it. He laughed more and walked around a bit happy.

‘’Congratulation Jeona.’’ Un said with a smile and King pat his shoulder and walked pass him towards the Delivery chambers. No guard could stop him right now. He was about to see his first born son. He ran up the stairs and maidens opened the doors for him. He was impatient so he pushed the doors open by himself until he stepped in the room he wanted to be whole day.

He smiled and stood there watching the sight in front of him. His Youn Woo was holding a small baby in her arms smiling at it. The baby had still red face and it had closed eyes. The baby was so so small. King smiled and slowly walked towards the mattress and he sat down.

‘’Youn Woo.’’ He whispered with a smile and his queen looked at him with tears in her eyes. He could see how tired she is but still she holds their baby tightly in her embrace.

‘’Jeona. Thanks for coming.’’ She said and looked at their baby again.

‘’Youn Woo…Thank you for this gift.’’ King whispered and raised his hand caressing Youn Woos hair that was falling in her face.

‘’Do you want to hold your prince?’’ Youn Woo asked and Kings eyes brighten and he nod. He really wanted to see their baby and now the time had come. Youn Woo gently put the baby in Kings arms and watched her husband and king.

‘’He’s so beautiful like you.’’ King compliment his queen and she smiled and hugged his arm so now both could look at their baby closely.

‘’You’re beautiful too my king.’’ She whispered to his ear and smiled as her son smiled a bit in his sleep. She carresed his hairless head and smiled.

‘’I will be good father.’’ King said and kissed the forehead of his son. Hwon felt many emotions mixing in him right now at the moment. All of them were happy feelings and he couldn’t stop the tears that fell from his eyes.

‘’Jeona.’’ Youn Woo whispered and carresed her husbands back gently. She kept watching as her king cried and smiled at their child.

‘’Thank you again.’’ He said and kissed his wife lovingly.

‘’I love you.’’ He whispered on her lips and kissed her again while their baby was sleeping peacefully in his powerful arms.

‘’I love you too Lee Hwon.’’ She whispered and they smiled at each other. They finally became parents of their prince. They will learn new things and hardships will come but still they have each other. Hwon finally created his own family and he will protect them forever. Even when he’s a king he is also a husband and a father. If he would protect his family by dying than he would. Maybe he’s selfish but he can’t help it.

‘’Sweet dreams Lee Hoon.’’ He whispered to his son.

AAHHH I KNOW I SHOULD UPDATE SOONER! Arrghhhh but schooool stuff is making me busy…plus a part time work u can say?o.o….Okay I started writing this yesterday but I was too tired to continue so today I finished it! Tell me what moment should I add next!^^ I have couple in mind but tell me ur opinion! 

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Writing another chapter^^


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Rampsy #1
Chapter 5: No more adult Yeon Woo and adult Hwon scenes?
leonne #2
update, update, update XD
Kenzky #3
Chapter 4: No more update? :(
I want adult hwon and adult yeon woo story
Loolyicecream #4
Hyunhoon #5
Still no update T_T
_Ga_In_ #6
Update to ga in and soo hyun please :/
_Ga_In_ #7
Soo Hyun and Ga In.
Please update soon.
Reeesha #8
Update pls :(
leonne #9
Han Ga In Kim Soo Hyun ^_^
Reeesha #10
Chapter 2: i like it more if it's only the adult hwon and adult yeon woo. . Hehe. Because i love Han Ga In and Kim Soo Hyun :)