
We Could Still Be Friends

"_____!" you really knew the owner of that voiced. You turn around to get poked on your cheeks by your bestie Jongdae or his nickname, Chen. You just chuckled while he sat beside you on the bench where you always rest yourself and reading a book. You and Chen were friends since the first year you enter the high school so you really knew everything about him. He also of course, knew everything about you. 

"Why you always read that book? Is it interest? How the story was like? Is it happy ending or sad ending?" he throws you a lot of question while drinking his bubble tea. You gave him a dead glared, feeling annoyed when he did like that. He knew you were annoying but he never mind about it and just act like nothing happened, continuing to enjoy his drinks. 

"Will you stop asking?! I need to focus on my reading!" you hit him with your book. Sure he didn't feel anything because of his strong muscles vs. your small body? He still can laugh anyway. 

"Okay... Okay... I'm kidding. Don’t hit me its hurt." he act, you know he just acting like it was hurt too much. You decided to leave without telling him making him run after you. 

"Hey... Don’t leave like that! Tell me first before you go." Chen grabbed your wrist tightly so you can't escape from him. Both of you walk home together just like a couple who were date for a long time. But the reality? He just your best boyfriend among the guys in your high school.

You were wrapping your gifts to Chen early in the morning before leave to high school. Guess what? It's your graduation days. You know that Chen will leave to London once he graduate because it was his dream to be a Doctor while you decided to learn more about fashion. Paris is the best choices you have made. You wrote a letter for him on a piece of paper, explaining how glad you are to find a friend like him. He always there when you feel down or need someone’s shoulder to cry on. He always there. He never forget your birthday, he never forget to celebrate it with you. He also the only partner you have when you need to visit your parent’s grave. Your parents passed away when you were 10 years old because of car accident which makes you to live with your aunt, Ha Ji Won until now. You feel like crying when you write the letter for him. You also told him to take care of his health since he always got migraine.


“Congratulations!!” your friends congrats you and you also congrats them. You can’t explain how happy you are to graduate successfully and be able to reach your dreams. The last person you decided to meet before leave is Chen. You search for him but he can’t be seen nowhere. You started to panic, afraid you’re not going to see him anymore. Your hope only at the bench where both of you always stay. Thanks God he was there. You relieved and waste no time to run to him.

“You’re fool!” you hit his back. But, he didn’t give any respond. He was kept silent. He never like this before. This was the first time you see him being silent.

“What’s wrong?” you asked slowly. He turn to you, “I’m going to miss this place...” he pout “…and you…” he ended. Your heart fluttered, only show him your smile. You took the gifts from your bag and hand it to him.

“This is for you. I want you to open it at home… or maybe when you’re already in London.”

“Whoa! You sure this for me? No kidding?” the hyperactive Chen is back.

“Yeah.” you chuckled.

“Well, I’m sorry I don’t have anything for you. Well…let me think…ooh!” he took out a white diary decorated with a blue polka dot ribbon (which is from you) together with his signature on the cover of the diary. “This is my private book. See? (showing a ‘Diary’ words). I let you write anything you want at the back of this diary so it could be our memory.” he open up the back of the diary and pass it up to you. You took out your pen and write a simple word ‘Don’t Forget ME’ without giving him a look. You closed the diary and hand it to him back.

“What did you write?” he want to open the diary but you stop him. “No! Just look at it when I’m not around.” you said, giving him speechless. “Okay.” Is the only words he could speak out.

“How about mine? You don’t want to write anything on my diary?” you took out your sky blue with enakei picture as the cover.

“Okay…I’ll write special for you…” he smile and you can see his hand started to write something.

“Here…you can read what I’ve just wrote.” Chen said as he gave you back your lovely diary. You open up the diary to see he write ‘Let’s Get Married’. You turn yourself to look at him with are-you-serious face. He laughs at your expression but didn’t say anything about it. Let just say it was the most touching words Chen had gave you.

Two weeks has passed since your graduation day. Chen already flies to London while you still need some time to pack. You were the type of who likes to do things slowly and relax. Even your aunt scolds you countless time you still same. Guess it was your habits duh?

“_______, you’re going to Paris tomorrow remember? Make sure everything settle by tonight.” your aunt knocked on your door. You gave a simple ‘yes’ answers while inserted the last stuffs which is your diary in your bag.

Thats only for now. Well, I'm sorry if it's not good enough as I said this was my very first fanfic :)

Forgive me if my grammar is or I got some typo ^^

I hope you guys stay tuned for the next chapter and please teach me if I made mistake so I can do more better next time ^^


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Looking forward to your story~ ^^ Update soon. Hwaiting!