The Truth~

Duizhang Problem!!??

Please read the author note at the end of chapter~ XOXO <3 


“Tao, Chanyeol, didn’t that both of you are close with him? Maybe both of you know why he acted that way or have problem?”

Xiumin ask Tao and Chanyeol who close with Kris.

“I have tried to ask him before, but Yifan ge just give me cold stare. I.. afraid~ :'( ”

Well frankly speaking, it’s true Tao had asking Kris if he had any problem. The result is Kris just give him a cold stare without saying anything. When Tao see that, he keep silent and immediately go to Suho who at that time talking with their manager. Both of them just shock when see Tao coming but when Tao say it’s nothing, they just continue their conversation.

“Um~ well.. I don’t have any gut to ask Kris hyung.”

Chanyeol said as he playing with his cap.

“Wae? Did something happen between you?”

Luhan ask Chanyeol who at that time look hesitant to talk about it.

“-sigh- Did all of you remember at dance practice a few days ago when we want to go to eat at restaurant? Kris hyung not join us right? Actually, after all of you go, the left one in practice room is me, Lay hyung and Kris hyung. As me and Lay hyung want to get ready, he still not ready anything. So, I ask him did the place that we want to go is not his style. He just ignore me and doing something else. When I ask again he just give me a glare that could murder people. And from that day I just watching him from far.”

“Watching him for far? How far you could go if he always stand near you.”

Baekhyun mocking Chanyeol who in deep of thinking.

“When he stand near to me, I will go to others.”

“It’s mean you avoid him, baka~”

Both of them bickering about it before Xiumin ask them to be quiet.

“I think it’s only happen to me. So that’s mean all of you get same treatment too?”

Kyungsoo asking .

“I don’t think all of us. Why hyung? You too get same destiny like them?”

Jongin ask Kyungsoo while handed snack to Chanyeol.

“As for me, I no different from Chanyeol hyung. At that time, I already cooking some meal. I already call out all of you to eat dinner but Lay hyung and Kris hyung not in dining table at that time. when I come to their room, Lay hyung say he will come after he finish his shower, but Kris hyung just ask me to cook for him porridge. When I ask whether he is sick or what he just keep quiet and you can feel the cold aura on your surrounding at that time. Somehow it give me a chill to my bone.”

“Did you cook for him then?”

“Of course~ because I’m afraid that he really sick.”

“At least he talk to you Soo-ah~ not like me and Tao who just get a cold stare.”


Tao said as he pouted.

“He not really sick right?”

Chen ask Suho. All of them in a thought. It’s true that Kris really good in hiding his sickness, but they will know too because Lay will tell them actually as both of them was roommate.

“I hope not. If not Lay will tell us.”

Luhan state the matter of fact.

“Suho hyung~ you close with him right? Doesn’t that he will tell you anything?”

Sehun ask his leader.

“Em~ well at that time both of us need to see manager to know our scheduled. Both of us meet our manager, but the weird is, usually he will ask and give an idea mostly than me, but at that time he just keep quiet without utter any words besides ‘ne~’ and only nodded his head. And he only show expressionless face that day. When I ask him if he had any problem, he just look at me then go without waiting me. Even when I give briefing to you guys at that time, he not participate and silently watching me. Don’t you guys feel weird? Because usually he will help me to do briefing with you guys. As it hard for me to handle all of you. Aish~ this trouble kids.”

“Ah~ no wonder I feel like something wrong that time. You too a troublesome kids hyung~”

Beakhyun state the fact.

“I’m not kid you know~”

“He grandpa, grandpa~”

Chanyeol said while munching on his nth snack. They just chuckle when seeing his leader pissed face.

“Speaking of that, did Chen, Sehun, Xiumin hyung, Luhan hyung, Jongin and Baekhyun not encounter that?”

Chanyeol look at the name that he called before.

“For me, I not given any cold stare. At that time, I like always just joking around with him. He just slightly smile to me without utter to me any word. And the result I fed up joking with him.”

Beakhyun said while puffed his cheek.

“It’s because your joke is not someone who can understand if you want to know and the joke itself was lame.”

Jongin said as he think his hyung joke is not funny.

“Better than you at least. Your joke itself was lack of sense of humor you know. At least, Kris hyung love my joke.”

Baekhyun said as he stick his tongue out. Jongin just roll his eyes towards his hyung.

“Doesn’t that he always like that??”

“Not with my joke though. Usually he will respond to me, but not at that time. It’s hurt me, Chanyeol-ah~”

Baekhyun hug Chanyeol leg while Chanyeol rub Baekhyun back while repeat ‘it’s ok’ to him.

“I had ask Kris hyung to play with me before and he just shook his head indicate that he refused to play with me. I thought it just because he really do not have mood. I not even thought that it was this serious.”

Sehun who just heard about what say finally he speak out. He really think that his hyung is ok but when he heard what they said, it make him speechless. Like seriously??? Is that serious until everyone worried about him? He want to let ask more question but sensing that it’s not the right time to do that, he decide to let it pass.

“I do not think it was think horrible. I already sensing something wrong but I can’t point what it is. But when you said like this, seem like my sense is true enough.”

Xiumin who the eldest one at there finally spoke. Luhan just nodded his head while eyeing . He also had sensing something wrong but just let it pass as he don’t want something that he want to think happen.

“So what we want to do now? Did we want to wait for him then?”

Chen ask Suho who at that time writing something on his book.

“Seem like that.”

“But speaking of that, where Lay and Kris go?”

Luhan ask .


“I think they already with us before.”

“Maybe manager want to see Kris.”

“If to see Kris maybe I can accept that but why Lay too?”

The last question make all of them in dazed. Did they really go without waiting Lay?


It’s hard to have many member.


Suho thought in his mind. Kris meet manager, it’s not new as today Kris make some fuss when they had their practice. It’s not that he always make fuss but if someone doing some slack when practice, their manager sure to call them. When they are doing their practice, Suho sense that Kris seem like in his own world. And the one that he notice, Kris always look at his clock. One more thing that Suho feel weird is why their manager with them at that time? It’s unusual for him to stay that long in practice room. Usually, he will come to check up if they are doing their work or not in a short time not this long. When they practice their Wolf dance, Kris always messing up with his part.


Did something bother him? Is it related on why manager at there?


“Did you still call is as ‘manager want to see Kris’? Because I don’t think like that. On what world someone who you want to see running away from you is called like that? And to be precise, our manager was at there a long time. He just can talk to Kris but instead do nothing. When Kris run away from our dance practice, he practically go after him.”

Xiumin stated the reason with a fact.


Back to practice room,

They get a rest for a few minute after their dance practice. Kris glance over and his manager. He can see that busy chatting with themselves with Baekhyun blabbering to him about something-only-he-know while their manager chat with Lay.

This is the time.

Kris thought on his mind. He finally determined to do this. He quickly takes his bag leaving Baekhyun with dumbfounded expression and sneakily go to door. Just when he want to turn the knob,

“Kris hyung~ where you want to go?”

Being the noisy kid, Chen who practically want to go to the toilet ask the frozen man.


Without answer Chen question, he turn his head slowly towards his manager and he can saw the smirk in his manager face.

It can’t be. What had been done, need to be done.

He do a mental note and just sprint from their practice room. He can heard his manager calling him but decide to ignore it.


Back to EXO dorm~

“Doesn’t that it was his job. Yeah~ because someone who you handle run away from their practice, then you need to catch up that person right?”

“Yeah it’s true. But think of it, why manager at there for a long time? it seem like he know that kris had plan to escape from practice which I don’t think no one of us know about it before right?”

“Um~ if what you said is true hyung~ it’s suspicious indeed.”

Chen who just heard the possibility also feel weird with that sudden instinct. And he not alone because almost feel the same way like him. 

Just before they could open their mouth, their front door was open revealing the two man who they left just got home. It seem like all of them invisible to them, as they not greeted them. it’s such a heavy atmosphere for a moment as both of them not talking each other.

“Yifan ge~ you go to your room and take a rest. I will cook you something.”

Kris just nodded his head and headed to his room with a cold aura emitted from his surrounding. He not even spare a glance to in living room. All of them who currently in living room just sitting at there frozenly. After Lay tell Kris, he go to the kitchen to cook something for his hyung.

Did they fight?

Are Yifan ge was sick?

Just what happened just now?

All of the question that in their head just left hanging without any answer. They want to ask but seem like that question only left in their mind, didn’t left from their mouth. They can’t ask Lay is he seem busy cooking in kitchen.

“Seem like we need to wait Lay for a while.”

Suho who seem can read mind tell all of them. A few minutes after that, Lay go out from kitchen with tray on his hand with a porridge, a glass of water, milk and also some medicine. He brought tray that he hold towards his room which he share with Kris. 15 minutes after that, he go out from that room while holding the tray and place it on the sink. After he finish washing up the dish, he go out from the kitchen and just meet with gaze who look like predator-who-want-to-eat-their-prey-alive.

“Erk~ hello guys?”

Lay try to interact with them who just look at him with questionable face. With a flash, Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, Sehun, and Chen drag him from there and go to living room.

“Ok now we demand an answer.”

Kyungsoo immediately say that towards Lay.

Ok ~ this is weird.

Lay thought on his mind while he just look at them with blank expression.

“What.. what answer??”

“Don’t you think you hide something from us too much?”

“We have a right to know.”

“It’s the family means hyung.”


Lay was more confuse with what said. With almost of them want to speak, it just make him more and more confuse. He really doesn’t have any clue with what they said. He just sigh and get up from his seat.

“If all of you already get agreement in what you want to ask, just go to my room. I’ll be there.”

As he want to walk away,

“Lay~ wait. Sit down first.”

Suho hold Lay hand and gesture him to seat.

“Ok guys, all of you need to keep quiet for a while. Just let me ask him. Actually, we want to ask what happen to Kris hyung.”

“Eh?? What happen to Kris hyung? what did you mean by that? I think he just look fine?”

Lay question back to Suho.

“It’s not like that. What Suho mean is he act weird for a past few days. He look different and just too cold towards us. and we ask you because you are his roommate.”

Luhan explain what worried to Lay. Lay think for a while and he only burst his laughing. The member just look at him with a weird face.

“Opss~ haha sorry guys. I mean it’s just funny guys. Haha”

Lay try his possible to not laugh more. When he saw s glaring face, he finally stop his laugh. At least maybe?? XD

“-clearing his throat- ok~ I think all of you mistake of something. What I can assure all of you, it’s not something big. It’s just he only got a toothache, only that.”




All of s just left dumbfounded when they heard the truth. Lay take a sip of water and try to turn on the tv but he can’t find a remote control. In the end, he just give up to watch his television.

“But how come his mood was changing so drastic? I never seen someone who got a toothache become like that.”

Xiumin who finally can manage his shock ask Lay.

“Well, his mom had told me before, if he got a toothache or sick, he murder mode surely will come out. He will isolated himself, he don’t want to eat neither talk to anyone, and when someone ask him to do something or ask anything for him, he just give them his cold stare. That’s what he mom told me before when I meet his family.”

“How you know about it hyung?”

Chen who calm his shock after take a sip of water just ask the question.

“I know it when I saw that he can’t chew properly his food. At first I thought the food maybe was too hard for him to eat. The next thing I saw, he keep touch his cheek and he seem like he in pain and he slowly turn to other mode when he talk less for sure. When I ask him whether he sick or not, he keep denying it, until that night, he didn’t get enough sleep because he toothache was worsen that time.”

Lay who had known as observer (ok I made it up this fact hehe) can know if he member was in pain or not. Even though he look like he doesn’t know anything. XD

“Then, why didn’t he just go to see the dentist? Doesn’t that it will lessen his pain?”

Kyungsoo who just heard about what Lay tell, butting in.

“Actually I was amazed that he can lessen his pain with only painkillers he take. And for your information, Kris doesn’t like to see dentist at all. I mean at all~ he already told me that when he just take only painkillers, he wouldn’t feel any pain, but yeah~ you know, how many painkillers you took, if it was that bad, it would not help you right? And that’s what happen.”

“That’s means~ Yifan ge… afraid to see the doctor?”

Tao carefully ask Lay and in return Lay just nodded his head. In mind of three people which is Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Sehun it something fun to tease their Duizhang. Three of them smirk when think about it. Luhan who happen watching them just shivering while looking at them.

“How come you persuade him hyung?”

It make Jongin feel interesting to know about it. Well, it rare to know his hyung weakness especially the cold and mysterious hyung.

 “it’s hard. Really hard. When I first want to ask him to see the dentist he really don’t want to go. he assure me that he can manage with painkillers only. But as time goes by, he just got worsen. So, I plan with manager to bring him to see the dentist by using the force.”

“So manager know about it?”

“Yup. And we made appointment to see the dentist today. We already told him about it before, and we know that he will flew away from us. that’s why our manager at there whole time.”

“Ah~ now it’s explain why he at there~”

Kyungsoo finally can understand why he manager at there.

“But doesn’t that he already run away that time right? so, how come, he???”

“You know right our Duizhang was clumsy? So at corner of the building he was trip with something and our manager who are the one that fast runner can catch up. At the end, he was drag from there while his ear was being pinched by our manager. Even though he want to escape, he can’t do it because I held his waist tightly.”



“This kid Jinjja~”

Their manager just mutter that word. All their member who in practice room was shocked when seeing their manager run to catch up the one who just run away from them.

It’s good to think that I still had this stamina. You think you can run away from me uh?


He practically scream as he run. He just ignore the stare that he got at that time. Lay wonder why he not just being artist, well he had a good look, his height is not a problem as he height almost like Chanyeol, his voice is awesome and now look he lung capacity is daebak!! You know to dance and sing at same time you need to have great lung so that you can manage to breath between it. And he was too good. Kris totally ignore his manager scream and just run away until he doesn’t realize that there are wire in front of him. When he realized it, it was totally late as he already trip onto that thing.

“Ouch~ man~”

Now he feel twice pain at same time, first his toothache and second is his leg. Before he can get up, his manager already come to him and pinch his ear with Lay tailing behind their manager.

“You!!! Come with me!!!”

Their manager said with a stern voice. Kris just gulped his saliva. He want to escape but seeing Lay tightly hug his waist, make him hopeless.

“Hyung~ appo~”

“I know, that’s why I doing like this.”

With that they finally can take Kris to seeing his dentist and Kris even give up to rebel more.

Aish~ I hate dentist.

End of flashback~


Hearing what they bother from Lay make all of them in a deep thought. Suddenly they heard screaming from Lay and Kris room.


All of them was surprised, but only Lay was the calm one.

“It’s ok. He just got a nightmare from seeing dentist I guess. He had trauma I think. I go to check him up.”

All of them just look bewildered while Lay already standing up from his seat.

“Guys~ don’t forget to take a rest. It’s not usual for us to get this kind of rest. Rest well~ annyeong!!”

While flash a smile to them, Lay took his step towards his room. When he open his door, he can saw that his hyung was shivered and in pain, he know that his hyung just get a nightmare.



“You know Lay~ when he see a dentist, on night he will get a nightmare. Maybe when you bring him to dentist, he will got a nightmare that day. He will like in a pain and got a shiver. I forgot to tell you before dear~”

He talk with Kris mom to told about Kris condition without Kris know. They had talk about 15 minutes about exchanging theirstory to each others. Mrs. Wu say in apologetic voice.

“Kwenchana aunty. No need to worry. I will take care him.”

“Ne~ I only can count on you and your members to watch him for me. if anything happen tell me ok. That brat wouldn’t tell me if he in pain or not.”

“Haha I’m sure he don’t want to make you worried.”

“I know. He always like that.”

“Ne~ aunty. I better go now. We had practice today. I think they will think I got some accident or what if I not turn up quickly.”

“-chuckled- arasso~ if anything happen tell me arasso~”

“Ne~ aunty. See you. Anyyeong~”

With that he ended his call with Kris mom.

End flashback~


Such a big kid this hyung sometimes~

He go to his hyung and pat slowly on his back.

“Shh~ ge~ kwenchana, kwenchana ge. it’s ok. Nothing bad happen. “

With that, Kris slowly drift away to his dreamland again. Thanks to Lay.


In the living room,

“Did we think too much?”

“I think we are.”

All of them just chuckled when think about it. they relieved that it’s not something bad or worse.

“it’s just the feeling of family to worried about right?”

Luhan as the second eldest spoke.

“It’s true. Furthermore, we rarely see him like that. That’s why it’s make us worried.”

Baekhyun word make all of them nodded their head.

“And because this hyung was secretive and cold, it’s hard to know what his think. Whether he is in a pain or not.”

They also agree with what Kai said because Kris rarely talk about his personal matter. He more to be caring or only think about than his own.

“Well~ now it’s settle. Let’s get up and get rest. As Lay said it’s our opportunity to get this kind of off right?”

Suho finally spoke after all of them ended their chatting. They start get up one by one. Kyungsoo tidy up the mess in table with help from Chen.

“Thanks Chen hyung~”

“Cheonma Soo. You had done it many time before. Let me help you.”

“Ne hyung~”

After they finish up their work, both of them headed to their room. Before that they take a look at their Duizhang room and just smile when seeing their Duizhang sleep. And this Duizhang never know that had talk about him and what he never realized the way he acted to them when he was in pain. Because at that time he only care about his pain only.




Seriously this story happen to me. Based on my experience when I having a toothache a few days before. It’s was really hurt~ T_T I can’t eat properly, I prefer keep quiet than speak because it was hurt, and when someone ask me to do anything I feel like please don’t ask me anything, jebal!!! And I prefer to be alone.. I don’t know how all of u handle it but this is what happen to me when I have toothache before. Well different people different way the handle it huhu. And bam~ this idea happen to write this story. Keke 

p/s sorry for the lame story~ hehe :D 

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azzu_luph #1
Chapter 2: wuahahaha
i thought it would be connected with his disband but TOOTHACHE haha :v
sazuka #2
Chapter 2: Are you kidding me?!?!!?!!! Hahahahahahaha
VioletLily #3
Chapter 2: This is so cute ohmo ♥♥♥
Ooh, can't wait! Looking forward to it c: