Flower of Despair

Luhan's Personal Recommendations Story
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hi!! please, don't forget to upvoting this EXO's Luhan Reccomendations okay! I Love yooouuu ////


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Ah those are such cute gifs of LH ;)
Chapter 204: This is sad tho. :(((( -bubbletea deactivated her account :( I wanted to read the trilogy again :(
Author nim ~~ I need more Luhan and OC rated M ty fanfic ~ pleaseeee ^^
Chapter 15: I'm lucky to found this list .. ^^
Chapter 238: Where can I find this story?
crazy_bts_fan #6
Chapter 1: Thank you so much!! His is amazing and I've been wanting to read and find Luhan fanfics!!!
Hi guys,,pls comment if there are some stories that isn't available anymore,, I'll delete it ASAP
Chapter 249: Her Protector has been completed. Thank you for putting my story on your recc list. ♡
Chapter 249: Just so you know. I checked your list and found that 5 of your stories aren't available to be viewed:
#8 - For the Love of Insanity - doesn't exist.
#10 - It's Me - doesn't exist.
#16 - Lost Souls - author deactivated their account.
#23 - Our Reserved Marriage - doesn't exist.
#29 - Girl Undone - doesn't exist.