Approaching you slowly, little by little

Meet Kacey

When you see ** its what Kacey is thinking

~Nana and Soo hyun are in there room getting ready to go to bed

Nana:"I wonder whos our roomate"
Soo hyun:"Yeah me too. On the card theres a picture of her eyes she looks young and pretty."
Nana: "Really let me see." Looks at the card
Nana:"She has pretty eyes"
Soo hyun: "Shes probably going to come late. Shes probably busy"
Nana:"Yeah I think so too. I have to wake up early tomorrow so shell probably be here by then."
Soo hyun:"Oh really ok well than goodnight"

~6:20 Kacey gets dropped off at the house

Kacey:"Im so nerves i wonder if there awake". Gets her 2 luggage, her bag, pillow, and a box out. "Ah oppa its ok i can do it you should go home and rest a little before you come back"
Manager: "Its ok let me at least help you bring everything inside"
Kacey: "Ok oppa". I open the door with the keys and go inside.  "WOW its so pretty"
Manager: "Yeah it is sleep a little ill see you soon bye"
Kacey :"Ok oppa bye call me when your here" *I should probably leave me things here everyone probably sleeping*. “WOW the view is so pretty." I walk to the couch and lay down to rest a bit.

~7:00 Ga Yeon goes downstairs and sees someone on the couch. Kacey wakes up

Kacey: " Annyonghaseyo (hi i think thats how you spell it) im Kacey"
Ga Yeon:"  Annyonghaseyo im Ga Yeon. Sorry did i wake you up"
Kacey: " Ahniyo its ok i had to get up anyways i have to go out"
Ga Yeon: "Really what time did you get here?"
Kacey:” Around 6” beep beep I answer my phone “Annyonghaseyo, yeah, ok im coming now. Im sorry I have to go ill see you latter”
Ga Yeon:”Ok, should I tell the others who you are?”
Kacey:”No don’t tell them yet let it be a secret ok?”
Ga Yeon:”Ok, bye”

~7:30 So ra goes down stairs with Giselle

So ra:”Ga Yeon, lets go out”
Ga Yeon:”Ok, that sounds good” walks out together “Oh the last roommate came”
So ra:”Really? Who is it?”
Ga Yeon:”She said she wanted it to be a secret”
So ra:”Really? Is she that special?”

~Latter in room 1 Bom and Ga Yeon are sleeping. Nana, Soo hyun, and So ra who has a camera walks in

So ra:”Bom, good morning”
Nana:”Hello Bom”
Bom:”Oh hello”
Soo hyun:”Hello”
Bom:”Hello, isnt there supposed to be another girl”
Soo hyun:”Yeah she mines and Nana roommate, But she still hasn’t come”
So ra:”Yeah she did her stuff are downstairs, Ga Yeon meet her”
Nana:”Really who is it?”
Ga Yeon:”She said she wanted it to be a secret. Shes coming latter”
Bom:”At least give us a hint”

Ga Yeon:”Shes a singer”
Soo hyun:”Is she in a group?”
Ga Yeon:”Yeah she is”
Nana:”I want to meet her already”

~Latter everyone sitting on the couch. On the big couch to the left is Se ho, Min woo, Ga Yeon, So ra, Soo hyun, Dong wook, Nana, Bom, and on the black couch is Kang joon and Sung woo. Kacey enters.

Kacey:”Haha annyonghaseyo”
Dong wook:”Introduce yourself since you got here last”
Kacey:”Annyonghaseyo im Top Angels Kacey nice to meet you”
Bom:”Ah so cute”
Kacey:”Ahaha thank you”
Se ho:”Do you know anyone here”
Kacey:”Yeah 4 people.
Se ho:”Who is it?”
Kacey:”After school Nana” Nana claps her hands and smiles “2NE1 Park Bom” Bom smiles “Ga Yeon I meet her this morning” looking at Se ho “And your Psy right?” everyone starts laughing
Se ho:”Hahaha I think she only knows singers. Im Se ho im a comedian, but you can call me Psy if you want.” Gets up to shake her hand “Im a fan of yours” *I really thought he was Psy. He looks like him right?*
Kacey: bows ”Thank you and im sorry and that’s ok I can call Se ho” everyone starts laughing again
Se ho:”Shes funny to”
Kang joon:”Im Kang joon im an actor”
Kacey:”Its nice to meet you” bows
So-ra:”Annyonghaseyo im So ra im a model”
Kacey: bows “Its nice to meet you”
Soo hyun:”Annyonghaseyo im Soo hyun im your roommate its nice to meet you”
Kacey: bows “Yeah its nice to meet you”
Dong wook:” Annyonghaseyo Im Dong wook im an actor”
Kacey: bows “Its nice to meet you…. Where you in that drama with Girls Generation Jessica unnie?”
Dong wook:”Yeah I was hahaha im happy you know who I am”
Nana:”Annyonghaseyo Im Nana im also your roommate I hope we can become friends”
Kacey: bows”Yeah of course id like that”
Bom:”Annyonghaseyo im Bom ah aegyo your so cute call me unnie ok?”
Kacey: bows “Haha thank you unnie”
Nana:”You can call me unnie to”
Kacey:”Yeah ok”
Min woo:”Annyonghaseyo im Min woo”
Kacey: bows  ”Annyonghaseyo Its nice to meet you”
Sung woo:”Annyonghaseyo im Sung woo its nice to meet you”
Kacey: bows “Yeah annyonghaseyo its nice to meet you. The motorcycle outside is yours right?”
Sung woo:” Yeah you like motorcycles?”
Kacey:” Yeah my dad has a business in motorcycles”
Sung woo: surprised “Really? Where is it?”
Kacey:  Its in Florida”
Sung woo: “Florida?”
Kacey:” Yeah its in the US”
Sung woo: ”Hahaha I think that too far to go to”
Kacey: ”Yeah it is”
Dong wook:”Now that Kacey is here we can go over house rules”
Nana: ”Kacey come sit with me”
Kacey: ”Ok” sits in between Nana and Bom
Se ho: ”I think the cost of living will become a problem”
Dong wook:”Because those types of thing are a bit more sensitive topics”
Se ho: “For example, I want to buy something but someone might not want that”
Soo hyun: “And even yesterday, we went grocery shopping and Sung woo paid for everything”
Se ho: “And honestly even with something like that, people might ask why it came out to be so much” Dong wook, So ra, Soo hyun, and Nana laugh
Se ho:” Im just using that as an example and saying that someone could say that”
Dong wook:”Like I don’t eat this”
Se ho:”Im just saying! It could be an opinion”
Sung woo:”If we do that then each person has to end up buying whatever their going to eat”
Se ho:”So im saying that is something id like us to clear up here”
Sung woo:”I think we need to have someone who will be in charge of all the finances. Someone who can be transparent with where all the money is being used”
Se ho: “The person should be someone who will be home often rather than not” everyone looks around
*well I cant I don’t know if ill be home that much*
Dong wook: “Someone who will be home often…..”
Se ho:” I don’t mean to be rude but is anyone not working this week? Please raise your hand. One, two, three” hes the only one that raises his hand
Sung woo: ”Se ho is open all week. Im not free all week but….”
Min woo:” Im not sure but”
Soo hyun:” So ra, youre not going to do it?” So ra shakes her head “Then ill do it”
Sung woo:” So anything you need you let her know”
Dong wook:”Is there anything you wished we had?”
Bom:”What do I need?”
Dong wook:”Anything you feel like you need since last night?”
Bom:”I havent really done anything yet….”
Dong wook:”Since you’ve just been in your room” everyone starts laughing “What about you Kacey?”
Kacey:” No im ok I don’t need anything”
Dong wook:”Ok if you need anything let us know”
Kacey:”Ok I will”
Soo hyun:”We need to take turns making dinner”
Sung woo:”We can take turns if you really don’t feel confident about cooking then….”
*I don’t know how to cook. Should I say something? What should I do?* everyone quite “Its not a bad idea to learn how to cook here either”
Soo hyun:”What happens if youre home alone?”
Sung woo:”One way or another we wont starve”
Kang joon:”If all else fails theirs instant noodles.”
Sung woo:”lets eat that if we really have nothing to eat, or if were craving a late night snack or something” everyone quit
So ra:”I just want to put it out there right now, I don’t know how to cook at all”
Soo hyun:”I cant either”
Nana:”Me neither”
Kacey:”I cant either but I like helping in the ktchen. Im really good at cutting things”
Ga Yeon:”Cant do what?”
So ra:”Cook”
Sung woo:”I like to cook. I really enjoy cooking”
Se ho:”Then should we appoint Sung woo as our chef?”
Dong wook:”Then can you take the lead in deciding what to eat and tell us what to do?”
Nana:”Then you be the chef?”
Se ho:”Chef Shin” everyone:”Shin Jang Geum! Shin Jang Grum!”
I whispers to Nana “Nana wheres the bathroom?”
Nana:”Its upstairs in our room room 3”
Kacey:”Ok thank you” goes upstairs. *WOW its so pretty. We even have a pool table* Walks threw the hall and opens the door *wow the room is pretty. I wonder which ones my bed?* Walks to the bathroom and pees than comes and starts unpacking. Nana and Soo hyun some in
Soo hyun:”Are you finished unpacking yet?”
Kacey:”Yeah I just finished”
Nana:”Kacey im older than you right?”
Kacey:”Yeah I think so I was born in 1994”
Nana:”Yeah im older than you by 2 years. You can call me unnie ok?”
Kacey:”Ok I will”
Soo hyun:”You can call me unnie to. Lets get along and be friends ok?”
Kacey and Nana:”Ok” they all hug
Dong wook:”Where going to go buy Kang joon a phone do you guys want to come?”
Soo hyun:”I cant I have to go shopping for things”
Nana:”I cant either I have to go out”
Kacey:”ill go with you guys”
Dong wook:”Ok lets go” Kacey graps her purse and goes downstairs with Dong wook.

~In the car with Dong wook whos driving, Kang joon is in the front seat, and Kacey in the back

Dong wook:”So Jun, have you never had a cellphone before?
Kacey:”You never had a cellphone?”
Kang joon:”I used to. I just havent had one since December last year”
Dong wook:”Oh really?”
Kang joon:”Its only been a few months”
Dong wook:”What are the benefits of not having a cellphone?”
Kacey:”Is it better not to have one?”
Kang joon:”Without it, I become more proactive”
Dong wook:”Ah since youre not looking at it all day, whether its. Working out or reading”
Kang joon:”Yeah whether its going to work out or taking another look at my lines”
Kacey:”Wow really?”
Dong wook:”Yeah youre right”
Kang joon:”Yeah so I thought itd be better for me to not have a phone. But honestly, its not that I get lazy about my work just because I have a cellphone. I think ill be ok making one. Please let me have a cellphone. Will I get in trouble with my management company?”
Kacey:”Ahniyo just tell them its to communicate with the roommates. Youll only use it with us”
Kang joon:”And ill make my cellphone easily accessible. I wont have anyone aside from our roomates and my family members phones saved. Ill keep it strictly to those numbers…… Im about to get in trouble”
Kacey:”Ahniyo you wont” Arived at the cellphone store
Dong wook:”Why are you putting on sunglasses?”
Kacey:”Because I don’t want people to recognize me”
Kang joon:”You don’t want to be seen with us?”
Kacey:”Ahniyo that’s not it?”
Dong wook:”Its because you’re an idol and don’t want your fans to see you” opens the door to go in
all three of them say “Annyonghaseyo”
Dong wook:”Were looking to sign up for a new cellphone account”
Cellphone guy:”A new account?”
Dong wook:”Yeah, is it not possible?”
Cellphone guy:”No, it is possible” looking at the phones *the cellphone guy is looking at me does he know who I am?* “Excuse me are you Top Angels Kacey?”
I taking of her glasses “Yeah annyonghaseyo”
cellphone guy:”Annyonghaseyo im a big fan of Top Angels”
Kacey:”Really thank you…. Whos your favorite member?”
Cellphone guy:”Anna” Dong wook and Kang joon start laughing
Kacey:”Ahaha oh ok” cellphone guy walks away *I thought he was my fan*
Dong wook:”You must be very worried”
Kang joon:”Yeah, im very worried”
I hugs him from the back ”Its ok you need this in order for us to communicate”
Kang joon:”Of course. Communication is important since were all a family now”
Dong wook:”Imagine youre the only one not in our group chat room”
Kang joon:”I want to be part of that” Dong wook and Kacey laugh
Dong wook:“Inclusion is very important within a family”
Kang joon:”I trust you will understand”
Kacey: ”We promise we will only use it among our family”
Cellphone guy: ”These are the newest phones we currently have”
Kang joon:”This one”
Dong wook:”You like this one the best?”
Kang joon:”Yeah”
Dong wook:”Ok, well take that one”
Cellphone guy:”What type of plan would you like for this? Will you barely be using this or…”
Kang joon:”I wont be barely using it but….. I don’t think ill be using it that often”
Cellphone guy:”We need to determine a data and cell plan. We have a 35,000 won plan that comes with 80min of outgoing calls. But data for that is 55mb” Kang joon looks at Dong wook and he looks at him than they look at me. *what is this guy saying. Don’t you just buy a phone*
Kang joon looks at Dong wook:”What does all that mean?”
Dong wook:”I don’t know”
Kacey:”I think that you only have 80min to use your phone…..and is 55mb a lot?”
Dong wook:”Arent you and idol shouldn’t you know this stuff?”
Kacey:”……I never bought my phone my manager did”
Cellphone guy:”There is data that you use when you use…”
Dong wook:”Three dumb people came to buy this together” Kang joon starts laughing
Kacey:”This is going to ruin my image”
Cellphone guys:”You have to use about 75,000 for the first few months anyways”
Dong wook:”Okay”
Kang joo:”Ok sounds good”
Dong wook:”Well go with that plan”
*Dong wook do you know what you just agreed with?* Dong wook points to something and Kacey follows him
Dong wook:”To celebrate you buying a new phone, ill buy you a case”
Kacey:”Is the case free?”
Cellphone guy:”Yeah, will give it to you for free”
Kacey:”Ah really thank you”
Kang joon:”Thank you”
Dong wook looks surprised “You got a case?”
Kacey:”Hahaha if you want you can buy me a case”
Dong wook:”Ok which one do you want?”
Kacey:”Ah really?”
Dong wook:”Yeah pick the one you want”
Kacey:”Wow really thank you” she picks out a pink iphone case “How much is this?”
Cellphone guy:”Ah you can have it for free”
Kacey:”Really thank you” Dong wook looks sad “Ya its ok ill tell everyone you bought it for me”
Dong wook:”Yeah ok” looks sad they both go to the counter
Cellphone guy:”Please include your bank account information right here”
Dong wook:”You memorized your bank account number?”
Kang wook:”Yeah”
Cellphone guy:”Your relationship is”
Kang wook:”Me?” Dong wook and Kacey laugh
Cellphone guy:”You should complete it as self. Your funny on top of everything else you have going for you”
Dong wook:”How about my birthday for your last 4 digits?
Kacey:”Why your birthday?”
Dong wook:”Its really easy to remember. Its 1106
Kang joon:”1106?”
Dong wook:”Its really easy. November 6th, 1106”
*at least he wont forget whens youre birthday*
Kang joon:”That’s not too bad”
Cellphone guy:”We don’t have any available numbers”
Dong wook:”You don’t?”
Kacey:”Then lets do our shows premier date”
Kang joon:”Whats our premier date?”
Kacey:”Ah….i don’t know I thought you new?”
Dong wook:”Its 0420”
Kang joon:”0420. Do you have any numbers ending with 0420?”
Cellphone guy:”Sorry”
Kacey:”What is possible?”
Kang joon:”Do you have 1012?”
Cellphone guy:”No we don’t” *did he just ignore my question?*
Kang joon:”You don’t? Do you have 4205?”
Dong wook:”Why? Whats the significance?”
Kang joon:”April 20th,fighting!” Dong wook laughs
Kacey:”Haha what?”
Cellphone guy:”We have three of those”
Kang joon:”Not bad, right?”
Dong wook:”Why is five fighting?”
Kang joon:”Five-=Fighting” Dong wook and Kacey laugh
Dong wook:”Makes sense”
Dong wook:”Ill probably memorize your number the quickest”
Kang joon:”Plus when you high five, you hold up five fingers”
Dong wook:”Youre right”
Kacey:”Hahaha” *whats wrong with this guy, how does that make sense* Dong wook and Kang joon high five each other than they high five me at the same time
Kang joon:”4205!”
Dong wook:”Sounds good!”
Kang joon:”Success! Three dummies succeed activating a cellphone account” Kacey and Kang wook laugh
Kacey:”Ya how can you say that about me my fans are going to think that im stupid”
Dong wook:”I couldn’t understand a single thing he said” all three of them laugh all three of them say bye
Cellphone guy:”Excuse me before you leave can I have your autograph”
Dong wook:”Yeah of course”
Cellphone guy:”Ah ahniyo not you Kacey” Dong wook looks mad
Kacey:”Ahaha yeah of course” Kacey signs and the all leave. In the car my phone rings
Kacey:”Hello Ara”
Ara:”Kacey what are you doing?”
Kacey:”In the car with Dong wook and Kang joon”
Ara:”Really let me talk to them”
Kacey:”What ahniyo you called me to talk to me not them”
Ara:”YA put me on speaker I want to talk to them”
Kacey:”YA they don’t want to talk to you”
Dong wook:”Annyonghaseyo”
Ara:”YA I heard them, let me talk to them”
Kacey:”Ugh fine ok” put it on speaker
Dong wook and Kang joon:”Annyonghaseyo”
Ara:”Annyonghaseyo im Ara im such a huge fan of you guy”
Dong wook:”Ah really thank you”
Kang joon:”Yeah thank you”
Ara:”Are you guys taking care of my Kacey?”
Kang joon anddong wook:”Yeah”
Kacey:”Yeah they are Dong wook even bought me a phone case”
Ara:”REALLY ah youre so lucky”
Kacey:”Hahaha I know”
Ara:”Ah by the way we have practice right know can you come?”
Kacey:”Ah yeah where close im close by”
Ara:”So youre coming?”
Kacey:”Yeah ill be there in 10min”
Ara:”Ok bye, bye Dong wook and Kang joon oppa”
Dong wook and Kang joon:”Bye”
Kacey:”YA don’t call them oppa you guys arent close” Dong wook and Kang joon laugh
Ara:”YA hurry up and get here”
Kacey:”Yeah ok bye” hangs up phone “Dong wook can you drop me off”
Dong wook:”Yeah, are you going to take long?”
Kacey:”I don’t think so”
Dong wook:”Oh ok”
Kang joon:”Ill text you when dinner ready to see if youre coming”
Kacey:”Ok bye

~Latter at the practice room Nana texted Kacey to pick her up and now they just arrived home together

Kacey and Nana come in laughing
Nana:”Where home”
Kacey:”Annyonghaseyo” Nana goes to seat on the couch next to So ra and I seat next to Nana
Dong wook:”What did you do today?”
Nana:”I was so tired today. I only slept a few hours last night”
Kacey:”I only sleept for and hour”
Nana:” Ah really?”
So ra:”The funny thing is they got there makeup done early in the morning, but it looks exactly the same as it did this morning” Nana and me both laugh “Because there so young. There makeup looks exactly the same!”
Se ho:”How many times do you touch up your makeup each day?”
So ra:”Frequently” everyone laugh “You know” the door opens and everyone look around *Its Chanyeol!*
Chanyeol:”Im home”
Se ho:”Chanyeol is home”
Se ho:”Good work today”
Sung woo:”You havent had dinner yet, have you?”
Chanyeol:”No, I havent had dinner yet”
Sung woo:”Ill make kimchi fried rice for you in a bit”
*Ah really I want some*
Chanyeol looks at Kacey “Ah Kacey” bows to her
Kacey:”Annyonghaseyo Chanyeol I didn’t know you lived here?”
Chanyeol:”Yeah I don’t know you lived here either”
Se ho:”Are you two close?”
Kacey:”Ahniyo not really we always great each other when we see each other”
Se ho:”Oh really how do you know each other?”
Chanyeol:”We meet each threw Super Junior”
Kacey:”Yeah Ara is Donghae little sister so when we went to a sm concert we meet”
Se ho:”Ah really that’s cool. Chanyeol this is your first time seeing everyone together, right?
Se ho:”I think you need to first introduce yourself”
Chanyeol:”That’s right”
Dong wook:”I had to do it earlier today too”
Se ho:”Introduction and sing us a song”
Chanyeol:”Really” everyone laughs
Nana:”Really. We all had to do it”
Se ho:”I had to do the Catalina dance” everyone laughs “Did I not do it?”
Nana:”You did! He really did! Even Kacey danced to one of her songs”
Kacey:”Haha yeah I did”
Chanyeol:”Hold on”
Se ho:”Even Sung woo did the dance!” everyone laughs Chanyeol stands up
Chanyeol:”Hold on” everyone laughs *I hope they don’t make me dance to*
Se ho:”One, two, three, four!” Chanyeol sings and dances to growl *wow hes so cool* everyone claps
Dong wook:”It must have been really hard doing that alone. It hasent been that long since we all meet, the more positive traits we know about each other, the better. So lets take turns to show off about ourselves. What youre good at, what makes you a good person. Stuff like ‘I think id be the best at something out of everyone here”
Se ho:”You first” to Kang joon
Kang joon:”Me? Ok. Am I talking about myself right now?”
Dong wook:”Yeah”
Kang wook:”I am the most skilled piano player out of everyone here” everyone said “Oh”
Sung woo:”Other people know how to play the piano?”
Kang joon:”Really?” everyone claps
Soo hyun:”Go ahead” everyone look at Kang joon *is he really good?*
Ga Yeon:”I need to close my eyes and listen”
Dong wook:”What is the title of the piece?”
Kang joon:”Its called indigo by Yiruma” *I know that song Yumi know it* Kang joon starts playing
Nana:”I like this song”
Kacey:”Ah really Yumi plays this a lot”
Kang joon:”Just that much” everyone “wow” and claps *wow hes good playing the piano isnt easy but he made mistakes*
Kacey:”Hahaha Nana is in love now”
Nana:”It was so pretty”
Chanyeol:”That was really good”
Se ho:”Kacey don’t you know how to play the piano too?”
Kacey:”Ah a little Yumi been teaching me but im not that good”
Se ho:”Ah ok. Chanyeol, you play the piano too,right?”
Chanyeol:”Yes, I do play but Kang joon is so good” Chanyeol gets up to go play the piano he starts playing and messes up
Chanyeol:”Oh im sorry” everyone starts laughing “Im so nervous right now” he starts playing again. He finished everyone clapped.
Kacey:”WOW I really like that song”
Dong wook:”Now what is Min Woo supposed to do?”
Min woo:”Ive been thinking of something im good at. I really cant do anything. Ill do the dishes”
Dong wook:”Ok….. Kacey?”
Kacey:”Ah me……… uhhh hahaha im not really good at anything”
Dong wook:”Really?”
Nana:”Yeah she does shes good at just looking pretty” everyone laughs
Kacey:”Ahniyo that’s not true ah this is embarrassing” everyone laughs
Dong wook:”Hahaha your good at that. What about you Ga Yeon?”
Ga Yeon:”Me? Im really good at knocking people out” everyone laughs
Ga Yeon:”Yeah I do martial arts”
Kacey:”WOW that’s so cool”
Se ho:”You win” everyone claps
Dong wook:”That’s one thing I really don’t want her to prove”
Se ho:”Im ok with just confirming with my eyes” Ga Yeon stands up
Ga Yeon:”May I…” to Dong wook she did a back choke demonstration
Ga Yeon:”So you do this to knock out the person” and she demonstrates everyone claps and laughs *is he ok?*
Se ho:”His eyes briefly rolled back then came back. I think he actually passed out very briefly”
Dong wook:”Its not that. When she first picked me, I was determined to keep a straight face, but I just felt my facial expression” everyone starts laughing again “This is seriously unreal! Shes unbelievably strong”
Latter So ra, Sung woo, and Ga Yeon are in the kitchen. So ra going to do the dishes, Sung woo going to cook, and Ga Yeon is cleaning up
Kacey:”So ra you want me to help you do the dishes?”
So ra:”Oh ahniyo its ok I can do it”
Kacey:”Ahniyo I want to help you”
So ra:”Ahniyo its ok I like doing the dishes”
Kacey:”Ah really me too”
So ra:”Really the used to call me the go of dish washing hahaha”
Kacey:”Hahaha really I like doing them it relieves stress”
So ra:”Really I think like that to I enjoy doing it hahaha”
Sung woo:”Kacey have you eaten yet?”
Kacey:”Ahniyo but its ok ill make myself a sandwich” Chanyeol walks in
Sung woo:”Ahniyo ill make you food im already making food for someone”
Kacey:”Ah really thank you”
Sung woo:”Yeah. Do you guys like spicy foods?”
Chanyeol:”Spicy foods?”
Sung woo:”Yeah. Can you guys handle spicy foods?”
Kacey:”Yeah im ok with spicy foods”
Chanyeol:”Not if its very spicy but if it’s a bit….”
Sung woo:”A little spicy?”
Chanyeol:”Yeah” Kacey sets the table
Kacey:”What are you making?”
Sung woo:”Kimchi fried rice have you had it before?”
Kacey:”Uh yeah I think so”
Sung woo:”You guys go seat down its almost ready”
Kacey and Chanyeol:”Ok” Kacey goes and seats down
Sung woo talking to Chanyeol :”You don’t even get to eat properly. But these are the times you remember most fondly later on. When you barely ever eat” Chanyeol goes and seats down and Sung woo brings the plates
Kacey and Chanyeol:”Thank you” they both start eating
Sung woo:”Is it ok?”
Kacey:”Yeah its very good your good at cooking”
Chanyeol:”Yeah, its very delicious”
Sung woo:”You guys arent just saying that,right?”
Kacey and Chanyeol;”Ahniyo”
Sung woo:”Ok good hahaha you guys look like your on a date”
Kacey and Chanyeol:”Ahniyo” *this is embarrassing*
Kacey while blushing “Ahniyo don’t say those thing, your going to make it weird if you do”
Sung woo:”Hahaha ok ok enjoy”
Kacey and Chanyeol:”Ok” start eating food. Chanyeol starts to touch his face than takes off his jacket
Kacey:”Do you want me to get you some water?” *is it to spicy for him?*
Chayeol:”Oh ahniyo its ok”
Kacey:”Is it to spicy?”
Chanyeol:”Yeah, but I can handle it”
Kacey finished: ”Ah ok” gets up and washes her plate
Nana:”Kacey lets go to our room”
Kacey:“Ah yeah ok” walks with Nana “Bye” to Chanyeol

~In room 3 Soo hyun, Nana, and Kacey are getting ready for bed

Nana and Soo hyun are in the desk and im laying on my bed and is on her phone
Soo hyun:”Ah it feels so good! It works so well! This is perfect! I like it so much. Lets just keep this. This fan has the perfect air strength! I want to keep it. Its amazing! I don’t think my hair looks good right now. This is a very unflattering moment for me right now” all three of them laugh.
Nana goes and sits on my bed “Kacey what are you doing?”
Kacey:”Ah im just telling my members good night”
Nana:”Ah really you do that?”
Soo hyun:”You must be really close to them”
Kacey:”Yeah we are there like my family here”
Nana:”Why? You don’t have family here?”
Kacey:”They live in Florida”
Soo hyun:”Ah really. Im sorry”
Kacey:”Ahniyo its ok” Nana walks to the bathroom
Ga Yeon walks in “Soo hyun may I borrow your blow dryer?”
Soo hyun:”I don’t have one. Sit and use the fan”
Ga Yeon:”The fan? Is Nana washing up?”
Kacey:”Yeah, shes washing up”
Soo hyun:”Is So ra sleeping?”
Ga Yeon:”Yeah, shes about to fall asleep”
Kacey:”Ill be right back im going to make a phone call”
Soo hyun:”Ok. Ah Kacey im going to order chicken you wants some”
Kacey:”Ah ok thank you” I walk down stairs and sees the boys seating at the table
Kacey:”Annyonghaseyo” and bows
All the boys:”Annyonghaseyo”
Se ho:”Do you want some beer?”
Kacey:”No thank you”
Se ho:”Why? Your not old enough to drink?”
Kacey:”Ahniyo I am im 20”
Sung woo:”Oh really you look so young” *what do you mean I look so young I am young*
Kacey:”Hahaha thank you”
Se ho:”Where are you going?”
Kacey:”Ah im going to make a phone call”
Se ho:”To your boyfriend?”
I turn red “Ahniyo I don’t have one”
Se ho:”Ah hes probably and idol  and you cant say who it is because of the cameras. Tell me latter who it is ” everyone starts laughing
Kacey:”Ahniyo I don’t have a boyfriend.....Im going to call my mom”
Se ho:”Oh at this hour?”
Kacey:”Yeah she lives in America so shes awake by now”
Se ho:”Aw ok im sorry”
Kacey:”Ahniyo its ok”
Sung woo:”It must be hard calling her at night”
Kacey:”Not really, I go to sleep late so it never bothers me”
Sung woo:”Oh ok”
Kacey:”Bye” all the boys say bye and I go outside. On my phone I call my mom
Kacey:”Hello mom, hi, yeah im fine, I just wanted to call and say hi” Chanyeol goes out the door “Yeah im fine I have to go ill call you soon, ok bye I love you say hi to Dad and Jack” hangs up phone “Annyonghaseyo Chanyeol”
Chanyeol:”Annyonghaseyo. Im sorry did you hang up because of me?”
Kacey:”Ahniyo I didn’t”
Chanyeol:”Oh ok……….Its good seeing you”
Kacey:”Yeah me too”
Chanyeol:”You most miss your family?”
Kacey:”Yeah I do a lot? But im happy. I can maintain my family, they don’t have to work as much as they have to”
Chanyeol:”Ah really. How long havent you seen them?”
Kacey:”About 5 or 6 years”
Chanyeol:”Really wow that’s a long time”
Kacey:”Yeah it is. But im not that lonely I have my members and Yumi parents that are like my family” and I kind of start to cry
Chanyeol:”Ah don’t cry. Youre going to make me cry too”
Kacey:”Ah, im sorry im ok. Well im going to go inside bye”
Chanyeol:”Oh ok bye” and I start walking up the stairs and is about to go to her room when Soo hyun  says  “Ah Kacey come with me I think the chicken is here” Kacey ”Ok” they both head down the stairs but then they hear voices and walked back up to their room
Soo hyun and Kacey both laughing
Soo hyun:”We went down but people were coming so we came back up. Lets do this” gets up and grabs something “Do you guys know how to play Go Stop?
Nana:”Im really good”
Kacey:”Hahaha im really bad at that game”
Soo hyun:”Should we play on the ground?”
Nana:”Youre very sensible bringing that here”
Kacey:”Ill just watch im really bad”
Soo hyun:”Ok, if you want to join tell us” Kacey walking to the bathroom to take a shower “Ok” Kacey comes out a few minutes later with a towel in her hand drying her hair and Soo hyun phone rings
Soo hyun:”Its here?”
Nana:”The ckicken most be here”
Soo hyun:”Hold on. Hello? Yes! Yes! Yes! Hold on. Wait” runs out the door
Kacey says to Nana “Ill go with her” and runs to catch up to her
Kacey:”You forgot to put on shoes” I stay by the door
Soo hyun:”Oh its ok” and goes and opens the other door “Annyonghaseyo! Thank you”
Kacey:”Don’t forget to close the door”
Soo hyun:”Ah your right almost forgot”
Chanyeol appears by the door “You ordered chicken?”
Kacey:”Yeah you want some?”
Soo hyun:”Ill give you some. Come with me”
Kacey:”Where are you going?”
Chanyeol:”I was going up to my room”
Soo hyun:”Kacey can you drop this off im going to get something”
Kacey:”Ok” Soo hyun runs to the kitchen and Chanyeol and Kacey go upstairs
Chanyeol:”Do you want me to care it for you?”
Kacey:”Its ok I got it”
Chanyeol:”Ah, ok”
Kacey:”Oh by the way can I barrow your charger?”
Chanyeol:”Yeah of course”
Kacey:”Thank you” goes inside her room “Nana hers the chicken ill be right back”
Nana:”Ok” walks with Chanyeol to his room
Chanyeol:”Here you go”
Kacey:”Thank you” and walk to her room “Im back”
Soo hyun:”Where did you go?”
Kacey:”I went to ask Chanyeol if I can borrow his charger. I cant find mines”
Nana:”Oh I have it. I was using it”
Kacey:”Ah really, that’s good I thought I lost it. I was going to go by a new one tomorrow”
Nana:”Im sorry, I should have asked first”
Kacey:”Ah its ok. Ill be right back im going to give Chanyeol his charger back” walk to Chanyeols room knock knock
Sung woo:”Come in”
Kacey walks up to Chanyeol while music is playing “WOW that sounds good”
Chanyeol:”Ah really this is the first one that I wrote. Its very simple”

Sung woo:”Its nice. You tried to get a deeper tone right?”
Chanyeol:”Yes, kind of”
Kacey:”Oh Chanyeol thank you I found my charger” give Chanyeol his charger
Chanyeol:”Youre welcome” everyone listens to the music “I made this one a bit more recently”
Kacey:”Can I listen”
Chanyeol:”Yeah” I seat down on Chanyeols bed Sung woo adds his own melody
Sung woo:”Its nice”
Kacey:”Yeah its good” everyone stops talking
Sung woo:” This is also nice”
Sung woo:”Youre good at this! Kacey you’re a singer have you written any songs?”
Kacey:”Yeah I have but there not that good”
Sung woo:”Really I can help you if you want?”
Kacey:”Really? Wow thank you”
Sung woo:”Of course. Chanyeol you’ve already written a lot of songs. I think you guys will go far”
Chanyeol :”Thank you”
Kacey:”Thank you” gets up from Chanyeols bed “Good night”
Sung woo and Chanyeol:”Good night” and I walk to my room
Kacey:”What are you doing” to Nana
Nana:”Haha I look like a crazy person” I lay on my bed “Put on some lip balm. Good night” to the camera “Good night Kacey”
Kacey:”Good night” I put on my headphones and close my eyes. I latter wake up and I see that Nana fell asleep and didn’t cover herself, so I get up and put the covers over her.

First time writing tell me what youguys think


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ChingXLing #1
Chapter 1: Though i really like it, i think the bit when she cries in this chapter makes it seem a bit unrealistic (im not trying to be mean or anything) and she seems a bit too shy.

I really enjoyed this and i hope you continue this story 
ChingXLing #2