Our son is gone

SHINee betrays Taemin (hiatus)

Taemin’s P.O.V.


Tears drenched my face as Minho and Key finally let me fall to the ground. Screaming my head off I clung to whosever leg was closest. Scratching and clawing at the jean fabric I gasped like I was about to run out of oxygen.

I couldn’t control my breathing, because of the overwhelming urge to cry and hurt someone. Wrapping my arms tight around the leg I held it. I held it like it was my baby boy.

My baby boy who is now in the hands of a stranger.  The only thing that I would give up everything for. Is gone. How could this possible happen???

Someone bent down beside me and dug their head into their shoulder and hearing their sobs made me cry harder.

This isn’t some fight I had with my hyungs. That could be forgiven over time. I love Suni more than I love Serena. This is real. This is real. This is terrifyingly real.

What am I going to do? What’s going to happen? Who was the stranger? Does Serena know him? Why was she hitting her team mates? Why did Avery have the video tapes? GOD! Why can’t I breathe??!!!

The person on my shoulder tried to pry my hands from the leg and eventually did, seeing how I barely had the strength.

A big strong arm enveloped me in a hug, picking my feet off the floor. It was Jonghyun. He was the one crying on the floor with me. He was the one holding me up, letting me soak his shirt with salt water.

Kissing me repeatedly on my neck and my cheek he whispered that everything was going to be alright. I wish, I so wish I could believe him.

Collapsing in on his chest, he wrapped both of his toned arms around my back securing me in place.

My breath was erratic on his neck and so were his hands. Moving up and down all over my body, trying to get me to calm down. But how could I ever calm down…MY BABY WAS STOLEN IN HIS SLEEP!!!


Setting me back down someone else pulled me into their body. I didn’t even have time to see who it was before I threw my arms around them.

I thought I heard the faint knocks on the door but my hearing was filled with the sounds of my choppy breath.

I jumped away from Key when I heard the door snap in half and my twin brother and his team mate, Ashton came barging into the small living space.

“Jae-“ I was cut off by him grabbing my throat and slamming my body into the wall. The impact of my head breaking the dry wall knocked the wind out of me. Gasping for the air I desperately needed to gain back. I finally met his eyes, they too were also red from crying.

“YOU ING TOOK ADVANTAGE OF HER!” He screamed. His face was stained with rage and anger.

Serena and I never actually talked about that night but we both knew what happened. I thought she gave me consent, when really she was already asleep and dreaming peacefully. It was only till after Suni was born that I found out she talks in her sleep; hence why I thought she wanted that to happen that night.

“I-I-I didn’t mean to! I swear!” I gulped as sweat began to form small beads on my forehead.

He slammed me back into the wall, hard. Making me gasp at the pain. “DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT THAT GIRL HAS BEEN THROUGH!” He seethed making few dribbles of spit to land upon my face. “After she met you she felt alive only to find out the guy she loved also her!” Both of us had tears forming in our eyes.

Over whelming guilt flooded my mind as I finally felt the understanding she has gone through. One after another life threw her hardships and she overcame them but when she met me she was supposed to feel happy and protected, that’s all I ever wanted to do… and now her baby is gone…my baby…our baby.

My brother relaxed his grip on my me and I buried my head into his chest. Crying for the same reasons but for different feelings.

After all these months of being around him, talking to him, interacting, and finally getting to know my other half, this is the first time we have hugged. It was supposed to be special but these circumstances made it anything but special.

I stood there. In his hard muscular arms wrapped around my much thinner frame I felt like I was safe for the first time in months. It was like a part of Serena still lives in him from when they spent years together. The way he my back, held my with flexed muscles, hell, all the way down to how he leaned his head against mine. I envied him.

He could have her whenever he wanted and never even had to be in the same room with her.

“She hasn’t stopped crying since she came back to Korea.” His breath entered my ear. My eyes opened at these words. I badly wanted to know the reason but I was scared to ask why. “I have never seen Shealiene like this. She tries to hide it, but she is so broken up on the inside. She loves you so, so much. And now she needs you more than ever.” He pulled me back to look me dead set in the eyes.

“But she cheated on me!” I pleaded into him.

The look that came upon his face was everything of confusion. “Taemin, what the hell are you talking about? Shealiene would never think twice about doing anything that would screw up your relationship.” He crossed his arms on his extremely broad chest and his posture was demanding an explanation.

I sniffed my runny nose. “Hyung, it all makes sense. The way she was coming home late, never answering straight forward on where she was. She told me she was just doing missions again but the hyungs,” I motioned over to my four band mates who were now huddling close together in the kitchen scared on the two of them, “they said that they saw her cheating on me.”

His eyes narrowed. “You’re. Hyungs. Told. You. What.” His tone was stern and softly, rage was building up against the face that made me feel as if I was talking to a mirror. He whipped around to look at them.

Pushing myself off the wall, I ran my hands down his arm. “Jae-Sun, it all makes sense now, don’t you see. She did lie to me and my hyungs told me so they wouldn’t see me get hurt.”

“See you get hurt? See you get hurt?!” He mocked me when I felt the tears form again. “Taemin-ah. I was with her during those nights they told you she was cheating!” What?

“Yah! Stop talking nonsense!” Minho yelled and retreated his attempted advance on Jae-Sun when Ashton took a step forward, blocking Minho’s access to both of us.

“If you pretty boys would of gotten your noses out of the sky for five seconds you would of noticed the scars she acquired during those months!” I was surprised to hear Ashton’s voice. “She. Was. Doing. Missions.” He stated firmly.

I was afraid to look at my hyungs. Afraid to see their shocked faces. But what came out of Key’s mouth, my ‘Umma’ figure, shocked me the most.

“We know.” He simply said. Like it was everyday conversation.

My breath was jammed in my lungs as my throat constricted.  “She was dangerous and we didn’t want her to ruin our image. We told her that if she didn’t quit we were going to break them up, she didn’t believe us.” Onew said.

What? What? What?!! Why!!!!!

“So you lied to him, to protect your image?” Jae-Sun took a step forward towards the kitchen.

“Not just our image, but Taemin as well!” Jonghyun added.

What is happening????????

Slowly I put one foot in front of the other till I was standing face to face with my band members. “You lied to me, you destroyed my relationship with the love of my life, not to mention my son is in the hands of some stranger, and for what? TO ING PROTECT ME!?”

Key jumped at my threatening voice. But only to look me straight in the eye with his own watery ones. “Taemin-ah, you don’t understand.” He whispered.

“STOP TELLING ME I DON’T UNDERSTAND!” I screamed and pushed his shoulders, making him clatter into the kitchen cabinets. “I’m not the little maknae that you have to protect anymore! I had my own family till you destroyed it!” Key burst into tears and covered his face with his slim fingers.

“Taemin!” Minho yelled and pulled me off Key who collapsed into a ball of tears on the floor. “If she didn’t come into your life this wouldn’t of happened!” He scolded.

“No!” I got within an inch of his face. “This wouldn’t of happened if you didn’t get in the way!” Anger rose from within him as he slammed me back, knocking me off balance and landing into Jae-Sun’s chest and quickly pulling me behind him as Ashton came up and landed a very powerful punch to his eye socket.

Clattering to the ground he didn’t move an inch. Outcold.

I gripped onto my brother’s arm, suddenly feeling woozy. This is all real. This isn’t some drama that is played on the TV screen. This is really life. This is my life.

“Any other of you bastards wanna’ say something?” Jae-Sun threatened. “How about you dinosaur?” he kicked Jonghyun’s foot who was on the floor trying to comfort the hysterical Key. But looked up with disbelief into my eyes.

“Taemin-ah,” he looked down at the hand that wasn’t slouched over Key’s shoulders. “You have to believe us…” He pleaded. “Were sorry about everything.”

I was about to open my mouth to speak but Jae-Sun spoke first. “Don’t listen to him Taemin. All you’ve known are the lies they told you, come on. Let’s go.” He pulled me by my hand but I wretched out of his grasps.

“Why?!” I shocked myself at the tone of voice I possessed. “If you knew she was doing missions then why did you make up the excuse that she was cheating? Huh?!” He stood up. “And how did you even know she was doing missions! I never tell anyone the things she tells me!”

He inhaled deeply as I waited impatiently for my answer. “ Heechul-hyung said he saw her inside the training area of a military base camp and she was talking about something important that she had to do that night.” He whispered, barely meeting eye contact. “And that night, I stayed awake waiting for her to come home. And she finally did, at three in the morning.” He explained.

My fingernails were digging into my palms. “That still doesn’t answer my question.”

Key pushed himself up off the ground and came in between me and the singer. Grasping both hands on either side of my face  he sniffed up his runny nose before answering for Jonghyun. “Taemin, baby… I think it’s time that we told you the truth.”


He used one hand to wipe away a stray tear and then returned it to my neck, “Were forever going to be sorry for hurting you. Your our little Taeminnie-“

“GOD DAMMIT! WHY DID YOU LIE!?” smacking his hands away he cried even harder. A part of me wanted to shower him with kisses for making him upset and cry so hard he can’t stand up but I hated him so much right now.

He tried to open his mouth but all that came out were loud sobs, eventually his voice box started working again. “W-w-we-e-e d-d-d-didn’t-t w-want-t s-some-one lik-ke her, living with u-u-s-s-s.”

Before I even knew it my first came barreling into his tear-stained cheek. He tumbled into the cabinets and was now crying so hard that he could barely even breathe.

“Any of you other bastard got something to say about my Serena?!” I turned to Onew who was just leaning nonchalantly against the counter.  He hadn’t even flinched when Key’s face ran into my fist.

He lifted his head and I saw that he too was crying. He shook his head slowly and I muttered a ‘Good’. I stepped over Minho’s body and faced my brother who had a proud look on his face.

He was leaning against the wall while watching the scene unfold. “You know, I don’t think I ever thought that Shealiene would of ever rubbed off on you.” He smirked.


He pointed to the mess at my feet. “That, is exactly how she would of handled that situation. And it would be even worse if she had a gun.” I flinched. That’s the one thing I don’t ever want to see Serena do, take someone’s life, even if they deserve it. “You ready?”

I nodded silently as I stared up at my big brother. How can this person be related to me. No less, me and him are the same person. He is always the person I wanted to be. I wanted to be the person Serena turned to when she needed help…

“P-Please take me to her.” I whispered and he looked down at his feet. Clasping my wrist in his tattooed hand he turned around and walked me out of the dysfunctional home I thought was my home.

With Ashton following close behind, we walked down to the parking garage. “Where’s your car?” I asked them and they shrugged.

“We ran here.” Jae-Sun said as he walked over to a small SUV.

I pointed at the car that he just put a coat hanger he found on the floor down the window shaft. “Then whose car is this?”

“We don’t know. But it’s here and we need it.” Ashton said as he opened the, now unlocked, door for me. Hesitantly I climbed in and the door shut behind me.

“Are we going to get in trouble?” I fidgeted in my seat.

“Don’t worry Taemin-ah.” Jae-Sun exclaimed as he put the car in reverse and sped out of the garage in lightning fast speed. Once we entered the highway the awkwardness came to me.

The car was silent. Questions racked through my brain about every possible subject pertaining to today. But everything kept coming back to the three year old little boy who is now gone.

Leaning my head up against the car window I cried. Why did they take him? Why was he in the hospital? Did they know who took them? Where is Serena now?

I looked up at the two boys in front of me. I had so many questions. They could answer my questions. I just couldn’t prepare myself to hear the answers.

But I’m don’t, I’ll be left wondering. “Where are we going?” I asked in monotone.

“To see Serena.” Jae-Sun said.

“Which is where?” I shot back.

He sighed. “The police station. They have her under suicide watch and are going to keep her locked up until the authorities find him.”

 “WHAT?!” I shot up in my seat. “Your letting the authorities handle this?! You two are the best spies in the world, you have to do some—“

“Taemin-ah!” Ashton yelled and turned back to look at me. “Don’t worry, she won’t be in there for long. We have a plan. But, the downside is that you’re the one who has to tell her what we’re doing.” He stated.

“Why me?!” I retorted.

“Because you’re the only one that can get in a sealed room with her, without having someone listen in on your conversation. They’ll have you on the cameras but they won’t be able to hear you.” I breathed in and out quickly. This is all happening to quick. “Okay, so when you enter you are going to tell her….” He told me the plan and made me repeat it to him over and over till I had memorized it.

Soon we were pulling up to the paparazzi filled police parking lot and  immediately men and women came running towards my window trying to get a picture of me. “Wait!” I said before the two of them opened the doors. I had started crying again at the thought of…God…I can’t even say it anymore. “Do you know who did it?” I whispered.

Jae-Sun’s mouth raised up to a small smile. “Yeah, we do. And we should be able to take him out fast.” I whimpered and covered my face in my hands.

Taemin, you have to keep reminding yourself. These are the best of the best, you are going to have your son back in no time.

Both Ashton and my brother’s hands were rubbing my knees as I cried into my lap. Reaching back, Jae-Sun placed a soft kiss on my hair and lifted my chin up. “Go cry in her arms.”

I nodded slowly. “Wait, one more thing.” I took a deep breath for the craziest thing I never thought I would ever say. “When we find him, can I be the one who kills him?” I whispered. Not taking my eyes off Jae-Sun’s he nodded and tears pooled into his eyes.

Ashton opened my door and held me underneath his arm until we got inside the building. I didn’t even take the time to look around the large office spaces when a man in a fancy suit came up to me and directed me into a small office where I sat down, by myself. Jae-Sun and Ashton had to wait outside.

He briefed me on the current situation, (like I already didn’t know), his plan, (you mean my plan), and how to approach Serena, (I think I know how to approach the woman I love.)

I stood up and he walked me down another hallway towards a steel door. “Good luck.” He swung the door open.


Sitting on top of the table, she had pulled her knees close to her chest and rocking herself back and forth. How vulnerable both of us must have looked.

Her head shot up at the sound of the door.

Our eyes meeting for the first time in months.


Sorry this is late. Ive just not wanted to write this chapter for so long and today i finally forced myself to write it,

i mean, no one wants to see SHINee hit each other. Their to beautiful for that<3

but, its after midnight and i'm tired. bye

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Chapter 27: i come on and check my subscriptions and i find this story and i think back to the time i was reading it and what a great story it was, but i'm glad that you're going to change it up a bit not that i didn't like the way it was originally but maybe things need change~!
i thinks its better without the , its a nice change(: but if you think it'd be better without, then have at it!:D your a great writer, good luck on the rewrite *subscribing* :DD
CookieBeast #3
I will support you in every choice you will make :)
Nooo!!! I love this story:( I even went in a spazz rant to my friend about this and we sat in out leadership class reading it!!!! But I will read anything you write cause your just that awesome:) Hehe and I think Taemin would make one smexxie spy:) (smart+y) can't wait to hear more:) ....or read more....
Not to say that i hate your story. Its just, in my pov, if you change the story alltogether, i just have to wait for long to get to this point again. I almost unsubscribe before, but the fact that sunni is not yet saved and all makes me wanna wait till the end. Its hard to find a strong taemin fic....anyway, good luck.
Slyder #6
Cha 9. Congrats Shane, you've made me feel sympathy for Selena. Hey everybody else, just so you know, this girl right here <-------- is one of the most talented, awesome, resplendent, exquisite writer of all time. She may be a little clouded but still one of the most extraordinary person I ever met. And I'm glad to have met her.
I liked the ending. Picturing Taemin throwing his very attractive. I was so suprised to see that she had drank gasoline and it caused that. Taemin needs to stop acting like a little though. LOL. Gotta grow a pair, son.
You're amazing at writing. I could feel everything in detail as I read. Great job, sport. c:
CookieBeast #8
Oh my freaking god!! gasoline but wouldn't that kill her? your story is freaking great!! hwaiting unnie!
.....Same here.... actually funny story about today and that... PM me if you want to know! Anyways.... please update soon andShea better come out soon!
Need..more..chapters..please..hurry~!!!!!!!!!!! Great story, absolutely captivated by the thrills and chills. CANT WAIT FOR MORE!! <3 *showing love* lol