
SHINee betrays Taemin (hiatus)

Taemin’s P.O.V.


I was at my destination but I kept running till my toes splashed under the surf. I looked around the deserted beach and collapsed to my tired knees, aching from pounding the pavement.

The full moon overhead lit up the choppy waters and the mountains set the most beautiful background. The perfect place to be alone and no one will find you.

I have been coming here for the past few months in the middle of the night when all I could think about is her. When her face etched into my mind and won’t leave no matter what remedy I try.

Tears dripped into the water as it splashed over my thighs, soaking me to my underwear.  Looking up at the night sky I saw her beautiful face in the moon, staring down at me.

I looked away, now knowing that what she said was another one of her famous lies. She was cheating on me and I was so ignorant that I believed her. I can’t believe I wasted so much time pining over her when really she didn’t want to be there in the first place.

She said she loved me and now I know it was never really true.

But, the question that still racks my brain, is why? Why did she come back for me? I mean, she could of just stayed away and lived happily with that guy Tristan told me about.

Levi? Was that his name? Jae-Sun said that he was her boyfriend before and held a secret relationship with this guy. He’s also said that he was married and had a child of his own! I overlooked it because well, no one is perfect. But I now I don’t know anymore.

 I mean, if she kept going  back to him maybe he had something that I didn’t? Did she go see him while she was wherever she was? If he was able to love her through all her crap she brings with her maybe there was still a chance?

I know the answer is no but there is this tugging at my heart hoping that I’m wrong about all of it.

But it makes so much sense. The lying, the coming home late at night, avoiding direct questions. Maybe Levi was the one she was cheating on me with? Maybe he is here and I don’t even know it.

I looked at my surroundings. Not a person in sight for miles. No one will see the famous maknae cry over a girl who was never meant to be with anyone besides herself.

I slid my legs apart and felt my hit the soft sandy bottom as another small wave pooled around my waist.

Letting the water run through my fingers I leaned my head back and felt the cold chill of the sea breeze. So many times I have felt this feeling. My own little sanctuary that no one knew about.

The wind running through my locks, the ocean mist dancing along my skin, it was comforting.

Why couldn’t I just fall in love with an ordinary girl with an ordinary personality? We would have many sons and daughters and have the model Korean family. But I knew I could never be happy like that. There would be no laughs or smiles with an ordinary girl. She would be too bland and try to impress me because of my fame.

But Serena….

She was her own person; she made her personality so individually unique from every other girl in the world that guys find her breathtaking. And that’s why I can’t let her go.

Growing up I told myself that I wanted a nice, well-brought up, traditional Korean girl. But now I wonder what the hell I was thinking? An ordinary partner equals for an ordinary life. Having Serena as a wife will keep my on my toes for the next big adventure, together.

I would of gladly said yes if she wanted me back but now I’m not so sure I want her.

Standing up out of the water I walked back up father from the water’s edge and lying down in the warm sand.

It seemed like hours looking up at the stars and the moon thinking about her. Analyzing our relationship over and over again. Now knowing the piece of information of her cheating, I come to a different conclusion than before.

She has moved on.

Sounding so confident on the radio this morning made me realize that we have been long over.

Slowly I closed my tired eyes for the night. Pulling my jacket tighter around me I let the sounds of the ocean, the most comforting sound in the world, pull me into darkness.

I woke up several times during the night but fell back asleep soon after. The last time I woke up I saw the sun breaking over the horizon, lighting up the beach.

I sat up and yawned. My eye hurt like hell due to crying all yesterday. I looked around, something didn’t feel right.

Shrugging the feeling that I was being watched to paranoia I stood up and stretched all my limbs. Pops and cracks were heard from my joints and my back felt like I just got hit with a hammer repeatedly.

Walking towards the water I bent down and cupped a puddle in my hands, splashing it all over my face.

I guess I should go home and apologize now. But how can I face them after what I did last night? Wanting to stay at the beach forever I contemplated whether or not I should go back at all.

What would Serena say if I told her this? She probably would be ashamed of me.

Even though I don’t want to be with her anymore I will always live by how she handled herself and ask myself what she would do in these situations.

She would want me to go back.

I stood back up and walked slowly down the beach. Taking my time as I enjoyed the last bit of a beautiful scene before I walk into a not so beautiful scene.

The sun rose slowly and the heat melted onto my skin and once again I was in heaven.

Serena once told me that her agency has a secret island that they were able to take vacations on. They were aloud a month out of every year to spend on that piece of land. All of them and she said those were some of the best times of her life.

This is the beauty she woke up to everyday and then she had to go back to her old life till next year. I think this is how she would of felt looking at the sunrise on the island. Knowing that you can’t run away from your problems, only take a short break before you have to face your fears.

A noise to the left of where I was standing startled me and I whipped around. I was about 20 meters from the woods and I could hear the leaves being crunched under something heavy.

I turned back around when the noise stopped but when I looked away the noise came alive again. My paranoia came to me again.

Was someone watching me? Is it a person or just an animal looking for breakfast?

I stood frozen as the noise grew louder and grew closer. I took a step back bracing myself if the thing was going to pop out.

The same noise came from farther behind it. This time it was a lot more rustling like it was a pack. Before I knew it I was taking steps backwards towards the cliffs behind me.

The noise stopped then bright lights came forward and people were screaming my name asking questions.

“Taemin-ah! Do you think Serena did it?”

“Taemin-ah! Look over here!”

“Taemin-ah! What do you think about this situation?”

Maybe 20 paparazzi’s came flying out of the thick woods and surrounded me screaming questions while cameras were going off ever millisecond.

“I THINK YOU SHOULD ALL LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!!!!!!!” I screamed and sprinted in the opposite direction.

I couldn’t help but let the tears fall once more as I ran. Running once again from all my problems and the world keeps chasing me for something I wish to forget.

When I reached the cliffs I sharp turned right and found a path through the woods till I saw the tops of buildings over the trees.

I stopped running. Tears overflowing my eyes I leaned against a tree and looked to find the paparazzi didn’t follow me.

“I can run anymore.” I cried out loud to myself. I sat there for a few moments and looked down at my dirty bare feet and let out a little chuckle.

My mom used to get so mad at me when I would go outside without shoes on. I smiled at the memory. A happy memory, where life was a lot simpler.

Getting up I started jogging till I came upon a city street where I got looks from the people who just saw a dirty barefoot boy who looks like a wreck just came running out of a stretch of woods and take of sprinting down the street.

Truthfully, I didn’t care. I had to apologize to my hyungs and beg for their forgiveness, if they haven’t shunned me from everything for being so rude to them.

It took a while but I managed to find out apartment complex and finally reach out front door where I slowly took my time to actually open the door. What was I going to say to them? Should I just apologize right off the bat?

My shaky hand reached up to type in our code and a little chime signaled that the door was now unlocked. I grasped the handle and slowly opened the door and stepped inside.

I smelled Key’s cooking from the kitchen and the TV on from the living room. Everything seemed strangely normal.

I revealed myself to the living room to see all five of them sitting there with the TV on mute. They didn’t even notice I came in till I said something. “Hi.” I whispered and Key shot up from the couch.

I didn’t see that every one of them had tears in their eyes. “Taemin-ah! I’m so sorry!!!” He latched himself on me and squeezed me tight. “Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat? Oh my, you’re all dirty-“

“Cut the crap Key!” Minho said from the couch.

I knew what was about to come. Key let go but still kept an arm around my waist.

“Taemin,” Onew spoke up. “There is something you have to see.”

Without command Key led me to stand right in front of the TV and Onew turned the volume on.

Listening to the lady on the news, seeing their faces on the screen. I broke down. My knees gave out but Minho and Key both held me up. Watching Serena fight Ashton and my brother, and then Ashton squeezed her neck and she fell limp into my brother’s arms. She was mad, she was upset. My brother picked her up and walked out the front doors while police cars and federal government cars surrounded them. The last shot was Avery, she had tears in her eyes.

Onew turned off the TV and Minho held me onto his chest. “Suni’s-“ I started.

“Taemin-ah! We know! Were so sorry!” Minho whispered into my ear.

I can’t believe it. Serena was supposed to protect him!!! How can she let this happen!




next chapter is the one chapter i cant wait/dreading to write. Well, this chapter gave a little insight onto whats going to happen next chapter. And you can tell about the fight with ashotn and jae-sun that serena was obviously upset about something that made. And taemin wasnt crying because shealiene was has something to do with Suni.

please subscribe...AND I REALLY CANT STRESS THIS ENOUGH.....I HATE SILENT READERS!!!! comments are what keeps me going...please?

Well i have to go to soccer preactice now.


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Chapter 27: i come on and check my subscriptions and i find this story and i think back to the time i was reading it and what a great story it was, but i'm glad that you're going to change it up a bit not that i didn't like the way it was originally but maybe things need change~!
i thinks its better without the , its a nice change(: but if you think it'd be better without, then have at it!:D your a great writer, good luck on the rewrite *subscribing* :DD
CookieBeast #3
I will support you in every choice you will make :)
Nooo!!! I love this story:( I even went in a spazz rant to my friend about this and we sat in out leadership class reading it!!!! But I will read anything you write cause your just that awesome:) Hehe and I think Taemin would make one smexxie spy:) (smart+y) can't wait to hear more:) ....or read more....
Not to say that i hate your story. Its just, in my pov, if you change the story alltogether, i just have to wait for long to get to this point again. I almost unsubscribe before, but the fact that sunni is not yet saved and all makes me wanna wait till the end. Its hard to find a strong taemin fic....anyway, good luck.
Slyder #6
Cha 9. Congrats Shane, you've made me feel sympathy for Selena. Hey everybody else, just so you know, this girl right here <-------- is one of the most talented, awesome, resplendent, exquisite writer of all time. She may be a little clouded but still one of the most extraordinary person I ever met. And I'm glad to have met her.
I liked the ending. Picturing Taemin throwing his very attractive. I was so suprised to see that she had drank gasoline and it caused that. Taemin needs to stop acting like a little though. LOL. Gotta grow a pair, son.
You're amazing at writing. I could feel everything in detail as I read. Great job, sport. c:
CookieBeast #8
Oh my freaking god!! gasoline but wouldn't that kill her? your story is freaking great!! hwaiting unnie!
.....Same here.... actually funny story about today and that... PM me if you want to know! Anyways.... please update soon andShea better come out soon!
Need..more..chapters..please..hurry~!!!!!!!!!!! Great story, absolutely captivated by the thrills and chills. CANT WAIT FOR MORE!! <3 *showing love* lol