I Think I'm Falling For You


"I think I'm falling for you."

"Huh? What?"

"Yah! Aren't you listening?"

"I didn't hear, I was focused on that guy selling ice cream."

"You're hungry again?"

"Why? Is it wrong to crave for some delicious ice cream?!"

"How can you not listen to me when I'm telling you something important?"

"Don't be angry... Do you really think I didn't hear you?" 

"So... you did hear me?"

"How could I not hear you... A playboy just confessed that he's falling for me!"

"So why did you act like you didn't hear?"

"I just wanted to hear it again."

"Let me say it again then... I think I'm falling for you."


Totally cheesy ! But that's our playboy, Kim Jonghyun and our chic, tomboy student, Lee Jae Eun falling in love. Sweet right? But how did these two opposite people end up in this situation? Let's find out...


Mr. Playboy, Kim Jonghyun has been a ladies man since he entered High School. But it's his last year of High School and he has dated every single girl in his High School. Yes, every single girl, pretty or not as pretty, he has dated them all. So who will Mr. Kim Playboy Jonghyun play around now when there's no other girl that he can date in his High School? But has he really dated EVERY single one?!

Nahh... he missed out one girl in particular. The chic, strong and tomboy-like girl, Lee Jae Eun. Unlucky for Jonghyun, she's not a typical girl who's easily to fool with his good charms. She's hard to please, harder than a math test! Seriously...


Kim Jonghyun

Hi! My name is Kim Jonghyun. I'm a senior at AAA High School. It's my last year of High School and it's getting pretty boring since there's no one to date or play around with. I can honestly say that I am a bit of a playboy but I truly care for all my girlfriends... All my relationships just doesn't work out. You know... I just get bored and I don't feel anything special with the girl that's why I break up with them.

Truthfully, I actually think I'm handsome and manly but... I guess not that tall. I'm thankful for my parents since they gave me handsomely looks but if they could've given just a bit more height then I'd be happier but who cares? I have charm that's why girls likes me, right? 

Anyway, I'm looking for a new girlfriend, I don't want to graduate High School without any girlfriend so I'm looking right now for a new girlfriend I can date and stuff like that... But I'm pretty caring and sweet but just a bit silly and immature. 

On the whole, I'm a full package. No one can resist my charm, right?


Lee Jae Eun

Hi! My name is Lee Jae Eun. I attend AAA High School and I'm a senior. Basically, I don't really attend school that much because it's pointless, but I only attend if there's exams because I also want to think about my future. Just because I hate something, doesn't mean I won't do it. I'm a bit of a tomboy but also a girly-girl. I like dressing up with high heels and pink stuff but I also act a bit... bossy and chic.

That's what people tell me so I go with the flow. They say that I'm a bit scary because of my personality. I'm tough but I'm really friendly and sweet if you get to know me. I'm a bit aggressive, only sometimes. And hot headed but everyone has a flaw right? 

To tell you the truth, lots and lots of guys has confessed to me but I rejected all of them. They just don't look manly and strong, I'm even stronger looking than the guys that confessed to me. But who cares about guys right now? All I wanna do it live happily and be able to graduate from the stinking AAA High School!


A/N: So these are our main characters... so far. Who knows? Maybe there's some changes but it's for me to know and for you to find out. I know that the introduction is a bit long but I hope you didn't get bored. Hopefully everything turns out well. Just comment if you want and you must subscribe, I mean it's only one click, right? So enjoy and happy reading :) Credits to preciousmoments for amazing poster.


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update soon~
littleCLOUDdreamer #2
Good job.... FIGHTING~