Chapter 4

You're Happy, Right?

Sumin stared at Kris, with a surprised face, not knowing why he was here or how he got here. Sumin looked to the right and saw Hyejeong smiling at her. She smiled back, not wanting to be rude. Lauren stared at her mother, scared seeing new faces. Sumin was busy paying staring at Hyejeong and Kris when Lauren started to cry. She bends to pick up Lauren and instantly Lauren stops crying. 

Kris stared at Sumin then to the kid in her arm. "Is she our--"

"No, she isn't yours. I told you already right?" Sumin cuts Kris off and pats Lauren's back. Lauren, wanting to be in the man's arm, struggles out of Sumin's arm and takes small baby step to Kris. Sumin stares at Lauren as she struggles to Kris. Kris bends down and picks Lauren up, studying her face. He could clearly see himself in her. Her lips were the same as Kris, the same exact shape.

Kris scoffs, turning back to Sumin, "Not mine, huh?"

Sumin takes in a deep breath, trying to control herslef from yelling at Kris because Lauren was there, "She isn't yours so please just go back." Hyejeong, who was silently staring at Kris and Sumin, was calm and relaxed. Sumin turns to Hyejeong and smiles, "I don't know why and how you can be so calm but I'm sorry about all of these misunderstanding. If all you came here was for this then I suggest you leave." 

Hyejeong walks to Sumin and holds Sumin's shoulder, lightly squeezing it, "I've never said anything before but I know how hard it is to raise a child alone without a father. My mom was the same exact as you. I'm not doing or saying this out of pity but I know that pain and I don't wish for you to be like that." 

Kyungsoo gestures for Kris to give him Lauren and surprisingly, Lauren didn't cry of make a fuss. Kyungsoo sighs and stares at Hyejeong, "I think we should leave them alone. They need time for this and everything." Hyejeong gives Sumin a friendly smiles and walks out with Kyungsoo, who was holding Lauren. 

Sumin stares at their leaving back and awkwardness surrounds the air. Kris stares at Sumin, not knowing how to start the conversation. Sumin turns back to Kris and plops down on the couch, "What do you want to say?" 

Kris walks and sits two feet away from Sumin, "Why didn't you tell me? I could've done something to help you." Sumin stays silent and hugs her knees, not wanting to answer Kris. "Why, Sumin, why? Tell me."

Sumin scoffs and turns to Kris, "I didn't want to because you already have someone you love. It's not like I can do anything. Besides, you love her and I don't want to ruin that although she understands, I'm a woman and I understand how hurt she is."

Kris reaches out and takes Sumin's hand but she moves her hand and shakes her head, "Kris, please, I'm living happily by myself. Just think about yourself and Hyejeong." Kris bites his inner cheeks, trying hard not to burst out, "How can I when she's my daughter. You know that she's going to be asking about her father in the future."

"Well then, I could just say that her father died before she was even born. I'll be lying to her but I think it's better if we keep it that way. Let's just forget that she is yours and let's be friends. You aren't allowed to tell her that you're her father." Kris was at a loss for words, he wanted to be the father but she keeps saying no. He knows how selfish and conceited but he is to Sumin and Hyejeong but he can't help it.

"Sumin, how can you say this? You know that I'm the father. I AM THE FATHER." Kris couldn't control his anger anymore. He needed to tell her that Lauren was also his daughter and he has the right to tell Lauren that he's her father. Sumin slaps Kris's face and cries, tears falling down her eyes like there was no tomorrow. "Why are you doing this? Why? Can't I just live a normal life like other people? You've ruined my life enough. When are you going to stop!?"   

Kris angrily cups Sumin's face and kisses her roughly, making her punch and kick him but he didn't even care. He needed to show her everything. How he lived for the past four years. Sumin was crying and hitting Kris to stop kissing her but he never stop but just deepened the kiss. Sumin stayed still and lets Kris kiss her, she knew that she can never win against him. 

When Kris finally lets go, Sumin was a crying mess. Her lips were red and her face was a mess. Sumin hands were clenched into a tight fist and she was whispering things that couldn't be understand. Kris takes her into his arms and squeezes her close to him, not letting her escape. "Sumin, shh...everything is going to be okay. I'm here for you and you know that. I just want to be part of the baby's life. Not as an outsider but someone who you can trust and someone who can make you and the baby happy."

Sumin tightly hugs Kris back and cries into his chest. "What about Hyejeong? Hyejeong is your lover. The one who you always loved and will love. I don't want you to do this just because you pity us and feel bad. I don't want this to happen." Kris only hugs Sumin, rocking her back and forth until she falls asleep. He carries her to a bedroom and lays her down, brushing the hair that was falling into her face and tucks it behind her ear. He wipes away her tears and walks out into the living room.


Kyungsoo and Hyejeong

After they walked out, they went into a small cottage outside of the main house. None of them said a single word. The only sound that were heard were the winds and Lauren's voice. Lauren was playing on the floor with her toy phone and stuff rabbit.

"So, you've been with Sumin all this time and helping her?" Hyejeong asked, finally breaking the silence between them. 

"Yeah, her father and her came here four years ago but her father died 2 years ago because of a sudden heart attack. She cried all the time after her father died but thinking about Lauren, probably she decided to change everything. She was so weak and vulnerable. So fragile. I couldn't do anything to help her. I just stood and watch her cry herself." The sadness and pain could be heard in his voice but Hyejeong didn't want to into other people's business so she lightly pats Kyungsoo's shoulder.

Kyungsoo gave a her warm smile and Hyejeong couldn't help but be mesmerized by his smile. "You have a nice smile. A heart shape lip smile." Kyungsoo was obviously taken aback by her compliment and blush, "Thank you. Your smile is also pretty."

Hyejeong thanks Kyungsoo but wonders if he likes Sumin. "You like Sumin don't you?"

"I-I, no of c-course not. I just helped her since her father asked me to." Hyejeong of course didn't believe it but decided to let it slide. When Hyejeong was about to ask Kyungsoo something, they saw Kris come out of the house and Kyungsoo carries Lauren to Kris. 

"I don't know what happened between you two in there but just get to know Lauren. She's very cute and pretty. Just like Sumin, her mother." Kris nods and takes Lauren in his arms, holding her tightly as she giggles in his arm. 


Sumin fell asleep in Kris's arm, feeling peaceful. She didn't want to wake up. She didn't want to wake up back to reality. She knew that she wanted Kris to be there with her and help her take care of Lauren but she also knew that she couldn't be so selfish. She just wanted him to be happy. 

Sumin was walking down a dark road when she came across a village. A small village with not too many people. She was walking around when she noticed a man who looked so similar to her father. It was her father. She was in heaven. No, she was dreaming about her father.

She walks straight to her father and sees her mother next to her father. They were smiling happily at each other. Seeing the sight, Sumin couldn't help smile. Her dad was there with her mother. His dad was happy in heaven. 

She took careful steps to her mother and father. When she was close enough she saw her mother looked at her with teary eyes. Her father, who was next to her mother, looked at Sumin, surprised to see here there but also happy that she was there. Her parents stood up and.......


Cliffhanger...I just got to say that the story is about to end. I've only wanted it to be a couple of chapters.  But other than that..BYE! 


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tropicalpanda #1
Chapter 6: should do a sequel to it.