Making Decisions

You're Happy, Right?

Author's POV:


Kris stared at Sumin, wide eyed, shocked. “You wouldn’t dare do that. I know you.”


Sumin smirks as she scoffs, “I will. Try me. Just take care of your girlfriend and be nice to her.” Sumin could feel her heart break into pieces when she said it but it was easy for her to say it since she never had any special feelings for Kris.


Sumin walks pass Kris, heading toward the door. She didn’t want Kris to see her in this state. Vulnerable. Shattered. Broken. She didn’t want him to see. She was afraid he would judge her.


Kris grabs her hand, not letting her go and quietly pleads.”Sumin, please, just listen to me.” Sumin removes Kris’s hand as she whispers, “I told you already, right? Think of your girlfriend. Hyejeong. Shin Hyejeong. She will be heart broken if she knows about this.”


Hearing Hyejeong’s name, he immediately lets go of Sumin’s hand and frowns. “She’s my girlfriend. The one I love but what happened yesterday can’t be forgotten.”


Sumin scoffs, “See. That’s why you should just let me do my own thing,” her voice was beginning shake as she feels herself about to cry, “and forget me.”


Sumin walks to the door and puts on her shoe, opening the door, she walks out hurriedly as a tear drops from her eye. She wipes it away not wanting anyone to see. She walks to her house that was only a couple of blocks away from Kris’s house.


As she walks, she wonders what’s going to happen to her future. She knows that she doesn’t want to abort the baby because the baby didn’t do anything. It’s an innocent human being so it doesn’t deserve getting killed.


She enters the house, expecting it to be quiet but instead she saw her dad waiting for her in the living room. “Where have you been?” She looks up and sees her father staring at her with cold and strict eyes.


“I was at Kris’s house for the party and I fell asleep.” She was afraid that her dad wouldn’t want her anymore so she decided to keep the part where they slept together a secret.


Her father sighs as he walks to her and hugs her. “Were you crying all night?” Her father knows that she’s been crying all night. Her father knows that something was bothering her.


Sumin shakes her head as she quietly sobs. “Father, remember that time when you asked me if we can go live with Auntie in the countryside?” Her father nods as he pats her back, making her feel warm and protected.


“Why are you asking this all of a sudden? Did something happen?” Sumin wipes her tear as she smiles weakly at her father.


“Dad, promise me you would still love me after I tell you this.” Sumin asked, wanting her father to promise her before she tells him what happened. Her father nods as they walk to the couch and sit down.


Sumin takes a deep breath as she tells her father what happened. When she was done telling her father, she was crying hard and her father was comforting her. “’s going to be okay. Daddy is going to be here with you through everything, okay?”


She nods her head as she wipes her tears away, thanking her father for understanding her. “If you want to get away from him, we can go live with Auntie for a couple of years. Is that okay?


Sumin nods her head as she gives her father one last hug. “I’m sorry I’m such a bad daughter. I make trouble to you every time.” Her father shakes his head as he lightly pats her back.


“Go pack. We can go when you’re ready or when you feel like it’s time.” Her father said, ushering her to her bedroom. Sumin gives her father a slight smile and enters her bedroom, packing her stuff into her suitcase.


Kris’s POV:


He stood there and watched Sumin walked out of his house. She was right but it was also his responsibility if she gets pregnant. He didn’t want Hyejeong to think wrongly because he loved her with all his heart. He can’t live without her in his life.


He dialled Hyejeong’s number and waited for her to pick up.


“Hello, Kris?”  Her beautiful innocent voice never once had failed to make Kris smile.


“Are you free today, baby?”  Kris needed someone to talk to and she’s the only one who will listen to him. Kris knows that he needs to tell Hyejeong about what happened between him and Sumin.


“Yes, why?”  That was the only sentence that Kris needed.

“Can you come to my house? I need to tell you something.”  Kris felt unsure about telling her this but he knew that Hyejeong will forgive him.


“Sure! I’ll be there in 10 or so minutes.”  They ended the call and Kris just wanted to bury himself in a 10 ft hole where no one can find him.    


Just like Hyejeong said, she got there after 10 minutes and knocked on Kris’s door. Kris walks to open it with an uneasy heavy heart. He doesn’t want to hurt Hyejeong but they needed to accept the truth.


When Kris opened the door, Hyejeong smiles at him and rushed to hug him but only to feel Kris stiffen. Hyejeong frowns and looks at him. “Is something wrong?”


Kris looks at Hyejeong and immediately, his heart softened. “Let’s sit. I have something to tell you.”


Hyejeong listened, hearing Kris’s serious voice, and walks to sit down on the couch. “Kris, if it’s about breaking up, I don’t wan--”


Kris puts his finger on Hyejeong’s lip, stopping her from talking any further,“It’s not about that. I love you. You know that.” Hyejeong nods slowly as she stares at Kris’s eyes, biting her lip.

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tropicalpanda #1
Chapter 6: should do a sequel to it.