park jinyoung.


- from park jimin 

ok so the amazeballs jiji is here to grace your presence -- /smacked. ok no sorry. weeps. aNYWAYS. uh.. i'd talk about how we met, but i don't really remember that much bc forgetful imnidar B| /smacked; but i do know it was when you rped as yura, hehe. o u o; lemme just say this, you are one of the most amejjing people here, and i'm glad to say that you're one of my friends oHOHOHO ♡ ..wowie i feel so hyper while writing this, so excuse my weirdness. sobbles. but i'm glad you're in this rp, you're one of the people who make it even more perf than it already is, and wowie you and sushi bby are just so cute together. like, srsly. such qt p2ts. ♡ i wouldn't /really/ mind if one day she comes home and ends up throwing up a few days later and confesses you guys did the frickity frackle and now she's preggos, bc hey! its going to be jinzy's kid, not someone elses. like, idk. i have mucho trust for you, so i know for sure you'll treat my daughter right. coughs. sononeedformetothreatenyou. coughs.

bUT YEAH -- THATS ALL I CAN SAY WEEPS. ILYSFM JR! virtually gives you a brohug. o u o ♡


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