Come Back Again

친구하자 (Let's be friends) [CLOSED]

Annyeonghaseyo~ my Yeol is so unf! isn't he? gahahaha

So, I made the foreword for the first fic, Come Back Again, requested by seolheebyul!

Think of it as a teaser. hahaha

I'll update it with the full story by the end of the day, need to run some errands first and just wanna make it a bit of a surprise. hehe

Oh, click on the title to go to the story! And don't forget to subscribe to it too, to read the update later~^^

New subscribers and applications are always welcomed! And I hope that the first one-shot will let you guys know a bit more about my style of writing. hihi^^

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RRiaChan #1
<3 love it
Chapter 9: OMG IT'S BEEN SO LONG SINCE YOU'VE UPDATED! I'm glad you updated~ And um well, I have changed a lot haha. I read my request down below and cracked up. I've changed a LOT in a year xD I'm more myself now while on AFF so expect cooler, more spazztastic comments from me~~
Chocolatemushrooms #3
It's been so long since this was updated...
Be mine is cute too! I love both. Update soon but take your time. Remember you're the author. <br />
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww come back again is really sweet. I love it so much. Wonderful job. Good job with the lyrics 'come back again, she's back, nothing's over'. I squealed when reading that. Great job~
I'm so sorry that I forgot to subscribe! Forgive me~~<br />
정말 미안해요~! I'm really sorry. <br />
But I've subscribed and am SUPER excited for my one shot^_^
mclassics #7
We can apply for the time being, right?<br />
<br />
Title:Cracking and Changing<br />
<br />
INFINITE member:Lee Sungjong<br />
<br />
Fictional character's name: Cho Jae<br />
<br />
Genre: Romance, Comedy<br />
<br />
Plot: Lee Sungjong was always made fun of by Infinite about his voice being high than Cho Jae's voice, Sungyeol's cousin... third removed or somewhat. Jae offers advice on how to crack your voice... by finding someone to love. Her theory was 'girls like guys with deep voices, so if you find a girl and she likes deep voices, you'll crack it faster.' well, turns out jae liked sungjong and the usual romance things. <br />
<br />
Some other stuff you'd like to add (details etc.):as much humor as possible?<br />
<br />
WHAT A WEIRD PLOT. LOL. but i've never applied for a one shot before. this is exciting~ ^^
gyuness #8
here's the application I said I'd do ;)<br />
jokerlydeejay<br />
<br />
Title: Paradise<br />
<br />
INFINITE member (only 1 major character, others may be minor): Sunggyu (main), <br />
<br />
Fictional character's name: Jinae<br />
<br />
Genre:romance, fighting<br />
<br />
Plot (short and sweet is appreciated^^): Jinae was captured by Infinite's rivals, Teen Top. There's guns and everything involved and Jinae gets shot. Jinae ends up in a coma whilst Sunggyu always comes to visit... You can make up the rest (:<br />
<br />
Some other stuff you'd like to add (details etc.):nothing i want to add :)
User name: JKcashluv5<br />
<br />
Title: You're mine so you only look at me! <br />
<br />
INFINITE member (only 1 major character, others may be minor): Woohyun (main) Myungsoo (minor)<br />
<br />
Fictional character's name: Kim Jaekyung (my name^^)<br />
<br />
Genre: Jealousy, drama, romance <br />
<br />
Plot: Woohyun is very protective of his gf Jaekyung. When he notices she talks to L (Myungsoo) a lot he gets really jealous and has to figure out a way to get Jaekyung to only look at him. (and no she doesn't like Myungsoo)<br />
<br />
Some other stuff you'd like to add (details etc.): Feel free to add whatever you have to. I know it's a common plot but it's a fave plot of mine:D don't be scared to add kissing. And thanks. I like cute stuff better. Thanks. <br />
Can't wait!!<br />
I told you that I'd apply~ :) haha :DDD<br />
<br />
User name: ranniekimura<br />
<br />
Title: Finally Together<br />
<br />
INFINITE member: Hoya<br />
<br />
Fictional character's name: Yang Aleina<br />
<br />
Genre: Romance, comedy<br />
<br />
Plot: Aleina is L's 1/2 Korean cousin, as well as his favorite, so she's really close with Infinite, especially Hoya. They're the "why aren't they a couple?!!" type of friends. Infinite gets fed up with the two and decide to try and get them together. <br />
<br />
Some other stuff you'd like to add: Aleina is a business management major in college and is an intern under Woolim.....that's why she's really close with Infinite.<br />
<br />
Good Luck!! HWAITING!!! hehe :3