Our Memories


You were in a labor. Luhan was very happy to see his first baby. After given birth to a boy. You were to rest in a room.

While you were sleeping, some gangsters came in and kidnapped you.

You were to be sold as a e. But you manage to escape on the way there.

Then you went back to Seoul to see you family, but instead you were in an very bad accident. That you can't even remember yourself, and what you have experienced.

3 years had past, you've become an delivery girl. You boss told you to delivery something, and so you did.

When you got there, something caught your eyes. A little boy, sitting on the floor crying, nonstop. Luhan walked in, not remembering who you are, told you to leave the delivery there and ge out. As you walk past the crying baby. You looked at Luhan to see if he's looking over here.

Luhan had been hiring a lot of people to make the baby stop crying but he won't stop.

You picked up the baby, and smile at him. He stopped crying and smiles back.

Luhan wonder why is everything so quiet. He walked into the living room, staring at you as you make the baby stop crying. You looked at Luhan and put the baby down.

You walk towards the door when all of a sudden.........



"Stay. Stay here, please."



Eun Hyo/OC

-Chris's mother/ Luhan's wife

-24 years old

-Loving and caring



-Chris's father/Eunhyo's(you) husband


-26 years old (just making up ages)




-Baby of Lay and Eunhyo


-3 years old


(Of course everybody knows Ye Ziyu Chris. A.K.A. Baby Luhan. OMG. He so adorable.)



New characters will be added. Just letting you guys know beforehand.

Thanks, and enjoy my story.


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Silivia #1
I HATE KRYSTAL SOOOOOO BAD RITE NOW ARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Silivia #2
Chapter 15: oh no chris this is sad and plez update soon I luv this fanfic
Silivia #3
Chapter 14: ohhh this chapter is soooo cute
Silivia #4
Chapter 13: ohhhh I hate Krystal so baddddd why cant she just stay away from luhan and his family??????????????????????????????????????????
Silivia #5
Chapter 12: oh gosh she'll stay 4eva so cute and sweet :)
Silivia #6
Chapter 11: oh please update im really enjoying this nut i hate Krystal in this story!
Silivia #7
Chapter 8: ohhhh tat is cute hw they r all sleepin 2gether as a family!!!!!!
Silivia #8
Chapter 4: omg i think luhan has recognised that the smile belongs to her....... :)
JunAh4everBeast #9
Wait... I just don't understand this one. Chris' parents are Eunhyo and Luhan, right? How come Lay involved in the story??