The Story of Us

The Story of Us

I want to tell you a story, it's a story of us. 

I don't where you are now but I hope that someday you'll find this. 

Do you remember how we met? It was summer and I was out of the city, I was living in my uncle's house that's located near the sunflowers field. The sunflowers field, that's where we met. I used to lay there for hours, surrounding myself with sunflowers and watching the busy bees flying through life, don't know what they're missing. No one was really there, it's just me--well not until you came. 

You were playing and running around the field shouting and it annoys me very much so I decided to give you a lesson but as soon as my eyes met yours, everything stopped. If I've never told you this, your eyes are beautiful and I'm totally in love with them, it's not a lie. You too, just stood there and stare at me then you decided to walk up to me. 

You said that I caught your eyes and you wanted to know more about me. You gave me a genuine smile that seems so sweet and I fell in love with it. Everything about you is perfect and I couldn't resist. We are a lot younger back then, you were 12 and I was 10, you didn't seem to mind the fact that I'm 2 years younger and still hang out with me. 

I remember how your friends told you to not hangout with me because I'm a girl and they said I'm weird, you told to them that not to judge me and that it's better for them to just don't talk you anymore, just for me. You did that just for me, I smiled and gave you a peck in the cheek making you blushed crimson. I laughed at you and you told me not to but then you end up laughing as well. We spend the whole day laughing and playing the around the field.

You told me you had to go and I said, "See you." 

The next day when I went back to the field, you weren't there and I was disappointed. The reason that I came here for the first time was not because of you but then something changed, you came into my life breaking my walls so easily and make me like you, a lot. You was the only friend I have back then. I sighed and decided to leave, it was 12 in the afternoon and you're still not here. That day, I think about you, almost too much. I was really convinced that you really hate me and you was only friends with me because someone dared you to.

Another day has gone by and there's still no sign of you. I was sad, super and then one of your friends came running to me, he told me that you are sick and I burst into tears. I don't know what to do or say, I was too shocked. I was mad at you for not telling me and I followed your friend to your house. It was a cottage, it was beautiful and it's surrounded by sunflowers. Do you love sunflowers too? You never answer that question and I needed an answer so badly. When I went into your room, I saw you lay on your bed. You look horrible, pale and lifeless. I sat next to you and cried so much. 

I feel you caressing my hair and I looked up. "Don't cry," You said. "I'll be fine soon." You give me a lopsided smile and I couldn't help but smile too, you make me happy. I believed you that you're going to be okay. I have faith in you. 

For the last 7 days, we spent time at your house playing hide and seek or sometimes, we would cuddles and watch anime movies. You told me that you love anime and I smiled because, I, too, loves anime. You started telling me about yourself and how you used be alone in that sunflowers field not until I came this summer. You said that you love how my hair is always in two pigtails, how my eyes lit up when I saw the bunny that you showed, my smile and everything about me. I told you that I love everything about you too, especially your eyes and you grinned from ear to ear, you looked genuinely happy that time and I was happy too. 


You recovered and we went out and play in that sunflowers field again. Then I realized something, I don't  know everything about you yet, I don't know your name, you never really told me about it. I tapped your shoulder and asked you what your name is and you just shook your head and smile. I didn't get what you mean but I decided to just keep quiet, maybe you don't want me to know your name.

A month passed and you're ill again, and I cried so hard that day, even harder than the last time. Only 5 days more and I'll be gone, my summer is coming to an end. I couldn't really do anything that time, all I could do is to spend the remaining days with you.

With every second that has passed, you get sicker and it was heart wrenching and I couldn't even bear it. Tears filled my eyes when you asked me why am I looking at you like that and I couldn't just answer, I couldn't. It's hard to answer this question, I couldn't just tell you you're dying right now and I'm leaving soon, that would be too cruel. 

You recovered a little for the passed 4 days, just a little but that's still good. I start to have faith in you again that you'll be okay soon but the thought of leaving you and you laying on your bed as pale as the white sheet lying underneath you is haunting my mind. I couldn't sleep at night, your pale face and warm chocolate brown eyes are always flashing in my mind, I don't want to leave you but I have to. I spend the whole night bawling my eyes out and begging my uncle not to send me back home but he didn't listen to to me not even a bit. 

The last day came and you look worse than before, you couldn't walk that day and you were in a wheel chair. I hugged you tightly and whispers I'll miss yous into your ear but you only smile and give me a small peck on the lips. You was my first kiss and I was yours, even if I'm only 10 and you're 12 that time, both you and I didn't mind. 

You hugged me tightly and whispered, "I'm Jongin, Jongin, Jongin. Remember me please." 

I didn't get why you said your name thrice but I don't care and I said, "Jongin, I'll remember you." 

As soon as your name left my lips, you gave me one of your lopsided smiles that send me chills again. You told me that you love the way I say your name and all I could do is grin at you. I left that day and I promised you that I'll come back next year and you have to be there, there's a lot more that we need to know about each other and I promised that I'll tell you my name when I come back. I sat in the passenger seat that day crying myself to sleep but then I wiped away my tears. I remembered what you told me before I left, you said, "Remember me and smile, for it's better to forget than to remember me and cry. I love you."


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Chapter 1: Is there a sequel for this?
Chapter 1: So will there be more? Or sequel? Maybe?