Chapter 9

Where Did You Come From?


Both Jimin and I were startled by his presence. Jimin, in an effort to look less guilty, stood up from off her chair and, since I was on top of her, I fell to the ground, hard on the wooden floor.

“Jimin! Omo, are you okay?” She crouched over me on the floor.

I had fallen on my left side, the weight of my body crushing my arm, shoulder, and wrist. My wrist had landed in a strange position, twisted in the opposite direction than usual.

“Ahh.” I hissed.

“Are you okay?” Jimin and Jungkook were both hovering over me, worried.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Can you help me up?” I extended my right hand and they both grabbed on and pulled me until I was standing.

Jimin and I looked awkwardly at each other and then awkwardly at Jungkook.

“I don’t know what’s going on here…” Jungkook said, pointing his finger at Jimin, then at me, then back at her. “But I’m just going to walk away and act like I didn’t see anything…” He backed away through where he came from and then turned completely and left.

Suddenly, it was just Jimin and I, alone, again.

“So, um, about earlier…” She started to say.

“Oh that? Yeah, it was nothing, don’t worry about.” I started to mumble, trying to play it off coolly. In the midst of my talking, my hand made a swift movement that shot pain throughout my wrist. “It was just a misundersta-AAHHHnding!” I suddenly shouted, flinching in pain. Jimin saw this and rushed to my side.

“Are you okay?” She grabbed my hand very carefully and held it in her smaller one. “Where does it hurt?”

“It’s my wrist. My body crushed it when you pushed me onto the floor.” I winced in pain. I looked at her and I could tell she felt really bad.

“I’m so sorry, it was an accide-” She started to say but I interrupted.

“No, it was my fault, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have invaded your space like that.” I felt bad thinking that I had made her uncomfortable earlier when I had unintentionally tried to kiss her. I didn’t mean to do that but, when it was all happening, I couldn’t stop myself. I had never wanted to kiss someone so badly before, not even Shiyeon. Even though the moment had passed, I still wanted to kiss her!

“It’s okay.” She lightly rubbed my wrist trying to soothe the pain but it didn’t work. What did work was her touch. Her fingertips across my wrist made my skin tingle and the pain go away for a moment. Without realizing it, she moved closer and closer to me while she examined my injury.

“Jimin.” I called out her name and she looked up. I stared into her dark brown eyes and I was entranced. I couldn’t look away for even a moment. It was happening again, an opportunity for me to kiss her. I wrapped my good arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me until we were close enough that our noses were touching. I waited for a moment to see if she would pull away, indicating that she wanted me to stop, but she didn’t. If anything, she moved closer into my body. This was it, this was going to be our very kiss! I tilted my head a little and she tilted hers in the opposite direction. She closed her eyes and I closed mine and then I leaned in. I was so close I could smell the combination of cherry and mint smell coming from her lips and mouth. I was about to touch her lips with mine when-

“Are you guys ready to…” Jungkook walked in with several books in his arms. He stopped talking when he looked up and realized that he had interrupted yet again. “go?” He finished his sentence awkwardly and just stood there.

Jimin looked down and started laughing quietly to herself. I started laughing as well and just smiled at her.

“Maybe we should just get going.” She suggested and I unwillingly agreed. We returned the books we never read and headed out the door. There were only two thoughts in my mind at this point:

Am I ever going to kiss Jimin?

I really hate Jungkook.

“We should probably get something for that wrist of yours Jimin.” Jungkook suggested.

“It’s fine.” I said calmly. I couldn’t have Jimin thinking that I wasn’t manly.

“I think Jungkook is right, that looks really swollen.” Jimin agreed.

“Okay, if you think we should, then let’s do that.” I said and grinned from ear to ear as soon as she spoke. Don’t judge me, okay?

It wasn’t dark out but the sun was setting in the horizon. The sky was a purple pink color, a very romantic type of evening that would’ve made for a great time to walk hand-in-hand with your loved one. I could’ve used this opportunity to hold Jimin’s hand for the first time, walking down the street, on a date, but no, I couldn’t. Why? Thanks to third wheeling Jungkook. One might think that I am the third wheel here, since I crashed their visit to the book store but no, it is not like that. It’s just not.

We walked to a nearby pharmacy and walked the aisles looking for ointment and other supplies for my swollen wrist. Jungkook wondered off into the toy section that was in the corner end of the store and thus, we were alone again.

“You should get something to eat.” I suggested to Jimin. She hadn’t eaten anything except for that measly cookie earlier and I was worried.

“I’m fine, I’m not really hungry.” She said casually while her eyes scanned the shelves.

“You have to eat Jimin.” I said in a serious voice. She looked over to me and simply shook her head. She was so stubborn. “Let’s play paper-scissors-rock then.”

“What do I get if I win?” She asked curiously.

“What do you want?” There was a part of me that really wanted Jimin to she wanted a kiss. I wanted her to be the one that showed me she liked me. I wanted a sign that said I wasn’t the only one who felt this way.

“If I win, I want…” Jimin tapped her chin, thinking.

Please say kiss, please say kiss!

“To flick your forehead!” She laughed and I sighed disappointedly.

“Alright, if you win, you can flick my forehead but if I win, you have to let me buy you some food.”

“Sounds fair.” She agreed.

“AND!” I added.

“And what?”

“If I win, you have to let buy some food and kiss you.” I decided to just put it out there because who knew if I’d get another chance to do it. She already knew I wanted to anyway, what was the problem? I could tell that my straightforwardness surprised Jimin but more than anything, it made her blush. She thought for a minute and then nodded quietly.

“Alright, we can do that.” She said.

“Ready?” I put my fist out and so did she.


“Paper-scissors-rock!” We both said at the same time. I threw out a very confident rock and Jimin tossed out a very shaky pair of scissors.

“Yes, I win!” I shouted happily.

“Dang it! I was going to do paper!” She hissed. She wasn’t so much angry at the fact that she had to eat and kiss me but more at the fact that she had lost in general. She was somewhat a sore loser. “Best 2 out of 3?” She suggested.

“Hmm…” I thought about it. “Alright, fine.”

“Paper-scissors-rock!” We chanted again. I threw out a pair of scissors because I was almost sure Jimin would throw paper but I was wrong.

“I win!” She cheered when she beat my scissors with a rock. “Woot, woot!” She danced around, laughing. Not only was she a sore loser but she was also a sore winner.

“Alright, calm down lady. The game isn’t over yet. We’re 1-1, whoever wins the next game is going to be the winner.” I mentioned and she calmed down from her high.

“Okay, okay, okay! Let’s do it!” She said excitedly.

“Paper-scissors-rock!” We said at the same time and threw out our hands.

“No!!!” Jimin screamed.

“Yes!!!” I shouted at the same time. “I won!” I laughed.

Jimin had gone with a paper while I did scissors again.

“Alright, where should we go eat?” I asked her, triumphantly.

“I don’t know…” She said, still upset that she lost.

“By the way, this meal is only for you and me…” I mentioned quickly, before she decided that Jungkook should come too. “I can only afford a meal for two.” That was I lie, I could afford a meal for twenty but I had to do whatever I could to get time alone with her. That makes me sound like ert, I know, but I didn’t want to get her alone to do weird things, I just wanted the opportunity to get to know her, talk to her and become friends. I wanted to become someone important to her.

“Alright, I’ll think of a place.” She smiled. She went back to looking for the supplies for my swollen wrist. While she looked I noticed that she had a piece of her hair stuck to her bottom lip. It probably got there when she was jumping around after she won the second game of paper-scissors-rock.

“Jimin.” I called her name and she turned to look at me.

“Hm?” I moved closer to her and, with my thumb, drew a line down from her temple to the corner of her lip until the piece of her hair fell back into place. We stood there silently, looking into each other’s eyes for the third time that day. Unintentionally, my good hand went up to Jimin’s neck. I pulled her in lightly but quickly, I didn’t want anyone to interrupt our moment. Right when our lips were only centimeters apart, I stopped and I heard Jimin catch her breath.

“I’m claiming my prize.” I whispered for only her to hear and she chuckled a bit. I was only two seconds away from pressing my lips onto hers when again…

“Hey! I found the stuff you need…” Jungkook showed up, out of nowhere, again. His voice trailed off when he saw what he had done. “Aish! You should warn a person that you’re going to do this so they don’t keep interrupting!” He ruffled his hair frustratingly and stalked off.

Jimin just laughed and her heels. She walked away and went to find Jungkook. I stayed back and clenched my fists because I was so angry.

“I really hate that Jungkook.”

“Where do you want to eat?” I asked Jimin as we walked the streets of Seoul.

We were alone now since Jungkook had gone home because he had things to do. I was so happy when he finally left. Not to be mean or anything but he just kept ruining things for me!

“I’m craving some spicy octopus.” She said and rubbed her tummy.

“Yum, I know a great place.” I led the way to a place nearby that had tons of gourmet dishes, including spicy octopus, except better. When we finally arrived, I asked to be seated at the far end of the bar, where Jimin and I could sit side by side to each other and where we could be alone, away from everyone else’s sight.

From the moment we walked into the restaurant, Jimin became really fidgety and weird. She kept looking around as if she might run into someone she knew or didn’t want to see. Who could she run into here? I doubt she’d know anyone.

“Here are your menus, Mr. Park.” The waiter said as he handed them to us. “What can I get for you to drink?”

“I’ll take your finest wine Han Chul.”

“Right away sir.” The waiter walked away and Jimin stared at me, wide-eyed.

“Wine? I can’t drink wine, I’m not of legal age yet.” She whispered.

“It’s okay, you won’t get into trouble, I promise.” I smiled and gave her a cheeky wink.

“Aish…” She cringed at my attempt to be cute. We both looked at the menu and I looked over the items to see what I wanted while Jimin only looked at the prices. “This place is expensive…” She mumbled. “We could’ve eaten three times more at a street vendor’s tent WITH Jungkook for the less than this.”

“Don’t worry about the price and get whatever you want.” I said. I wanted to show Jimin how well I could treat her if she were my girl. My girl? What the hell am I saying?

“Are we ready to order sir?” Han Chul came back with a bottle of red wine, pouring each one of us a glass, and his notepad, ready to write.

“I’ll take a grilled tilapia with mango sauce, Han Chul.” I said and he wrote it down.

“And for the lady?”

Jimin looked down and bit her lip nervously. I could tell she had never been to a place like this and it must’ve been nerve-wracking.

“I’ll just take a pasta and shrimp.” She shut the menu and handed it back to Han Chul. The waiter left and I got ready to make my move. Jimin, on the other hand, continued to look around and then she froze. “Crap.” She muttered.

“What’s the matter?” I tried following her eyes but before I could see who she was looking at, she ducked down onto the floor and hid. “What are you doing?” I whispered.

“Just … dropped my contact.” She started running her hands across the tile floor to see if she could find it. While she looked for it, I went back to looking at the people in the restaurant. I stopped when I spotted two familiar faces.

“Hey, I know them!” It was the Hans. “Those are my neighbors, I went to dinner at their house a while ago. They have a daughter and the whole time I was there, I never saw her face because she kept covering it up…Maybe she has a weird scar or something. Who knows? They’re very nice people but their daughter is super weird.” I chuckled.

"She is not! OW!” Jimin cried from under the bar. I looked down and was rubbing her head. I could only assume that she had hit herself with the stool.

“Are you okay!?” I reached down to help her up.

“I’m fine.” She said dryly.

“Jimin?” I called her name.


“How would you know if their daughter is weird or not? Have you met her?”

“Uh, no, but I’ve heard a lot of things about her…Through those magazines that only feature rich people and their families.” She replied.

“That makes sense, how would you know anyone rich?” I laughed and she looked at me as if I had said something rude. “Have you read anything about me in those magazines?” I asked curiously, a smile forming on my lips.

“No.” She said monotonously.

“Oh.” I answered, disappointedly. “So tell me about yourself Jimin, what do your parents do?” I asked.

“My parents?” She mumbled while looking around still. “They, um, they have their own businesses.”

“Really? Like a laundromat? Or a dry cleaners? Do you help out there as part time job?” I asked. “Or do you have one of those jobs cleaning buildings instead?”

She looked back at me with a face of disgust.

“Who do you think I am? A poor girl whose father owns a dry cleaning business and who got into a major private school on account of the fact that she saved some guy from killing himself? And that I’m going to fall in love with the schools most rude/popular guy, a.k.a you?” She asked sarcastically. “Because that’s the plot to Boys over Flowers.” Jimin grabbed her backpack and blazer and stood up, angrily.

“Where are you going?” I asked, confused.

“Home.” She took out her wallet and grabbed several random bills with her fist and placed them on the bar. “Here’s my half of the bill, thanks for the meal.” Jimin marched out furiously and left me sitting there, alone. I reacted quickly, grabbed my coat, and ran out after her. She was about to get into a taxi when I caught her.

“Jimin, wait! Is it something I said?” I shouted.

“Yes! It’s everything you say, Jimin! You are the most rude, narcissistic jerk I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting. You just love to throw your money in everyone’s face, that’s why no one can stand you! I don’t know if you realize it but the only reason you have friends is because you hang out with people who are just like you!” She shouted at me.

I processed her words and they hurt. I didn’t understand where all of this was coming from but they hurt. They hurt ten times more because it was Jimin who was saying them to me. I watched her get into the taxi and slam the door. She was about to take off when she rolled down the window and shouted one last thing at me.

“And by the way, this can’t be Boys over Flowers because you are no Lee Min Ho! You are not even close!”

And then, she was gone.

New chapter!
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Chapter 14: love this! <3 :3 keep it up :)
xxJM13 #2
Chapter 14: God shiyeon...*facepalms* such a bad 'girlfriend' ro Jimin...tsk. (JIMIN JUST..BREAKHEROFF)
xxJM13 #3
Chapter 1: HAI !! I love your fanfic! I'm a new reader here ^^ really enjoyable reading your fanfic ! ❤
seeyee_17 #4
Chapter 13: pls update soon ㅠㅠ i absolutely love this fanfic
nique07 #5
Chapter 13: Pls update soon :) I read all 13 chapters last night till 2:30am ㅠㅠ this fanfic is very unique ❤️❤️
Chapter 13: Update soon!!
Jimin-Panda #7
Chapter 13: AAAHHHH!!! I Love this Fanfic SOOOO MUCH!!
Please update soon Authornim!!
kawaii_anime1004 #8
Chapter 13: Aye amazing but I wish he can get more jealous hehe
Chapter 13: I don't like it ..minnie accepted him too easily for my liking