the comeback

My Lovely DraGon LaDy

TVXQ! TVXQ! TVXQ! was the loud shouting of the fans in front of the sm building waiting tvxq who were coming back from japan after 2 long years of hiatus in korea.

-Wow hyung look séoul really did change huh ? said an excited changmin.                                                                                                                                                                                            

-yep, kinda of; said yunho nonchalontly.

- hyung don't act like this, i know you miss korea our hoobaes the fans come on!! lightly nudging yunho.Yunho put his head on the van's window and closed his eyes while letting out a long sigh. "why does everything remind me of you, i tried to run away from you but here i am coming back again to where my heart first beated for you to where i first met you. i wish the time could return so everything can be fixed i wish i had a chance the last one".           - Look at all these fans ! were still highly famous after all; wow a cake!!!!!!! let's go hyung come on it's a matter of life moooove!!!!!. yunho smiled slightly at the sight of his gloutony maknae, but he can't blame he miss this,after all it's his fault if they spend two years in japan, he was the one that suggested the two years non stop albums photobooks tours shows.anything just to forget "her".                                                                      -come on hyung wake up we're here are you deaf!!!!!!! the loud devil woke up him from his daydream. fine min i'm coming he said before he putted on his sunglasses and came down to meet his awaiting fans.

Meanwhile at LosAngelos

-And that's it that's the last one miss angel we're done. said the photographer to you.

-thank you. you slightly bowed. you were just done with the photoshoot  for the cover of vanity fair mgazine the last thing that scheluded before your travel . as much as you wanted to comeback to find all the answers you needed you didn't wanted to see him but how? your coming back to him by your own feet well not to him; but to where he work ; you thougt looking at the mirror of you dressing room.

Your manager boomed in she's a 32 years old lady commited to her job and to you looks very scary and intimidating but can show a soft side of her sometimes,always hide behind her big glasses and work outfit.she looked at your face expressions on the mirror and knew what was going on to you. -Everything will be alright don't worry you don't need to panic.                                                                                                                                   -i know it's just that i'm nervous ,what if i saw him?; so what act like nothing happend your much stronger than don't destroy what you build up in these two years .                                                                                                                                                                                                           -yes your right"i didn't put a lock on my heart and builded a strong and cold around me to let it break easely  i'll completely ignore him like i had never knew him and focus on my carrer there and to find my father after all i'm not the dragon lady for nothing"

-Let's go we still have few things to do before your flight.aren't you coming? i am but i still have to rearrange your schedule; what should i do with the date proposal that you got from that ceo? refuse it like said arrogantly.

Back to séoul at the sm building

why are we all here?did someone did something bad,or probably it's another world tour annoucement but we just ended it i wanna rest for god sake!!! winned heechul. me too said everyone with tired accent

-shut they're comming . the SME board came in followed by lee soo man who had a huge smile on his face signaling to the idols that they're boss ws up to something hopefully good

-So my dears i wanted you all here because i have a big annoucement,as you know we were eager to mmake kpop known in the US but we didn't really reached our goal toay everything will change as our new partners will open the door for us . the stars looking at each other in a complete clueless expression; our new partners will come saturday so i expect you to welcome them properly.

-Can we at least know who? spited heechul,soo man looked at everyne and knew tht if he didn't told he will not escape this room safely -our new partner is the mighty  and famous producer RedOne and his team.


his the producer of lady gaga akon                                                                          

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