
Temporary Happiness

Bothered by the sun heat, Kai woke up quiet mad from himself that he forgot to close the curtains the last night. But when he remembered what that day was, he immediately brightened. It was her day.

He got up from his bed, yawning and checked his phone. Surprised by the fact that he has 33 missed calls, he clicked to check the caller ID to find I this boss. He already knew why he called and he really didn’t want to hear his boss screams, but he had no other choice but to call him again. The moment his boss picked up, which was almost immediately, he started screaming in Kai’s ears. He had all rights to though. Why? Simply because Kai was ridiculously late for a very important meeting which he is supposed to present. Kai angered him even more by announcing to him that he won’t be coming. Before he could scream even more, Kai just hung up and closed the phone.

He wasn’t trying to be rude or anything, he just didn’t want to have a headache from all the screaming he will receive. No matter how loud his boss will scream, he just won’t show up. He didn’t want to leave like he always did. He disappointed her so damn much when he used to disappear on her birthdays, now he can never do that again. Kai had to make it up for her, hoping, just hoping, she would be happy with him.

Leaving his house, Kai made sure he had the list of the things he need to make the day perfect. While passing by random shops, Kai remembered the peaceful shopping dates he used to have with her. How he always chose picks her hats and she always picked his shirts. He remembered this one time when she pointed for a hot short that would look so good on her but he refused to buy it. But she of course would use her aegyo power and it would always work. In the end, he still wins.

“This is for you to wear when we are alone, not in public!” he would say.

He can’t forget her smiles from that day, he never will. Her smile was full of happiness, love… he love those memories so much that he smiles when he remembers them.

When he passed by a pet shop, he suddenly remembered her always saying she wanted to have a puppy. Perfect present. He walked in and chose the perfect cutest new-born brown puppy ever, not forgetting to put a ribbon over him cause after all, it is a present.

After arriving home, he hung up a huge sign saying “Happy birthday Love” that he specially prepared for her, and randomly placed balloons all over the place. Now one more thing to do, cook her favorite food. Although he when it comes to cooking, he was so determined to cook it for her. Yup, she is that special to him. After he made sure everything is perfectly placed in its place, he went to change to his favorite clothes, the one she bought for him.

Soon after changing and double checking everything was perfect, he decided to play for a while with the puppy that was super cute in Kai’s eyes.

She would’ve liked this cute puppy, right?  He thought

Suddenly he felt like someone was hugging from the back, but when he looked back he found….

No one.

How could be there anyone? She will never come. She is long gone. All he did will never bring her back, even if he waited forever…

Cause he didn’t just disappear in her birthdays, he forgot about them.

He didn’t just forget to call her, he ignored her calls.

He didn’t just work all the time, he chose work over her.

How can she possibly stay? Unfortunately, she loved him so damn much to live without him.

He couldn’t endure all these memories! He was wrong to leave her like that! He shouldn’t have done all that! Without even realizing it, he was already in the street heading to that place where everything ended. Where his life practically ended.

He just stood there, where everything happened. Where he lost her, forever. That day is still fresh in his memory like a fresh wound. It was just a regular day, he had an important meeting and he simply chose to ignore her countless missed calls. If only he had known that it would be his last time ignoring her calls, cause he received a call after the meeting from an unknown number saying that his irreplaceable girlfriend just …

committed suicide. 

Thanks for reading :D Hope you liked it.

Credits of the the pics to it's rightful owner.

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Chapter 1: What did just happened? T.T Kai you bastard you shouldn't have ignored your girlfriend like that. You're such a jerk! Now she's dead and you're being delusional that she's still alive. Omfg -- this is angst alright TT.TT
Phew, I was affected XDD Anyways, wonderful story you got here~ As I've thought it would be!
IKR!! I can't too xD
I can't get over your poster ;;
I'm crying blood over it lolol
minahbubblez #4
Chapter 1: I didn't notice the angst tag T.T
it's so sad.. but meaningful...
awesome story author-nim..
minahbubblez #5
Chapter 1: I didn't notice the angst tag T.T
it's so sad.. but meaningful...
awesome story author-nim..
ZiaELF #6
Please update soon! I can't wait to read the story ^^