Caring Gestures

The Girl

that was it i was more than annoyed, i yanked my arm away from junsu's grasp and stormed of 'aish, why bring that up he knows it pisses me off' i thought angrily. i walked swiftly and stealthily down the corridor so that the other lords didn't notice me go to the dimension gates.

I had to go see the child, she really looked bad today like she hadn't eaten or slept again, it worries me, i know i shouldn't worry I'm a lord of the underworld for crying out loud, but then again it may be my paternal senses kicking in. Six years ago i was reckless and entered the human world and stayed there for a few years, i didn't mean for this to happen but when someone affects you life as much as she affected mine you cant help, but fall in love, call me weak whatever but i honestly and truly love her even if shes moved on from me but there will always be one thing linking me and Tae, our beautiful half blood baby.

I carefully stepped up to the dimension gate and thought of the place where the young girl was and slowly stepped through. once i was through the gate i looked round at the dark and dirty corner where the girl stayed, normally she would run up to me and hug me but she didn't seem to be here today.I sighed heavily and looked around at the dark dirty floor 'how can she live here, aish' I had become annoyed at myself 'Jae you dumb...urrr why didn't i think of that sooner'  I mentally scolded myself for being a complete idiot. within seconds i had found myself running into the nearest town and asking a charity worker for some help, that's right your saw it here first a demon doing something good with a charity worker, now that's something you wouldn't expect, aish to be honest i hatted asking for help especially of a do-gooder but what else could i do. within an hour i was walking back to that corner pushing a small pink wooden home just for her. when i returned she was sat there crying and alone, she was crying but still no sound came from her small lips just like always.

slowly and silently i put the small home in a nice spot and locked on the breaks. Once the home was parked i walked up to her and sat on the curb next to her "Don't cry minju sweetie" i her hair softly and smiled warmly at her as she looked up at me, i hated seeing her in this state, tears in her eyes, cuts and bruises on her young body, and ripped clothes.  slowly and gently i pulled her onto my lap and wrapped my long coat around her for warmth, she looked up at me with a stare i could recognize instantly for some reason her cat like eyes and sweet smile reminded me of Tae, in fact everything minju did reminded me of her. within a few hours minju had fallen asleep in my arms, slowly i had gotten up and opened the little door to the pink box and clambered inside resting her small head on my arm. "sleep well minju" and gave her a small peck on the head, little did i know that two  pairs of eyes were watching.

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second chappie is up guys wahooo double update today


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