
The Faults In Our Café

Kris has decided that he hates all of his employees the first time they ever set their feet inside his precious café. He hates looking at Xiumin's face who makes him look younger than him. Other than that, Suho's and Luhan's angelic features piss him off because they are not as angelic as they look. Well, for Luhan's case, yes, he is not as angelic as he makes himself to be but for Suho, well that guy is too nice and he does not like his kindness at all. He swears that Suho's kindness is just too much.

He also despises Tao's fear of ghosts. There was once when he had to check that the bathroom had no ghosts so that Tao would be able to do his business during the late hours of the night. He detests Sehun's poker face and at the same time, he does not like Chanyeol's cheerful personality. Sure, it may seem sweet to others but for a grumpy person like Kris, he definitely dislikes it.

He also loathes Lay's forgetfulness. There was once that guy even forgot where he placed the keys for his café when he was supposed to lock it up. Kris was very pissed off at that time and he even vowed not to leave his valuables to Lay. He dislikes D.O's quiet self because being too quiet is just creepy and what if that guy is secretly a psychopath or something? How awful will that be? On the contrary, he also hates Chen's loud personality because that guy is just too noisy. As for Kai, well, let's just say he does not exactly despises Kai but he does not like him either. Kai is mostly quiet but not in the creepy way like D.O is because he does not have big eyes(Kris figures that D.O is creepy because of his eyes).

There is, however, one thing that Kris absolutely abhors. He really, really hates Baekhyun's sassiness. He swears that Baekhyun works at his café mostly to cause him to have a heart attack.

And right now, Kris is on the verge of having a heart attack.

"Why the hell are you wearing a T-shirt that says 'I'm the most awesome person ever'?" Baekhyun snarls menacingly at a customer who is wearing the said shirt. The customer looks down at his shirt blankly and simply looks at Baekhyun as though the cashier is crazy. Which is true, in Kris's opinion. Byun Baekhyun is crazy.

"My life, my T-shirt," the customer replies nonchalantly and looks bored. "Do you want me to pay for my coffee or not?"

Baekhyun rolls his eyes and blatantly ignores the guy's question. Instead, he exclaims, "You have no right to wear that shirt! Everybody knows that I'm the most person ever."

Kris face-palms himself at the cashier's words and sends the guy a deadly look, asking him to do his job instead of trying to start a fight with a customer. But Baekhyun will always be Baekhyun so he just glares back at the owner of the café. Then, he turns to the customer and takes the money that the customer hands to him. "I'm more awesome than you are," he calls out to the customer as the customer leaves.

Kris lets out a sigh at Baekhyun's childishness. "Sehun, can you take over Baekhyun for a minute? I need to talk to him about something," he says as he drags Baekhyun by his ear to the employees room.

Baekhyun yelps loudly at the harsh treatment and Kris does not pay any heed to his whines. Baekhyun can complain for all he cares. It is enough that Luhan and Xiumin have tarnished his precious café's reputation and Baekhyun just has to pick a fight with a customer, doesn't he?

At long last, they arrive at the employees' room and Kris glares at the shorter guy menacingly. Baekhyun shoots him an innocent look before smiling angelically at him like he has done nothing wrong.

Kris decides that he really, really hates Baekhyun at the moment.

"How many times must I tell you to stop picking a fight with the customers?" he snarls, narrowing his eyes at Baekhyun.

Baekhyun gives him a scandalised look before flipping his hair sassily. "That guy was wearing a T-shirt that I'm supposed to wear because I'm the most awesome person in this world!" he protests, pursing his lips into a small pout to emphasise that he is not kidding about that.

Kris rolls his eyes and mentally slaps himself for hiring idiots to work at his café. He swears that his employees are all crazy as . He leans forward and flicks Baekhyun's forehead. The guy cries out in pain and rubs his forehead. Then, he glares at Kris before flicking his forehead.

Kris's eyes widen in disbelief. He did not just do that. Nobody ever messes with him. Fuming, he decides to get away from Baekhyun to control his temper because only God knows what he feels like doing to that little piece of right now. Baekhyun's obnoxious laughter rings in his ears but he ignores it.

He really needs new employees, in his opinion. He already has a e as an employee. He does not need to have an employee who fights back when he is faced with the boss.

Kris purses his lips into a straight line before going out to the front of the café to make sure that none of his other employees will create trouble for him. Luhan and Baekhyun are already enough for him to deal with in one day.

"Don't frown," someone chides at him gently. He looks up to see Suho smiling at him that sweet smile of his that Kris decides that he really, really loathes.

"Don't smile," he snaps back at the guy grumpily before walking away, leaving Suho with a confused expression on his face.

If only Kris realises that he is also as sassy as Baekhyun.

But then, again, no one can top Baekhyun's level of sassiness.



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2450 streak #1
Chapter 2: how are they not fired then? HAHAHAHAHA
oh the stress!!!
wish there was more authornim! but still, thank you for this
2450 streak #2
Chapter 2: Well, thats my Baek. How can we change him ?
Update soon juseyo ~~
Chapter 2: well what can I say? Baek is... born to sass.
ANYWAY! I reeeaaallllyyy love thisssss!!!!!! <3 <3 i waited for this because it's just so cute and funny and I looovee it <3 <3 <3
Chapter 2: Haha interesting story. ^^
Chapter 1: ok this was hilarious x'DDD
i will be waiting for an update ~( ̄▽ ̄)
Lexoticmoi #7

I can't wait to see where you'll take this! The first chapter is hilarious as is. XD.