Looks Are Nothing

Use Your Senses

"I fell in love with those looks, that chiseled face, flawless skin, perfect body. Ah," I sigh looking at my beloved stranger, through the window of my classroom,"is it a sin to feel this way about someone I don't know? Especially since our hierarchy in society is further apart than the sun and the moon." I hold my hands together, laying them upon my chest as I look out the window, admiring my beautiful stranger playing his favorite sport, soccer. I let out a content sigh and feel my lips tug into a satisfied smile.


"Ya, Park Chanyeol. Stop with this shakespeare crap. I don't even know why this kid is even in this class with his goddamn poetry and .. aish." He mumbles the last sentence to himself. My smile slowly disappears as I turn to my older and only friend, Kris - Wu Yifan who is currently chewing loudly on a large bite of bread.


I click my tongue at him and make a face,"Ya.. don't ruin this for me. It's been a long time since I've seen my beautiful stranger in their finest hour, letting out that accursed liquid from that body. The sun reflecting it, causing my beloved to shine brighter than Edward Collins' skin in Twilight." 


He gives me a questionable look and I roll my eyes. "His sweat makes him sparkle like that vampire from Twilight."


"Oh~" He exclaims, understanding my words that finally went through that puny brain of his. "But," He swallows his chewed up bread before continuing,"If you're so good at this.. um.. language stuff, why are you in this class?"


"Do you think there's only language class? I'm not good at the other subjects, you ." I say irritably.


"Well damn!" He puts his hands up in the air, as if surrendering. He then takes another bite of his bread,"So who were you talking about earlier?"


"No one." I lie, laying my back against my seat, grabbing the bag of chips from my backpack and opening them.


Kris chews obnoxiously loud,"I know I'm not that smart, but I'm smart enough to know that, that poetry crap you were talkin' about was about someone special."


I roll my eyes and place the bag of chips on my desk, then rest my cheek on my hand, looking out the window at my beloved stranger to admire him. Kris then leans forward attempting to look out the window, but crushes my bag of chips as he places his gigantic hand on it.


"Ya!" I yell, angry that my lunch was smashed into tiny bits and I didn't get to eat any.


"Well.. there aren't that many good looking girls... Except for what's her name.. Hyorin?" Kris says as he points out the girl with the biggest s. I hide my face in my hands and pray that there is a future for this man.


"Oooh~ I guessed right, didn't I?" Kris says, smacking my back a lot. I grabbed his hand before he could give me anymore bruises and threw it back to him.


"No.. like I said, his face is chiseled-"


"Did you just say 'his'?"  


I widen my eyes at my words and curse myself, and as a natural reaction, I hide my face in my hands. 


He then gives me a comforting pat on the back. "It's alright, man." He says."I'm like that too."


"What?" I ask, pulling face out from my hands.


"Yeah, I'm bi, but don't you tell anyone about this or I'll kill you." He gives me a quick glare then replaces it with a smile. "So who were you talking about?"


"Promise you won't tell?"


"Yes, I promise." He says as he pretends to zip his lips.


"Pinkie promise?" 


He rolls his eyes then says,"Cross my heart, hope for pie, stick a cupcake in my eye."


"What did you just say?" The rhyming skill was great, but I knew an idiot like him couldn't have made that.


"Oh while we're at it, telling each other secrets and stuff, might as well tell you.. I like MLP."


"What's that?"


"You really want me to say it?" I nod my head in response and he sighs,"I like My Little Pony."




"Anyways, just tell me who you like."


After deciding he probably wouldn't tell anyone I replied,"I like-"


I was cut off by the bell and soon enough the class began to fill. Lunch was over and I didn't even get to eat anything. Kris was nudging his elbow against my arm and I just ignored him. I knew he wanted to ask about who my beautiful stranger, whom I'm currently staring at, is.


Ah.. Byun Baekhyun. To me, he is the sun and I am but another flower in the garden that receives his presence as energy. He shines brighter than anyone else in this accursed classroom. I mean, he is the most popular kid in school.


How did I even fall in love with such a person in the first place? I guess it started when he saved me from those damned bullies. 


A long time ago, I used to be bullied a lot for being the ugliest, smallest, and skinniest kid in my class. One day, those bullies decided to beat me up in the hallway and everyone passed by as if nothing happened in front of them. I vividly remember each punch and kick as I was curled in a ball on my side, covering my head with my arms and bringing my legs up to my chest.


After a heavy blow to the back of my neck, the one place I didn't cover, I felt myself slowly escaping the world. I could've sworn I saw God reaching his hand towards me.


But before any of those brains could've hurt me any further, my hero came and beat the bullies up. My vision was blurry, but I could make out Baekhyun's face as he scared the bullies away. All I could remember after that was him coming closer to me and then I woke up in the nurse's office.


I slowly rose out of the bed and felt a sharp pain at my side and my neck, giving small groans as I sat myself up. I looked around me and spotted my beloved sleeping at my feet, noticing his leg had a bandage on it. 


I widened my eyes and slowly reached to pet his head, but decided not to, since it'd wake him up. But despite my efforts, his eyes fluttered open and I quickly retracted my hand as he turned his head towards me. 


He stared at me and we stayed in silence for a while.


I decided, after what felt like eternity, to break the silence. "S.. sorry.." I managed.


He smiled at me and sat up, stretching his arms and I admired his body as he did so.


"You're welcome." He yawned, getting up. As he was about to leave, I quickly grabbed his wrist, stopping him.


I looked away and stared at the blanket on my feet,"Th-thanks.. I .. I don't know what would happened if you hadn't stepped in.. And.. I'm sorry about your leg.. aren't you the soccer team captain? You must hate me now.." I took a quick glance at his face and immediately looked away.


He then took his wrist out of my grasp, and told me,"Don't be sorry. I'm actually kinda glad you did this. Thanks." He messed with my hair and limped out of the room.


Those words stayed with me and I'd never be able to forget them. I had always wondered why he said those words. I told myself to forget about him, but I couldn't. Every passing second felt like hours of torture, because the curiosity he came with killed me on the inside. Those words stuck to me and I couldn't forget them no matter what I did.




I stopped reminiscing over my past and noticed all eyes were on me.


"Y-yes?" I stuttered.


"Were you listening to what I just said?" Mr. Do asked, sighing.




"Meet me after school,"He said, followed by some 'ooh'-ing."EVERYBODY SHUT UP!"


Everybody apologized, except for a certain someone.


Mr. Do slammed his pointer stick on none other than Baekhyun's desk."You're not going to say sorry?"


"Huh?" He seemed like he wasn't paying attention to Mr. Do since the beginning. 


"Say you're sorry."


I don't know what had clicked in my head over such a trivial thing, maybe it was because I had been thinking about Baekhyun previously, but I stood up in my seat. All eyes back on me. I looked around for a few seconds, then decided it'd be best to speak.


"He didn't do anything wrong, Sir."


"What?" He asked, irritable.


"I mean, he probably didn't want to say anything. He wasn't someone who went 'ooh' so that's probably why he didn't say anything." I didn't know why the words came out. I didn't usually talk back to my teachers, but I just felt like I had to defend Baekhyun. It felt so natural.


"Okay fine, both of you could stay for 30 min. after school." Mr. Do said as he made his way back to his seat.




"An hour?"


"Sorry." I sat back down in defeat. I cursed myself, but felt my body barely noticably shaking as the thought of spending an hour with my beloved alone in a classrom.


The dreaded time came and I and Baekhyun stayed in our seats as everyone packed up to leave. The occasional girls waved good-bye to Baekhyun and giggled, running out of the classroom. And after everyone left, a deadly silence fell upon us.


I tried not staring at the boy, instead I tried to stare at the clock that hung at the front of the classroom, but I couldn't help but fix my gaze onto the boy.


The ticking of the clock was the only sound that was heard and after about ten minutes of waiting for the teacher to come, Baekhyun rose out of his seat.


"Wh-where are you going?" I asked, sounding desperate. I cursed myself for thinking it was almost too obvious for him to notice.


He looked back at me and I avoided his eyes. "None of your business." He non-chalantly said as he checked his watch, muttering a 'Crap." under his breath. He looked at me again and I looked away.


"Tell the teacher I'm visiting my dad in the hospital." Baekhyun told me, rushing out of the classroom. I had so many questions to ask him... all of my chances of doing so ended because I was too much of a coward to say something.


After about 30 minutes, Mr. Do came in and sat in his desk,"Where's Baekhyun?"


"H-he said he went to the hospital.. because he's visiting his dad.." I stammered.. I'm not a very good liar...


"Oh.. Sounds like a lie.." The teacher mumbled to himself, pulling out a magazine.


"D-did you say s-something, Mr. Do?" I asked, worried he saw right through me.


"Oh nothing. It's just that Baekhyun hates his father." He replied as he flipped through the pages.




"You didn't hear? He hates his father and even quit soccer because of it. There's a rumor going around that-"Mr. Do slammed his magazine down on his desk and glared at me,"You never heard any of this from me, okay?" And with that said he continued flipping through the pages of his magazine.


I couldn't stop thinking of Baekhyun after that. I wondered what had happened between him and his father.. and what was this rumor that Mr. Do couldn't tell me about?


After the hour had passed by, I decided to go to the rooftop since I had time to spare. I mean, it's not like I was going to do homework. As I opened the door to the roof, I took in a deep breath, wanting some fresh air after being trapped in that small stuffy room.


But it wasn't fresh, it was polluted with the smell of cigarettes. I coughed and wheezed after taking it all in.


I looked around and noticed a figure at the far corner of the roof. It was so familiar and as I squinted my eyes, I saw that it was none other than my beloved stranger.

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ChanyeolStoleMyBacon #1
Can't wait for the first chapter c: !
Sounds interesting ... Update soon ;D