Not Alone #Final

Not Alone

You walk in the long hallways in your school. Another day of hell. You're deeply in love with Baekhyun but he never noticed you. Although, you thought. You see him talking to the most beautiful and popular girls in school. He is flirting a bit with them because he is a kind of a player. You sigh and walk a little faster because those girl, are actually your bullies. You see Baekhyun waving to the girls and walking to his class. You're getting really scared because you're alone in the hallways with your bullies. You start walking fast and faster... You look behind you and see them walkimg towards you with a grin on their face. They're 10 times faster than you. Suddenly you feel one of them pulling your pony tail. "Oh god no, they've got me no no no." you think. "We're gonna have some fun with you" one of the girls said with a grin on her face. "NO LET ME GO LET ME GO!" You scream as hard as you could and you try everything to escape but no one hears you. They walk to the toilets and they take you with them. It's hurts so much, it feels like they're gonna pull your hair off. You're in the toilets now. They open the door of one of the toilets and get you on your knees. They open the toilet and let go of your hair. They grab your head and put your head in the toilet a few times. It feels like your drowning, it's so nasty. "Let it stop let it stop please I can't take it no more." you think the whole time. They finally let you go and they walk away from you while laughing at each other and leaving you there. You lock the toilet door and sit on the toilet. You burst out in tears. You grab your stuff and make your way to your home. You don't care about school anymore. You don't care about anything anymore. You take your bicycle and you cycle as fast at you can to get home.

You're finally home and you throw your bicycle away. You grab your keys with shaking hands to unlock the door. You walk in your house and check all the rooms to make sure no one's home. Your parents are at work and your little sister is at school. Good. You make your way upstairs to the bathroom. You open the medicine cabinet and grab some random pills. "Do you really want this? Is this really what you want?" you sigh. "Yes. It's now or never." You walk towards you room and sit on the floor. Tears running down your face.

"Okay, you can to this. Just take them and everything's over." You're thinking about this a long time. It's the time now. It's time to go. You just need to. You take some pills for the diverse jars.

"Okay, it's time now." You take 5 minutes of silence before really doing it. It's really time now. You take the pills and put them in your mound. Tears running down your face. You swallow it. Yes, this is real. You did it. You're going to die in a few minutes now. Bye bullies. Bye haters. Bye world. You've won. You're eyes started to get heavy and you're laying on the cold ground now. You're gone. You're gone for real and you're never coming back. Never. You're already making your way to up there.


"Ugh, these girls who think that they're popular are so annoying... but I don't want to be rude to them. They'll go away soon. Right?" I thought. I just nodded and smiled at them. I saw Eunji walking by. She looked so beautiful as usual... But I was too scared to talk to her. She looked so cute. Everything about her. Inside and outside. "I'll have the courage to ask her out after school. This time I'll do it. It's now or never." I thought. "It's already that late...I need to go to my class" I waved at the girls because I didn't want to be rude ofcourse. So I waved at them and walked to my class.

"Okay, it's time now." I was really nervous. I grabbed the bunch of roses out of my locker.

I arrived at her house. I looked in the window to check if my hair was not messy or something. I walked towards her door. "Weird, her door is open. I'll ring the bell because I don't want to be rude ofcourse." I ringed the bell and waited for some 5 minutes. Nothing. I decided to go inside even though I knew this wasn't right but I felt something was wrong... I started screaming her name. "Eunji? Eunji!? Are you here?" I looked around in her house. I felt really bad but for some reason I needed to do this. I decided to walk upstairs. I looked around to find her or her room. Then I saw her room. Her name was on her bedroom door with childish stickers but somehow it was cute. I walked in her room. I saw her laying on the ground with a jar of pills in her hand. She didn't make a move.

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"No, no this can't be real. NOOOOO PLS NO." Tears ran down my face. I dropped the flowers on the floor. I layed next to her. Looking at her. Crying. I didn't know what to do. I was so broken. Everything hurted. I loved her so much. I looked at the jar of pills again. I grabbed them out of her hand. I put diverse pills in my hand. "I'm coming for you my beautiful angel. I'll never leave you alone. I promise." I whispered in her ear. I kissed her forehead before taking the pills. I put them in my mound and I swallowed it. Now we're both gone. You're not alone. Even when you're up there.

It's finally finished! Leave a comment of what think of it. I would appreciate it! It actually took really long to write this, I don't even know why but yeah. Maybe because I didn't have that much time? Whatever, it was pretty hard for me to write because some tears where running down my face while writing this :p this is by the way first sad fanfiction ad my 2nd fanfiction I wrote so it's not that good but I really hope you like it! Thank you all for reading this, I love you.

-xxx- Noa

p.s. if you have suicidal feelings or if you are feeling depressed, know that you can ALWAYS talk to me. Remember, you are NOT alone.

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IAmFriendly #1
This was great! :) Thanks for sharing and nice job author-nim! :)
sanalyvaj #2
Chapter 1: This is the first story I read where the guyy goes after the dead girl! And I freakin love it. Lol. Baekhyun is so qhgejdgbdgahaj! Nice story by the way! ^^
mrskimjungshin #3
Chapter 1: Omg u-u dang u bullies >.<