Save the Last Dance for Me

Donghae City Highschool

" Ohmygoshhh Sulli! Aren't you excited for the High school night party? If you're going to ask me, I am so ecpxcited!!! " Tiffany exclaimed

" What's the High school night party? " Sulli asked

They were walking while having their break...

" Nothing, it's just eating, and you're going to dance and you'll have a chance to meet the younger batches and it's a formal event. That's all " Tiffany answered 

" Dance? What type of dance? "

" I think it's fast dance and slow dance.. I guess? " Tiffany replied

They finished their meals and proceeded to their classrooms

" So are you going to ask your crush, Minho? It's your last chance! You know it's your last week to be together, why not grab the chance? Your last chance? " Tiffany said

" I'm not going to ask him, okay? I still have my pride as a woman. " Sulli said

" Okayy, if you say so... " Tiffany just grinned... A plan hatched out of her head

Their last 4 classes began to start

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 

After classes....

Sulli already went home but Tiffany is looking for Minho... 

Why is she looking for Minho? 

Tiffany looked around the cafeteria... And she saw him eating alone.

" Minho! " Tiffany called out while gasping for air because of her long run

" Hey! Minho! Heyy! " 

Minho heard her and looked up 

" Yes? " Minho answered

" I was just wondering if... " Tiffany didn't know how to start her question and/or her request...

She is planning to ask Minho if he can dance Sulli during the High school night party...

It's their last week to be together...

" You are just wondering if... what? " Minho replied

" I was just wondering if.... if you  can dance my friend, Sulli to the party...? " " And, and if you won't put meaning to me asking you about it ... and please don't tell Sulli, please? " Tiffany almost begged and pleaded

Minho is taken aback... What does this girl want from him?

" Well, not that I am bragging,  but many girls already asked for a dance... but okay, since it is the last week of class, I guess I may as well dance her... " Minho clearly said 

" Oh thank you thank you Minho!! You don't know how happy I am! Bye! " Tiffany jumped and jumped away from him

" Goodbye? I guess? " 

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 

That night....

" What?! Did Tiffany really do that? I can't believe she can do such a thing! " Minho's friend exclaimed

" Yeah... What am I going to do? I mean you know that me and Sulli are awkward...You know that we have a complicated relationship that I never understood...It's like we don't talk at all... but we like each other and I don't know what to do when she's around.. Something like that? " Minho said... He's in his room , walking circles

" Minho, just act cool, act cool, okay? " 

" How can I do that if I don't even know what 'cool' means?! " Minho yelled at Key

" I'm not mad at you okay, but you're on your own now.. That's the only advice I can give you... And if you can't do it, don't ask me what to do next... " Key hang up the phone

" Hey! Hey! Hello! Ughh! " Minho shouted in frustration

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

" You did what?! " Sulli was talking to Tiffany over the phone

" I said, I asked Minho to- " Tiffany was about tell her again when Sulli interrupted

" I heard you , okay? But, I just can't believe that you did that! How can you ask Minho to dance me without my permission?! " Sulli shouted .... She can feel blood boiling to her face

" Okay, I know you are really mad... I'm sorry, but I know you'll have a good time with Minho, okay? Don't be mad at me, Please? "

" Whatever, goodbye! " Sulli ended the call

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Highschool Night Party

" Sulli! Have fun with your classmates! " Mr. Yoon said 

" Ah, yes! " Sulli just did a head bow. She was wearing a violet one-shoulder gown with glitter and shimmers

She was just sitting alone in her table.... All of her friends started dancing ... some are eating....

She's afraid that Tiffany will see her and drag her to Minho.

" Sulli! There you are! " Tiffany said

" Hey, what's up? " Sulli said

" Too bad, Minho is still dancing the other girls who like him... " Tiffany stated

" See? He doesn't like me, okay? " Sulli said

" No, no! That's not what I'm trying to say! Why, all of the boys have many girls to dance! It's the last week of highschool! What can you expect?! " Tiffany is starting to get annoyed at Sulli

" Fine! If that's what you want to say! " Sulli started walking away

" Fine.... " Tiffany watched her go away....

Sulli saw Minho walking very fast.... Maybe he was looking for someone? For her? She didn't care.... She wanted to go home.... 

Minho saw her....He heard her use her voice play a violin tune.... But he didn't know what to do .... He never forgot that they were awkward....

They didn't dance that night.... It was the end of their highschool love story....

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

12 years later.....

Gwangbokjeol Day

Even though it's a holiday, she still wore an office attire 

Sulli is having her day off from work when she decided to eat in a certain restaurant. 

When she entered the restaurant, she noticed someone very familiar...

Very  familiar indeed....

It was Minho.

Sulli never thought that she will love him up until now. She thought that she will meet someone new when she starts college.. But she was wrong. Her love story is not just your typical love story.

She sat down on his table... She sat across him

" Who are you? What do you want from me?! " Minho immediately asked, panicked

" It hurts that you don't remember me anymore " Sulli smiled and started doing her quirky talent. It was to use her voice to play as a violin.

Minho's eyes widened as he swallowed his pesto pasta

" Sulli, is that you? " Minho leaned closer to her 

She just closed her eyes and smiled.

She opened her eyes and looked at him in the eye.

" Umm, I guess I should get going.. " Sulli decided to eat in a different restaurant

" Minho suddenly stood up and reached out his hand

"No!! I mean, don't you want to catch up? With me? " Minho asked her

" I can't believe that we are not awkward anymore... But I think I should get going because your wife might see me. " Sulli replied...she knows she is smiling, though

Minho sat down again

" Wife? Aahahhaahhahahahahahahahahha!!!! Where did you get that nonsense? " Minho was still laughing

Sulli is left confused and dumb-founded 

" Wait just let me pay my bill... and we'll take a walk " Minho stood up and went to the cashier

" O-o-okkay " Sulli followed his figure

After paying the bill, they started walking 

" So you mean you are an airline manager now? " Minho asked her... Sulli was talking about her job and career

" Don't forget the 'station' . I'm an airline station manager...Asian Airlines' Station Manager. " Sulli proudly said

" Alright, alright... " 

" What about you? " Sulli asked

" Me? I'm just working as a spokesman of a bank... " Minho said while looking at her

" Woah, you reached high, huh ... " 

They were still walking around the stores

Taking a peek of every store

" So, umm, you mean you don't have a wife? And you don't have a girlfriend? " Sulli asked suddenly... She was dying to know...

" We just broke up 5 months ago.. " 

" Ohh, that's sad...." Sulli knew that she felt jealousy over her body

He was taken

" Oh, don't be sad, besides, I'm getting tired of her. I think it's for the best. " Minho said

Minho knows that the feelings he felt 12 years ago for the girl walking beside him, is coming back.

They suddenly saw people having a festive dance around a loud decorated speaker....

Oh yeah! It is a holiday today!

Old and young, strong and limp, male and female, all of them were dancing happily.

Minho looked at Sulli. She was looking at the dancing people. He knew she wanted to dance. He knew they were missing something.

" It would be better if the music was for slow dancing, but I guess this is fine. " Minho thought

" Minho, do you remember the last day you spent in highschool? " Sulli asked and faced him


" The night party and the dance? " Minho hesitantly said... He was building awkwardness

" Yeah..Do you remember the girl you forgot to dance? Do you remember her awkward gestures towards you? " Sulli asked

Minho knew right away that it was the missing piece to his puzzled mind

" So do you want to have a dance? With me? In here? " Minho looked at her..His eyes were filled with longing

The way his eyes sparkled, Sulli called it his " charming eyes "

They started walking towards the center and danced

He held her hand while dancing with her 

" I'm glad that you sat on my table while I was eatinga while ago... Because ....because if you didn't , I would still be meditating about what's missing in me " Minho told her

" You dancing me....." Sulli looked away  " Is it really that valuable to you? " she asked

" My conscience is hunting me....And, maybe you are correct...Maybe it is valuable to me... Maybe it means something to me...And I don't even know why " Minho replied

" Or maybe because I still like you.. " He blurted out

She just smiled... She felt her heart skip a beat

Suddenly, the music turned from festive to slow...

Their bodies know what to do

And that is to act like lovestruck highschoolers holding each other gently while swaying

She was startled of what Minho told her.

" Nobody knows " and a satisfied smile was her only response

" Maybe the world, and God made me save the last dance for you " Minho added

They continued smiling and dancing...


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kimipuys #1
Chapter 1: Sweet story minsu. Thanks authornim
jhanehojas #2
Chapter 1: sweet story tnx authornim
nana4ever #3
Chapter 1: Cute story .... Thank you.

Enjoy your day !!!
shopkeeper #4
Chapter 1: yes..fate make them meeting again.. minsul is love, minsul is fate.. thanks authornim
Chapter 1: Whoa! It's nice!

Authornim, I suggest you to add the minsul tag so all of us ( minsul fans) can read this story. :)

Have a good day!