
Oh, Professor

The walk to the faculty room was probably the longest walk I ever had in my life. It took me around fifteen minutes to get there—which is really long since the faculty room was, what, a hundred meters away from the classroom?—and another five minutes of sweating and calming my heart before I actually knocked. 

“Come in.” You can do this, Hyukjae. I entered the room and saw Mr. Lee reading the newspaper and having a cup of coffee—the typical teacher thing. I sat on the chair in front of his table and coughed a little when he wasn’t putting the newspaper down. “Oh, it’s you, Hyukjae. I thought it was someone from the maintainance,” he explained. “What took you so long though? I was waiting for you.” Nope, I can’t do this. Dead puppies, Hyukjae. Dead puppies. Calm your sht and don’t be such a girl. Breathebreathebreathe

A felt a him put his hand over mine. It was warm and I wanted it to stay there forever. “Hey, are you okay? I’ve been telling you a lot about the importance of behaving and keeping your grades up, and you were just nodding the whole time.” He wasn’t that strict and straight-faced teacher I see every English class and my feelings can’t handle this kind and cute side of him.

Answer his question! say something! “Whyareyousoperfect.” Sht, wrong thought. “I- I mean, I’m fine. I- I should get going, someone’s waiting for me. Thank you so much for your time,” I said as I struggled to put on my bag. I took one quick look at him before I ran to find Henry. He looked so lost and confused, and I thanked myself for leaving 'cause I probably would have jumped on the adorable creature.




“Wait wait wait. So you’re asking me what does it mean if he leaned close, grabbed-slash-touched your hand and asked you if you’re okay?” Henry replied after I told him what was confusing my feelings. “You seriously can’t believe there’s something with just that.” I elbowed him lightly in the gut and he gave me a dirty look after he almost fell off the sidewalk. “Henry, you don’t understand! He’s not supposed to do that because he’s a teach-“ He didn’t need to know that. I stopped my tracks and Henry did too.

“You have a crush on Mr. Lee???” Sht, too late. “You can’t tell anyone, okay! You know how lies go around in school,” I said while shaking him back to his senses. It took him a while before he got the information to sink in and pushed me off him. “Technically, it won’t be a lie if it goes around the campus since you actually like him.” This kid, seriously? I smacked the back of his head. “Ouch! I was just kidding okay! but Mr. Lee, really? Dude, he’s like, my idol.” I didn’t know how Henry guessed who I was talking about so I decided to ask him. “How come you knew it’s Mr. Lee?” He gave me an are-you-kidding-me look and I just shrugged. “Hyung, ninety percent of our school’s personnel is made up of eyebags and wrinkles, and you’d think Mr. Lee is a student ‘cause of his young and dreamy looks~” Henry mocked the way I described Mr. Lee to him earlier when he didn’t know who he was, so I showed him my shut-the-fck-up face. "And you’re always extra pushy on Wednesdays on Fridays. Now I know it’s because of English 10,” he said while wiggling his eyebrows to annoy me even more. “Aish, you should be thankful that I’m already legal and I can’t hurt you ‘cause I seriously don’t want to go to jail,” I paused a little to recall something Henry said earlier. 

“Didn’t you say he’s your idol? By ‘idol’ you mean, like, you want to be a teacher too or something?" We were already in front of his house, and he was just looking at me like I said the most ridiculous thing in the world. “What? I was just asking!” I tried to defend myself. 

“Hyung.. don’t tell me you missed the basketball game in school yard last week….” What. I was so confused and Henry had this funny-slash-shocked face while eagerly waiting for my obvious answer. “I thought it was a joke! I didn’t know we had enough professors who can still run and shoot!” after a few seconds of silence with matching straight faces, we both laughed so hard. “Good point. I can’t believe it too! But knowing you, you would have went there for the varsity players, you know. All the “cute” players and stuff,” he said. You’re right, I would have done that. Wait a minute.. He was about to open the front door but I stopped him. “Hold up. How come you watched that game and I didn’t? Knowing that we had the same opinion on the grandpaville existing in the teaching department.. Henry were you there… because of the varsity players??” He looked at me disbelievingly and said, “Amber wanted to watch so she asked me. I can’t believe you think I can replace her just like that!” He faked sobs, so I slapped his arm to make him stop. “Man, you are whipped! But we should probably actually enter our houses before our moms go crazy. Open your chat, I’ll hit you up.” 




violinboy_henry:  hey, how come you haven’t made your move on Mr. Lee

leehyukjae404: exactly why I asked you to go online !!

violinboy_henry: oh cool what’s up

leehyukjae404: you know my friend Victoria right….

violinboy_henry: Yeah, she’s friends with Am too

violinboy_henry: what about her

leehyukjae404: no sht? small world

violinboy_henry: ok ok i know stop delaying and get to the point

leehyukjae404: -_______- douche

leehyukjae404: here’s the thing…

leehyukjae404: she called dibs on him on our first meeting.


leehyukjae404: what do you mean “so?” I can’t do that to her. There’s a CODE

violinboy_henry: a code???????

violinboy_henry: …..

violinboy_henry: ur such a girl

leehyukjae404: shut up and help me D;

violinboy_henry: hyung

violinboy_henry: you DO know that Victoria has a boyfriend right

violinboy_henry: right?

violinboy_henry: hyung

violinboy_henry: hello?

violinboy_henry: -________-

violinboy_henry: hyung...

violinboy_henry: LEE HYUKJAE


leehyukjae404: OH YES I AM


Wait for me, Mr. Lee Donghae. 'Cause I am seriously going to get you.



A/N: short chapter again i cry

Thank you to all the readers and of course, the subscribers and for the comments ;u; I'll give you a shoutout at the end of this fic^^ I can't tell you what happens next because it's a surpriseuuuu~

Check out my other fic too: "Your Universe" :)

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sujuismylife15 #1
Chapter 4: This is cute ><
Chapter 4: I love this! It's just what a high school fic should be - witty and lighthearted. EunSiHae is love, so I'm infinitely curious about what will happen next.
Chapter 4: Thanks fo the Update ^^ Hm.... I really like HaeHyuk tbh, you know xD But it's ok EunHae as well
Fadelah #4
Chapter 4: Oh Donghae don't play hard to get you'll be running to him ;)
Chapter 4: Personally I prefer haehyuk but u are the author ;) great one ;p can't wait for more ^^
Chapter 4: Well Hyuk seems to be getting along with Siwon but i think he still had the hots for Hae but it would be hard because i'm sure teacher/student relationships are frowned upon but will see..Great Update <3333333
EunhyuradeLuffy #7
Chapter 3: Is I Hyukhae? Haehyuk?
Omg, I'm so curious to know whats gonna happen in the next chap >< Update soon ~~
Chapter 3: Found this and started reading it and I LOVE IT! It was sweet of Hyuk to give up on Mr.Lee cuz Victoria called dibs on him even though he had the hots for him but remembering she had a boyfriend thanks to Henry he can make his move..will be interesting to see what kind of sessions he will have with Hae and boy oh boy he has to tutor Siwon this is going to be real interesting ..Looking forward to the next update when you can :D
Chapter 3: I laughed at the end,...and was waiting for the music to go dun,dun,...DUNNNNN!!! Oh good luck hyukkie!!!