chapter one

The chaotic wedding

"Kim Jong in. you're late again. what is your excuse this time?"

the said student didn't even bother to look at his teacher and directly went to sit in his chair without saying any single word .

tss.such a useless moron . i made a face when he passed by my chair.

"why did God even created such a useless person like him?" i asked to my self .almost whispering . ALMOST. because i think the devil heard it because he said something i wished i didn't hear.

"you mean. why did God created  such a handsome , and perfect creature like me? or did you mean why did God created such a insecure little boy like you?"  he said in a mocking and so irritating tone .
i stood up in my chair and went to his seat. and the f cking moron , the f cking moron is just seating there like he didn't said  those horible things. yeah. those are  horible things since those  came from a horible person like him. a conceited monster like him.

i approach him by slaming my fist in his desk . he looked at me with a stupid smirk playing in his lips.

" who is the insecure little boy you are talking about?"  i said tempting my self to punch his face.

"wae? do you think it's you? well congrats ! because you guessed it corectly " the stupid smirk isn't fading away and it's making want to punch him to death.

"well f ck you. never. in my .entire. life. that i will be insecure especially with you . a  moron who only knows how to flirt"  and it's my turn to smirk when he harshly got up from his seat ,his  face was red because of anger.

"  ha ! at least i'm not boring like you who know nothing but to study because you definitely don't have any friends to hang out with. "

and before i even throw another insult ,our professor stopped us by shouting "you two! get out of this room and go to detention room .NOW!" we can't do anything but to exit and go to the detention room . 

"So Mr.Kim and Mr. Do ,remind me please why are you here" the teacher in the detention office ask. 
i look at kim the greatest moron who currently looking at me also. we exchange glares with each other.

" i guessed you really hate each other huh? then you are leaving me with no choice but to do this. i hope this will work " she walked out and get a rope .
i gave her a confuse look . what is she going to do with a rope?

"you two. stand with each other " she commanded earning a protest from both of us . she shoot us a glare saying 'just do what i am saying or i'll suspend both of you' . 
so even if we don't like , we forced ourselves to do so . 
we stood behind each other looking like a full idiot . she held my right hand and tied it with jong in's left hand  using the rope . wait . what!? 
she tied next my foot with jong in. 
what the f ck is this?

"so now , yo two stuck with each other and you have to work together as one or else i'll suspend both of you .understand? you just have to clean our whole campus. that's all. now leave."

seriously? with our feet and hands tied with each other?  someone tell me it's  just a lame joke because it's not funny.

"start now little peasants . we don't want to be suspended now , do we?"

i just let out a deep sigh  .
f ck. maybe i should plan how to murder him .. 

A/n : what do you think guys? should i continue this ? LOL.

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byunhikari #1
Chapter 2: continue pls~
NuruL_AishyA #2
Chapter 2: Interesting!
Update soon :)